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Wed 12th Jun, 2013 @ 5:08am

Lieutenant Thomas Jorrel

Name Thomas Wayne Jorrel

Position Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 6'6
Weight 425
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Jorrel is a tall, heavily muscled Terran. His physique is the result of hard work as well as inherited genetic modifications to adapt for a heavy grav environment.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Robert Jorrel
Mother Olivia (John) Jorrel
Brother(s) Robert, Jr.
Sister(s) Mya

Personality & Traits

General Overview In the beginning of his career, Jorrel was often described as "an overgrown lab puppy". He has a tendency to make fast friends. One of his goals is that he believes everyone is capable of fulfilling their potential and he wishes to help guide them toward that potential. As a team leader and then non-com, he would actively seek out the 'troubled' Marines - the ones just not making the grade - and work to bring them up to above standards. This desire to bring people up continues to this day.
Strengths & Weaknesses Honest and open, he usually lacks guile. He's not very educated and sometimes feels that holds him back a bit. He's got a big heart (to go with rest of his 'bigness') and hates people being oppressed, bullies and others who abuse their power.

While, as the youngest brother, he does have a bit of a competitive streak, it's only in an abstract, non-aggressive manner.

While comfortable in his military role, and in groups in general, he becomes more closed and shy in one on one situations and often doesn't realize or notice negative attitudes or aspects toward him.
Ambitions As a child he wanted to become a dashing Starfleet officer and hero.
Hobbies & Interests Training others, sports, outdoor recreations. He enjoys using and training on new equipment, tactics and gear. He's not much of a reader, but give him a good action oriented holo-novel and he'll be happy for hours. Only to replay it time and again in order to 'better' his own performance. This is about the only way he's competitive.

He does enjoy anything at allows him to fulfill those unrealized childhood fantasies of heroism and adventure.

Personal History Jovus IV is a mining colony settled hundreds of years prior, as part of humanity's first foray into the stars. Due to it's slightly off atmospheric conditions and heavier gravity field, the original settlers were genetically modified for the moon's conditions. The colony flourished after a few initial set backs.

Thomas Wayne Jorrel is the third and last son of Robert and Olivia Jorrel, both descendants of original settlers and both inherited and passed on those original genetic modifications to their four children. As the youngest son, Thomas was both the victim of and the benefactor of two large, strong older brothers - both of whom he worshiped as paragons. He saw the birth of his youngest sibling - and only sister - as his chance to be the 'big brother' that he saw his two older siblings as. From the moment she came home, he was clearly her champion and protector. It was clear from a young age that he was going to have some genetic throwbacks as his weight and physiology was in line with the Jovian colonists, but his height was a throwback to pre-modification Terrans.

As a child, Thomas knew his destiny was to grow up and work for the mines that supported the colony - but that didn't stop him from dreaming of the stars and the adventures that were to be had out there. Adventures like those in the hero holovids and stories that he gravitated toward. In this way a dreamer, while also pragmatic about his future, Thomas was a happy child.

As he approached his tween years, however, it was revealed that the ores and mining operations that were the lifeblood of the colony were running out. At the rate of mining, the colonists would run out of work and ore by the Thomas's mid twenties. In short, his colony was dying. By the time he reached adulthood, Jorrel and his family would be out of work and the colony a remnant of what it used to be.

This gave Thomas a chance to leave the colony guiltfree and the only natural course of action was Starfleet - where he would become one o those dashing, heroic Starfleet officers in the holovids and holonovels. However, a consultation with legal authorities left it in question if his inherited genetic modifications would violate Starfleet's genetic modification prohibitions (set into place due to Khan and the Eugenic Wars).

Dashed, Thomas resigned himself to trying to eke out a living on the few, small deposits that may still be found. However, he was told that the Marines didn't have such strict standards and his inherited modifications wouldn't be a barrier. However, to become an officer right away, he needed a college degree and Thomas was never the best, or brightest student. Sports scholarships were hard to come by as the anti-genetics stand of the Federation made prospects leary of taking a heavy grav worlder. However, undeterred, Thomas enlisted in the Marines at 17 with a waiver from his parents - also with a promise to do what he could to help support his family.

While he sailed through the physical portions of boot camp and following training, that he wasn't the 'smartest' recruit was obvious and that he never fully embraced the 'kill'em all' culture that some thought of as the bread and butter of the Corps, Jorrel soon showed excellent leadership skills where the marginal recruits were. He spent his free time helping out those that struggled and, those he helped, showed improvements.

It was at boot that his cheerful disposition and seeming attitude that he was everyone's friend, as well as his frenetic energy, first got him the label of "overgrown Lab puppy".

Because of his leadership abilities (and excellent physical agility scores) he graduated boot as a Lance Corporal and was immediately assigned to a close protection squad - with his best friend Sean Warren. From there, both were transferred to an experimental company with Jorrel promoted to corporal and given a fire team of his own. It was in this experimental company that Jorrel met and befriended a young Bajoran Marine who was below even 'marginal' standards. Through Jorrel's friendship and leadership, the Bajoran, Private Dae, grew into his role as a Marine.

After their stint in the experimental company, Jorrel and his squad were transferred to another experimental group on SB 600. Enroute there, they were diverted to Turkana IV in order to help rescue the passengers of a luxury liner - to include several of the galaxies most famous and regarded musical acts of the day.

Their successful operation - resulting in the loss of none of the hostages, only two of their own number and the deaths of hundreds of combatants - brought Jorrel and his squad to the attention of Starfleet Command, most notably Captain Patrick Rothkiss, Starfleet Security. Rothkiss had been working on a pilot project which would bring Marines into a specialized, tactical, security role.

By the time the project had been convened, Jorrel's squad was split, with half en-route to the Elysium. Jorrel was promoted to Sergeant of the new squad. He, and his squad, were then tapped by Rothkiss for the pilot program. At the end of an intense two week training program (where Jorrel relied on his friends to help with the 'book learning') he was given an instant promotion to Petty Officer 1st class and command of one of the new Tactical Units.

The only drawback to the program was that - while still technically a Marine, Jorrel and his unit were loaned to Starfleet Security and were now considered, granted and expected to be Fleet in all ways. The tactical unit served with distinction, distinguishing themselves in several engagements and after a year, Jorrel was promoted to Ensign.

After another year, he was promoted again to LTjg and made an assistant Chief of Security at Miranda Base, with his primary responsibility as close protection, VIP protection, hostage insertions and other quick reactionary duties.

The promotions are most gratifying to Jorrel as it allows him to send more money home for the support of his parents and sister's family.
Service Record 2384 - Enlistment in UFP Marine Corps
2385 - graduated Marine training, instant promotion to Lance Corproal, assigned 1st Para Experimental
2386 - Corporal, command of 1st Alpha Bravo fireteam
2387 - Promoted to Sergeant, command of 1st Alpha
2387 - Graduated Starfleet Tactical Operations Joint Operations, promoted to PO1st
2388 - Promoted to Ensign
2389 - Promoted to LTjg, assigned Assistant Chief of Security, Miranda Base
2390 - Promoted to Lt. assigned Chief of Tactial Starbase Protector