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The Goo From the Grill

Posted on Sun 6th Nov, 2016 @ 12:02am by Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant Ricardo Shepard & Lieutenant JG Patrick Biere
Edited on on Sun 6th Nov, 2016 @ 12:38pm

1,169 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Cloak & Dagger
Location: Main Science Lab
Timeline: MD 2, 1630

"Sorry I'm late everyone. I wanted to make sure the engineering teams were made aware of what to look for when dealing with some of the power outages." Rico walked into the main Science lab and found everyone standing by one of the lab tables.

"Have I missed anything? The Ops Boss asked.

"I have been waiting breathlessly for your arrival, Mr. Shepard," Addams said, turning to regard him. "In the hope that someone will explain why we have gathered to examine an Erlenmeyer flask full of silicone lubricant?"

"Ah, if I may?" McCabe asked. "This is not silicone lubricant, Doctor. It's ... well, I don't know what it is, but I can tell you what it's component parts are. It may even be related to polysiloxanes in some obscure way, since the structure is similar. However, this is based on Calcium and Oxygen in a formula [RCaO]n." Seeing mostly incomprehension, Anthony moved on quickly.

"The important part is that it seems inorganic, and it is a chain of tetravalent calcium molecules as silicone is tetravalent silicon molecules. However, here's the odd thing. It has some characteristics of organic life, so we can't discount some level of intelligence." That was a pretty crude summary, but it would suffice for now. "Life is not entirely my bailiwick, Doctor. Perhaps you will be able to determine more about that."

Addams took a medical tricorder from the thigh pocket of her uniform trousers, snapped off the Feinberg scanner, and used it to examine the substance within the flask. "It is, of course, nearly impossible to rule out organic origin without seeing the organism in question," Addams said, "but the biology of such an organism would be unusual, to say the least." She shook her head slightly, and returned the Feinberg scanner to the top of the tricorder. "Of course, normal is an illusion; what is normal to the spider is horror to the fly."

"So, it looks as if we could have a big space spider on board leaving goo in it's path?" Rico said, concern in his voice. "Anything but spiders," he muttered under his breath.

Hunt groaned, "The words big and spider definitely don't go well together."

"I was speaking figuratively," Addams said. "Again, we have not yet seen the creature, or even confirmed that it exists. If it does exist, it may be a spider, or a slug, or a cephalopod, or a green-eyed Asian woman."

"None of those words go well together either...."

Shepard walked over to one of the science lab stations and pulled up a starbase diagram. "OK, the red spots you see here on the map are where we have had the most power fluctuations and/or frayed wires. I am not getting more reports of people finding this goo. Is it possible for us to use these locations to triangulate where or whatever this thing is could be?"

"Shouldn't be a problem to do that, Sir. Obviously, the only problem would be getting the exact location of whatever this thing is, but I suppose that's where all of us would come in. The next question would be, is anyone in danger from this? If we can triangulate the place where it would be, do we keep people there? Or move them out until it's dealt with?" Biere answered.

"If we are going on a bug hunt," Addams said, "I should feel much more comfortable if we brought along a Marine or two for me to stand behind." For a moment, she thought of the tyranosaurid Marine she had known only by his team nickname, Cuddles. "Preferably large Marines."

"I will sort that one out," Hunt replied, walking a couple of meters away so he could still hear what was going on whilst trying to get some Marines sorted quickly.

So far, Jade had been silent, but now she saw a place she could help. "I can't make the decision to move people or not, but I can help with either one, with keeping people calm, if necessary, and fed if need be. So far, people think this is just some kind of power issue, but it won't be long before rumors start flying, and a little goo in the grill is going to become our base being over-run with alien lifeforms. So, Lieutenant Biere, can you quickly isolate an area where we should search? More than one area, if need be?"

"Realistically I can get it down to about three locations, unfortunately they all seem to be on the Main Promenade decks....well the problems are spread far and wide...let's see," Biere looked upon the diagram, analyzing it to himself. "I would say between 650 to 652. Maybe a bit longer I can give more specific details." He continued to study the diagram.

Shepard looked over the diagram again. Looking at the very bottom area of the starbase. "Biere, when was the last time someone one physically went down to the bottom levels of the starbase?"

"Wait," interrupted Jade. "You think there's some kind of connection between the Promenade decks and the Deeps?"

"There's no reason for anyone to go down pods down there, never used. A lot of secondary bits down there, sensors, signal maintenance, but Vanguard has been run down for so long that no one should have been down there for so long. Weapons storage...." He paused and seemed to think to himself. "Hmm."

"Well that hmm didn't sound good," Hunt said.

"Just thinking, looking for connections. Anyone else got ideas?" Biere asked.

Rico continued to stare at the map diagram while contemplating. "I think the deeps as Ms. Lantz called it is a good spot. If the creature or whatever it is was positioned locally, someone would have seen something by now. The deeps is a perfect nesting or hiding ground."

"How long before we can realistically assemble a team ready to go down and take a look?" Hunt queried.

Addams looked around. "Absent the Marines, I don't see any reason we couldn't go with the parties present," she observed. The doors slid open, and a Marine staff sergeant and lance corporal stepped in. "I stand corrected," Addams said with a wry smile. "I now see no reason we couldn't go with the parties present."

"Commander Hunt?" one of the Marines asked, coming to attention. "Sir, I am Staff Sergeant Euphemios; this is Lance Corporal Aleksasdottir. Reporting as ordered, sir!"

"Thanks for coming so swiftly," He shook their hands and proceeded. "I'm going to split us into two teams. Both teams will go down and investigate, just in separate locations. As soon as or if you find something, report it in and the other team will join you. Do not attempt to apprehend something without the other team. Aleksasdottir, Shepard, and someone get hold of Sianna Dal...You're with me. Euphemios, you'll be with everyone else. Can someone get Major Green...after all security is his place and he's nowhere to be seen! Any questions?"


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