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First Meetings: Karikkar

Posted on Sat 3rd May, 2014 @ 10:56pm by Lieutenant Zhara Rynn & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar

786 words; about a 4 minute read



After meeting with the Colonel, Zhara took a little time to look over the files of the senior staff so she had a baseline knowledge of who they were and what they were like. Although she generally preferred to not get an impression of a person from their files, but a few salient facts never went amiss. She long ago learned that what was written in someone's file meant little without a good understanding of the person.

Her second visit was to the new Acting Executive Officer. She wanted to make his acquaintance and see how he was adjusting to his new position and the recent loss of his mate.

She found him in his office and rang the chime.

"Entrance is permitted." Tallus said with his back to the door. He was going over some reports that had been coming in and he had hoped that it would get his mind off of things.

The door opened and Zhara stepped in, pausing just inside the doorway to look around the room and get a feel for the Marine. "Hello, Colonel Karikkar. I am Zhara," she announced, her voice softly accented.

"Greetings Lieutenant. You are the new counselor correct?" Tallus said as he put the reports down and looked to the counselor. "Care for something to drink?"

"I am, indeed." She smiled serenely. "A drink? Yes, I think that would be lovely." She walked over to his desk and took a seat opposite it. "I'll have a glass of whatever you're drinking."

"Very well." Tallus said moving to the replicator. "One Vulcan Spice Tea." He said as the computer ordered the item. "Sometimes I like the old drinks of Vulcan." He said with a shrug.

"We should never be too quick to eschew the old ways. There are always things we can learn and experience," she said. "Did you grow up on Vulcan?"

"Oh no. My family line has been banished from Vulcan for many generations. I grew up on the Terran planet Pluto. Very desolate but it is my home." Tallus said with a grin.

"Very desolate and very small. I guess if people can live on asteroids they can live on planetoids," she said cheerfully. "What brings you to starfleet?"

"Exploration. Although strictly speaking I am not necessarily with Starfleet. I am with the Marine Core. An offshoot." Tallus said with a nod remembering his home.

"Yes. That is what drew me, as well. There is so much to see, so much to experience." She smiled broadly at the thought. "As yet I have not been disappointed."

"Disappointment is not in the job title." Tallus said with a grin.

"I'm very glad to hear it." She crossed one leg over the other, a wicked twinkle in her eye. "Now that I know you won't disappoint me, what can you tell me about Protector and its pleasures?"

"It does have its benefits. The Orchards and Jazz is very unique in its construction, although I haven't been known to frequent it." Tallus said. "The marine barracks is one of the largest and the best in the fleet."

Zhara shook her head in mock sadness. "It appears that you are the one who most needs to experience the pleasures of Protector. As a counselor, it is my responsibility to see to the mental health of the beings on this station." She laughed softly, fairly certain she was making him uncomfortable. "I think you shall be my first."

"You can feel rest assured that my mental health is excellent. I am Vulcan. I am better prepared to deal with these situations then most species." Tallus said giving a nod.

"Yes, Vulcans are quite ... robust," she concurred. "However, I will be the best judge of that, if you don't mind. It is my job, after all," she added, a twinkle of mischief in her eye.

Tallus raised an eyebrow. "If that is what you wish then it is far from my place to argue. I am after all only a Marine."

Zhara's laugh was melodious and cheerful. "You are far more than that, but who am I to argue? So, when was the last time you had a routine evaluation?"

Tallus thought for a minute. "It has been a very long time to be honest."

"Well then, I think we should remedy that," she replied. "The question is, your place or mine?"

"I believe that your place will do just fine Lieutenant." Tallus said with a sigh.

"Excellent. I look forward to it," she said. She put her tea cup back in the replicatior to be recycled and bowed to the Colonel. "Until next time."


Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar
Acting Executive Officer

Lieutenant Zhara Rynn
Chief Counselor


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