Boarding Physial
Posted on Wed 11th Jul, 2012 @ 1:13am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Fihnrilk'Hob"ledn-ardol (Fin) & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller
1,173 words; about a 6 minute read
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: 2nd day
She put it off longer than normal. A physical was usually one of the first things to be done on boarding a new ship or station. Looking around at the state of disarray, Fin didn't think it was a big deal to be getting it done 24 hours after her arrival.
When she entered the medical bay, she was pleased to see that it looked fully functional and up to date---mostly. Reaching out, she stopped a passing Ensign. "Excuse me, is the Chief around?"
"Lieutenant - er Nyx is on duty, yes." The Ensign nodded with a smile. "Are you injured or ill?" She asks grabbing a tricorder ready to triage the patient before calling the doctor.
Fin smiled, her cognac eyes sparkling. "No, I'm here for my boarding physical. Could you tell her that SCPO Fin would like to see her?" Because the body was not one she'd had for a long time, she didn't know it like someone who'd lived in it for years. It was a subject she wanted to talk with the CMO about.
"Of course." She said. "Have a seat on bio bed 3 and I'll fetch Nyx for you." She pointed to the bio bed and headed toward the CMO's office.
As Fin made herself comfortable on the appropriate bed, she looked around sickbay. Medicine certainly had come a long way in the last 200 years. She reached up and tucked her pinkish-gold hair behind an ear, exposing the three, thin scars on her cheek.
Nyx walked in and saw the female sitting on the bio bed. She picked up the tricorder and walked over to her. By the looks of her, she could be Chameloid but Nyx knows better than to even hope that. "Good afternoon Chief." She is polite to the woman. She hasn't really met her yet but she did remember feeling as if Finn had been on her side during the briefing. Reminding herself to shut off her mind, she reaches her hand out to the woman.
A handshake. Despite what humans thought, variations of the greeting were used by many, many species throughout the galaxy. Fin took the offered hand. "Greetings, Dr Nyx, I am Fihnrilk'Hob"ledn-ardol." First introductions required the Cam h'lan to give her full name. Some of the syllables were pronounced on the intake of breath instead of the exhale, giving Nyx a taste of what her native language was like. "It is easier for most to call me Fin." She smiled at the petite Chameloid.
"Fin," She nodded "and please it's Nyx, just plain Nyx. I don't stand on rank and protocol." She smirked. "Often gets me into trouble, in case that passed by you this morning at the briefing."
Fin chuckled. "I actually admire..." she paused, trying to remember a Terran word. "Spunk. I actually admire spunk in individuals. I believe in telling it like it is and not making it all pretty and tied up with a nice bow. We are all adults and should be able to speak like them."
In all her travels, she'd never met a Chameloid before. She'd looked over the roster during her 6 days of travel, and so knew the doctors species. They shared something in that they were very unique to Star Fleet. Fin doubted there more than 5 or 6 Cam h'lans in all of the fleets. The same was probably true of Nyx's people.
"Have you had time to read over the particulars of my species?"
"Only briefly." She shook her head. "It's been a bear of a day." She admitted. "I understand the concept of the species but not the particulars." She paused for a moment. "I know about the scars." she brushed her cheek quickly "and what they represent but I'm afraid that's about it."
Fin appreciated the honesty. "I understand that you have a lot to do, Nyx. I was just wondering how much to explain. Its an unusual situation in that I've only had this body for about six months. Others can tell you what illnesses they've had during their lives, what injuries, but I can't. I can only give you information about this body for the last few months." She let that sink in, knowing it would sound odd to someone not of her species. "I can tell you that I really like this 'shell' and feel lucky to have gotten one that is young and attractive."
"So is the 'shell' empty? There's no other entity in there? The original owner?" She asked not sure how to ask without sounding stupid.
"I am the only occupant at this time. Something I plan on continuing for many years. I am very comfortable in this shell and although I can't tell you how I came by it, I can tell you that it was empty and waiting for me when I took possession of it." Fin knew it was difficult for other species to understand her ability to walk from one organic form to another whether it was inhabited or not. But it was all that the Cam h'lan knew so there was no right or wrong in the equation. It was just natural to her.
"I understand. I just thought that maybe the original owner might have some insight into its past." She grinned. "So let's have a look." She took out the tricorder and began scanning the woman. "Looks like you made a good choice. There's an old fracture of the clavicle that was probably done twenty years ago, maybe even at birth." She continued her scan. "Heart, lungs, liver function, brain waves...perfect health." She smiled. "But now we have a good base line as well."
Fin nodded. "There are diseases Starfleet knows of that I have not been exposed to, so I don't know what to expect if that should happen. I am very in tune with whatever body I inhabit though, so I will make sure to seek you out if I experience unwarranted changes of any kind."
She thought the physical was over with but had to wait for the doctor's permission to leave. "Do you have any other questions for me, Nyx?"
"I'll need a list of allergies, special considerations or precautions; if there's anything you need me to know outside of the normal bio scans." She made some notations on the PADD.
Fin slid off the bio bed. "There isn't anything I'm aware of, but like I said, this body is new to me so something could come up. Normally, Cam h'lans are very resilient when exposed to germs and disease, but that is only the case among our own kind. And anything I've been exposed to while in another shell doesn't count because it was a different immune system. I think this is one of those cases where we have to wait and see."
"I'll keep that in mind...and please let me know if there's anything I can do for you." Nyx smiled as she walked toward the door with Fin.
Lt Nyx
SB Protector
Infiltration Specialist