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Posted on Sun 2nd Oct, 2016 @ 6:20pm by Colonel Horatio Drake

334 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Cloak & Dagger
Location: Main Operations: Deck 12
Timeline: MD-01: 0610 Hours

Drake had been in Ops no longer than ten minutes when a gold uniformed Bolian motioned him over to the turbolift, from which he had just appeared.

“I’ve just brought in the USS Repulse… Miranda Class… it’s yours.” He said in a rather high voice.

“I’m sorry… what exactly do you mean, it’s mine?” Drake had a look of confusion mixed with anger and betrayal.

“Have you not seen the state of the Renown?” The Engineering Captain sniggered as he handed Drake the PADD.

“It’s operational, isn’t it?”

The Captain burst into a fit of laughter, “If I had a team of fifty it would take me three months to even get that ship space worthy! She was utterly torn up during the Dominion War and was towed back here to be mothballed! Starfleet just never got round to doing it. Listen, just sign for the ship so I can get out of here… I don’t want to be in this scrap yard any longer than I have to be.” Another fit of laughter followed the latest joke.

“We’ve just been ordered to investigate recent attacks of Romulan Freighters… how am I supposed to do that without a decent ship?”

“Listen that really isn’t my problem. But… the ship has had some upgrades in it’s time, so it’s not all bad!”

Drake pressed his thumb against the PADD and all but threw it back. “How old is this heap of junk anyway?”

The Engineering Captain had turned and was walking away, “She’s not even middle aged! A couple of hundred years, perhaps? Still got plenty more miles on the clock!” The laughter was louder than ever as the turbolift doors slid shud.

From a Nebula Class starship, testing the newest pulse phaser arrays… to a ship that barely has phasers at all. This must be my penance… for something., Drake rubbed his eyes and headed back into Ops.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Zachary Hunt on Sun 2nd Oct, 2016 @ 7:43pm

Great ship