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Family Dinner

Posted on Sat 27th Apr, 2013 @ 6:11am by Lieutenant Jareth Dalton & Maia Dalton
Edited on on Sat 27th Apr, 2013 @ 6:12am

1,169 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 400
Timeline: Current, 1938

Maia stepped into the warmly lit lounge and smiled. She'd met Ms Lantz just three days ago and since then had been trying to get her brother to agree to a family dinner at her restaurant. Still child like in many things, Maia hadn't wanted to dine in the lounge alone. She had no problems eating alone but she preferred company when she was in a crowd.

Jareth had no problem agreeing to Maia's request. He'd heard that Orchids & Jazz had some of the best food that could be found on the menu. He'd invited Rhiannon out for dinner several times and they'd never been here yet. Jareth considered this the perfect opportunity to introduce Rhiannon to Maia, cover Mai's request to dine at Jade's place, and have a relaxing night with the two women that meant the most to him.

Rhiannon had met Jareth at his quarters and there she'd been introduced to the young woman who had held Jareth's heart for the last ten years. She found Maia refreshing and innocent, much as Jareth had described her and seeing the two of them together wondered if Mai's naivety wasn't, at least in part, Jareth's fault for not allowing her to grow up.

Now standing just inside the door of Orchids and Jazz, Rhiannon smiled as she took in the relaxing atmosphere of the lounge. Maia almost bounced as they waited for a table. Jareth held her hand tightly as he whispered to her how often he forgets that Maia is grown and then inclined his head toward the young woman who looked much like a ten year old, animated by the excitement of something new. "She sees everything through such young eyes. I almost wish I had some of innocence." He whispered.

Rhiannon smiled. "Rose tinted glasses." She whispered back. "On Earth when someone is as innocent and untouched by hardship, we say they wear rose tinted glasses."

Jareth smiled. "Well, I'd like a pair to try on every once in a while."

Rhiannon grinned again. "Wouldn't we all?"

Reon Velasquez was the Orchids & Jazz doorman and also bouncer, if called upon to perform that duty, though it was rarely necessary. His large physique generally was enough to keep the peace. Turning away from Jenna and the older couple she was now leading to a quiet table to enjoy their anniversary dinner, he saw more people waiting. One of them was a young woman who looked excited enough to bounce out of her skin. It made Reon smile as he spoke in his rich, deep voice, "Good evening. Are you here for dinner seating?"

Mai, who was concentrating on the restaurant and not on anything else, made a jumping spin as the voice behind her startled her. She let out a quick squeak.

Rhiannin chuckled as Jareth nodded to the man. "We'd like dinner seating for three." He pointed to Maia. "She doesn't get out too much." He shook his head jovially before putting an arm around Maia and taking Rhiannon's hand.

Reon smiled and beckoned to Serena. "This is just the place for her then. Wonderful music, good food, and even dancing up in front of the instrumental platform, if you'd like. Enjoy your evening."

As Serena stopped next to him, Velasquez said, "Dinner seating. The young lady would probably enjoy a table by the dance floor where she can see everything."

"I have just the table," Serena smiled. "Follow me." She led them to a table on the right, facing the jazz combo. Currently, they were playing a lively piano piece that Serena recognized as an old Jelly Roll Morton ragtime piece. Though she didn't give it any thought, she had picked up a wealth of knowledge about jazz in the years she'd worked with Jade. Though the table gave a good view of the musicians and a partial view of the dance floor, it also was mostly secluded by the rounded booth walls. It was a place to see, but not be seen.

"I hope you'll enjoy this table, but if you think it isn't suitable, I'd be happy to show you another," Serena told the trio. "In about 20 minutes, Dora Deshan will be singing. She's quite good, and you have a prime seat here. Menus are on the wall," she pointed. "I'll send someone to take your drink order in a few minutes. Are there any questions I can answer for you?"

"Oh wow, look. You can see the whole band." Maia said as she slid into the booth. "This is great."

"I think this table will be perfect." Rhiannon smiled at Serena as she took her seat next to Jareth. Turning her attention to Mai, she asked. "So Maia, Jareth says you run a pet shop on the promenade now. How is that working for you?" She wanted to be interested in the young woman; it wasn't very hard to like her at all.

Serena moved away from the table, giving the family time to look at the menu PADD embedded in the wall of the booth. A few minutes later, she sent Jenna in their direction. Dora was up on the stage singing her first song of the night, "Someone to Watch Over Me."

Jenna stopped at the table. "Good evening, folks. Could I get you something to drink?"

Looking at Rhiannon and Mai, Jathen smiled. "Ladies?"

Rhiannon looked at the wall as if to remind herself what she'd already chosen. "I'll take a chocolate martini please." She spoke to Jenna and turned to Maia letting her know it was her turn to order.

"Ooh, I think I want a chocolate martini, too," Maia grinned.

Jathan laughed. "I'll have house beer, tall. She'll have a virgin chocolate daiquiri. She'll be twenty-one in six months." He looked at Maia who had a pout on her face. "Sorry Mine. Six months is six months."

Jenna nodded, "You won't be able to tell the difference in taste, but you'll be able to walk away afterward. I always have them virgin, myself. I like a clear head, so what's the point of synthahol." She sent the drink order to the bartender. "Now how about an appetizer? I highly recommend the Antipasto Platter, though Shrimp in the Rough is quite popular, too. Both are authentic from the 1930s Earth Jazz era, as are all our menu items."

"The Shrimp in the Rough sounds good." Jathan spoke to Jenna. "Mai, is there something else you'd like instead?"

"The Fruit Compote please." Maia smiled. She had been a vegetarian for six years and her brother had not discouraged her although he disapproved. As long as she kept her opinions to herself, Jathan was happy to allow her her individuality.

Rhiannon was not aware of Maia's preference to not eat meat but noted the sigh when Jathan ordered the shrimp. "I think I'll try the fruit compote as well." She smiled at Jathan.

"Good choices," Jenna nodded. "I'll have those things out right away for you. Enjoy the music."


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