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A Taste of Romulus Fusion

Posted on Fri 26th Apr, 2013 @ 8:34am by
Edited on on Fri 26th Apr, 2013 @ 9:10am

1,044 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Heart of Targ

Mama Dawn flowed through the crowd, her tall, willowy form moving gracefully as she smiled and laughed with those she knew. The trip from her club, 10-42, to Orchids and Jazz wasn't far in distance, just in the amount of space she had to cover. The club on the Protector was her newest iteration of the business and was taking some time to establish but she didn't mind. There were so many fascinating people and so many that needed spiritual guidance.

She contemplated stopping by the small Bajoran shrine on her way, just to have Bajoran tea with the ranjen there, but unfortunately she was 'on a mission' today and couldn't dawdle as much as she would have liked.

Plus, she heard that a new Klingon delicacy establishment was opening - run by a Romulan. The very dichotomy of the two bitter rivals coming together in one establishment couldn't go untried. She did hope to see the proprietor there and maybe have a chance to get to know him better. Fortunately, she appeared to be in luck as he wasn't that far from Orchids.

"Mister T'scholk," she said as she smoothed down the diaphanous, pale blue robes she wore. It took some time before they stopped swirling and settled. "I'm so glad to see you as a member of our community. Now, please, while we speak, serve me your favorite menu item. I'm just dying to sample your fusion cuisine."

"Greetings, of course I would love you to try the heart of targ. This particular dish is made with some cajun and Bajoran spices." T'scholk said as he walked back to the kitchen. "Would you like something to drink? Tea? Coffee? Something cold perhaps?" His smile never left his face. "I also understand if you would like something perhaps lighter or less Klingon. I can cook just about anything."

Dawn smiled benignly. "I've no doubt of your abilities. Heart of targ with bajoran spices sounds just perfect," she said. "It sounds very interesting, what brought you to consider such a combination of aggressive Klingon and peaceful Bajoran?"

T'scholk looked over the window from the kitchen as he was sauteing. "I find good food has to find a balance, the sweet and sour. When it comes to mixing and matching herbs and culinary arts of other species it makes it more entertaining for us and of course our taste buds." after seasoning the targ in the spices and sauteing them together, T'scholk gently put the dish on a plate and walked out of the kitchen. "I hope you enjoy this and please give me your honest opinion." T'scholk gently placed the plate on the table in front of Dawn.

Dawn smiled winsomely as she selected what seemed to be a very meaty, and juicy, portion of the heart and put it slowly into her mouth and savored. "Oh, that is good! You managed to make it soft enough to savor while maintaining toughness of the muscle. What a genius! I sense the conflict of warrior and philosopher in every chew. Mister T'scholk, I declare you may be in danger of seeing me around quite frequently if all your dishes are this well laid out!"

T'scholk's smile widened. "Thank you, you are far too kind. I'm little more than a galley cook at times who happens to have odd taste buds." T'scholk pulled out a medium sized bottle. The light blue liquid was the tell of it's contents. "In my opinion, the targ is highly complimented with Romulan ale. Would you like a glass being that the embargo is over?"

Dawn smiled, her topaz eyes glittering. "Blue, how charming and certainly my favorite color!" he laughed. "But between you and I, Mr. T'Scholk, I never put much effort into following that particular embargo. It's a dispute between governments, not people. Why should perfectly good spirits be denied merely because of point of origin! But if you say it compliments - rather than detracts - from your fine cuisine, then please, by all means!"

T'scholk poured the liquid into two small glasses. "I felt the same about blood wine on my planet. And of course the blue does compliment your eyes perfectly."

Dawn took another bite of heart while sipping the ale. "You are quite correct in your assessment, Mr. T'scholk. I find my taste buds again indebted to you." She set her utensil down and leaned forward, dropping a conspiratory wink, "I do believe you will become busier than you may find you have time for...but I do hope you'll join us in creating this wonderful nature area proposed by the good Miss Jade - another wonderful color I might add!"

"No matter how busy I am I will make the time. I did have an interesting discussion on gardens with the gardener but I must admit my abilities to charm the gardener fell short. He seems to be unwilling to loan or rent us some space for the garden." T'scholk said before taking a sip of the ale.

"Scandal on his part!" Dawn said but she sniffed the air. "But...wait...did you offer to sweeten your deal with some of that delicious Rokeg blood pie I smell? that a buttery crust? T'Scholk, you are truly the mad genius! Come now, I say you bring that blood, better bring two, the smell of it will drive me mad and I may not be able to contain myself...we'll go find Miss Jade where the two of us will insist that our nature area be created for the enjoyment of the station!" She also picked up the bottle of Romulan ale. "Of course, I expect the bill to be sent to my accountants?"

"I have a couple ready, but only at no charge. If there is any way I can contribute in any way to the community then I am going to do so!" T'scholk placed three blood pies in a box. "My dear, you take two for yourself. I must say, the pies do not sell well here, at least yet." T'scholk grabbed a bottle of Saurian brandy and a bottle of blood wine. "Just in case he or we get thirsty. Now let's go see Miss Jade."


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