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Something You Should Know

Posted on Mon 20th May, 2013 @ 11:57am by Colonel Horatio Drake & Lieutenant Adam Keller

826 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Deck 12: Drake's Ready Room
Timeline: MD-05 1715 hours

OOC (Jamie): Guys, this is one of the posts that was a bit screwed up due to my lack of foresight! It reads really well, enjoy!

Devyn checked once again to see that Nyx was sleeping, safely in their bed before leaving the apartment. T'sai was off duty today so Kell had called the only other person he trusted with the protection of his family, Jareth Dalton. He stood silently at the door with a half grin on his face.

"She'll be fine sir. I won't let anyone in other than you." He assured the man.

"Thank you Lieutenant. I won't be long. She should sleep the whole time." He grinned. "You should be safe."

"I've got this sir."

Devyn nodded. "I wish I did." He knew the conversation he was about to have wouldn't be pleasant. He was about to inform Colonel Drake about what had happened with Nyx yesterday and he knew that man wasn't going to be happy. He was about to blow away any facade of inculpability Dobbs had maintained.

After a quick jaunt from his quarters to Drake's office, Kell chimed the door. "Colonel?" He called inside hoping to catch the man.

"Yes... Commander" He had padds galore in his arms, somehow managing to hold more than was physically possible. He was about to retreat to the confines of his quarters to finish the days administration work. He tried to look neutral as the Security Chief walked in, but inside he felt like he was now into triple overtime.

"We need to discuss something that happened yesterday sir and I don't think you're going to be too happy about things." Kell frowned. "I know I wasn't." The report was probably in the man's hands but Kell had thought a one on one discussion about it was more appropriate. "It has to do with Captain Dobbs and the accusations Cara and I brought to your attention a few days ago."

'Oh God no', he thought to himself. The next move was a tactical one... should he keep the PADD's on his arms or try and put them on the desk. Keeping them in his arms would give a bad impression... the desk it was. As predicted, they all slipped out of his arms and went all over the desk and floor.

"You'd think these things would be rubber backed!?" Drake almost yelled. "Please, sit down and continue Commander" he lowered his voice and gestured to the sofa area and he went about clearing up the mess.

"I guess there is no way of sugar coating this." Kell gave a frustrated swipe of his hand over his face. "Dobbs attacked Nyx yesterday. We can only assume it was because her unique DNA still holds interest for him. In the process, he made an attempt at physically cutting her - our unborn child from her." He didn't wait for a response from the man. "We got to her in time to prevent any permanent physical damage and she and the baby are safe, under guard, and resting in sick bay."

"What?" Drake gave up trying to clear up the mess and leaned against the desk. "Jesus... where did this happen? I thought Lieutenant Nyx was to be under permanent guard?"

"She was under guard...mine. There was an incident." He sighed. "Colonel Treia was displaying some symptoms and she made some forward moves. Nyx was a misunderstanding and she ran out. The minute she was outside the shields in Sick Bay, she was transported away." He looked at Drake. "The only way we found her was because she reached out telepathically and Karikkar was able to pick up on her call."

"Where was she transported to?" He folded his arms.

"98 gamma." He informed him. "But we haven't been able to find anything indicating his presence since." Devyn looked at the man. "Which is good because he won't survive if I see him."

"So, we've now lost Dobbs? Where there any witnesses to this assault?" Despite the mounting evidence going against the man, Drake was still clutching at straws... he just couldn't bring himself to believe that a Starfleet Captain could be responsible for something like this.

"Nyx was conscious when he tortured her, I only caught glimpse of him as I entered the room but Karikkar took a shot at the man. I'm sure he saw him." Kell answered.

"I see" a grave look crossed Drake's face... his worst fears had been confirmed.

"Where is Captain Dobbs now?"

"I don't know sir. I put my security team on finding the man but I stayed with Nyx until I was sure she was okay." Devyn looked at the man and wondered if he should feel guilty about staying with her and his unborn child. "To be honest sir, If I find him, there won't be a need for a trial. Captain or not, I'll tear him apart." And he meant it literally.



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