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Posted on Wed 23rd Nov, 2016 @ 11:39pm by Colonel Horatio Drake & Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant Ricardo Shepard
Edited on on Sat 26th Nov, 2016 @ 9:55pm

560 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Murder on the Silent Night Express
Location: Deck 12: Main Operations
Timeline: MD-01: 0655 Hours

"Mr. Shepard, as soon as that ship docks I want it under quarantine - no one in or out until we get down there! What docking bay are we assigning them?" Drake spoke to the Chief Operations Officer as he started moving toward the turbolift.

"Aye, sir. Docking bay fifty six is vacant and fairly isolated... assigning it to the Silent Night now."

"Very good. Have a Marine detachment meet us down there" He said, before turning his attention to the Executive Officer.

"Mr. Hunt, with me"

The two officers quick stepped into the turbolift and were soon on their way into the depths of the base.


Within ten minutes they were walking at speed, with a squad of three armed Marines, rounding the corner to docking bay fifty six. To Drake's disbelief an Operations Ensign was sitting at a docking bay console, speaking with a Dopterian male... the doors to the ship were wide open and no one else was in site.

"Ensign!" Drake almost yelled down the corridor. "I gave specific orders for this ship to remain in quarantine. Why the Hell have you disembarked the occupants?"

"I... Sir... I never received an order for that, sir!" He replied, standing to attention.

Hunt walked over to a nearby console, "Sir, no signs of any orders. If I were to hazard a guess, one of these bloody computer issues again. I will call someone to investigate this issue."

"Colonel, my name is Erick Rudolph... the First Mate of the Silent Night" The Dopterian spoke in a surprisingly deep voice.

"Mr. Rudolph, where are you crew? Where are your passengers? Surely you realise they are all suspects?" Drake was angry but it was a controlled anger. His temper had got him in hot water more times than he cared to remember... he had learned when to allow his temper to run away with itself and when to keep a leash on it.

"I do, Colonel... that is why I was surprised as to why you had not requested the ship to be isolated. As for the passengers... there were none. We were starting a new route today and picking up from the starbase." He was confident in his reply.

"What actions have we taken for the murder scene?" Hunt queried, asking either the Ensign or the Dopterian.

"The Captain is the murdered party." He paused, hesitant. "His quarters have been sealed, no one has entered since we found the body. The body itself has been moved to our infirmary."

"Mr. Hunt" Drake turned to face his Number One. "Notify Sickbay to make arrangements to have the body moved and an autopsy performed. I want the crew found and Marine Security Officers attached to each one of them. Also get someone from security onto this."

Being a Marine himself, he always favoured using Marines in any task at hand. There was no question that a Starfleet Security Officer would have done the same job... but Drake always felt more comfortable around the green uniforms.

"I will send the Crew manifest to the security at hand and they'll easily locate them I'm sure. How often do we see Dopterians?!" Hunt exclaimed.
As much as the thought of a murderer coming to Vanguard bugged Hunt, he was looking forward to working with Drake properly. "I'll ask the Security Department to send an investigator".


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Comments (2)

By on Sat 26th Nov, 2016 @ 9:58pm

Oh, nicely covers the "escapes" of some of the crew! =)

By Commander Zachary Hunt on Sun 27th Nov, 2016 @ 3:05am

Haha we tried our best ;)