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You Want To Do WHAT?!

Posted on Wed 25th Jan, 2023 @ 12:53am by Qaraq

1,472 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Orchids & Jazz
Timeline: MD-3, 1335

Previously, ...

Lantz took a drink from the cup of Golden Turmeric Herbal latte she had taken from the replicator. Though she would serve the actual drink to a customer, she often used her replicator ... because she could really taste no difference. "I sense you have a strategy to put into place, so lay your cards on the table. I can promise you anything you say in this office will not go beyond the door, nor be shared with anyone you haven't approved to know." She leaned back and relaxed, preparing to be amazed.

"Very well," Qaraq said. He put his hands together, making a steeple with his index fingers. When he spoke, it was soft, and his inflection entirely sincere, without the jovial merriment he'd maintained til this point. "Profit is not my ultimate goal with the Federation. I want something more. Something that benefits more than me, my family, my business, my empire. It's something I cannot, with all my vast wealth, ever purchase. Something I will, if necessary, give my life to earn. It's also something I've been twice denied." Qaraq leaned forward. "I want to make Delavi a member of the Federation. I want to bring the Federation to the Expanse."

And now the continuation ....

Jade set her cup down carefully, folded her hands across each other on the desk, and looked intently at the blue man across from her. "Well," she finally said, "I couldn't have predicted that. To say I'm ... surprised ... is an understatement. Right off the cuff, I'm happy to support such a goal, but I'm not sure how you think I can help. So," she leaned back with her hands now on the arms of her chair, "tell me more about Delavi. I know very little, other than the direction in space where it might be found. Tell me about the planet, the people ... why you are interested in Federation membership ... and what some of the blockers are to your goal. You've been denied the opportunity twice?"

The jazz club owner's mind was whirling with thoughts, but she forcefully calmed them. She didn't yet have enough information to make any decisions, judgments, or even support statements - more than she already had. This could be an opportunity to give back for all she'd had from the Federation since her childhood ... or it could be a minefield, waiting to blow up in her face. It could even be exactly what Qaraq said and nothing more.

"Yes, twice," Qaraq replied. "The Federation is not interested in aiding a planet with no government or indigenous people. They also have no interest in aiding the Expanse's multiple peoples in a war against the Alraka pact."

Jade nodded, as she understood the politics. "So tell me more about your planet and people. And how you think we can change the minds of the Federation Council."

Qaraq bellowed a deep laugh. "How can we change their minds?" he said. "To the Federation, I am merely a casino owner in a downtrodden section of a starbase ... for the moment. As for my planet and its people, many of those living on Delavi have been exiled from their home worlds. Most are people who fled when their homes were invaded by the pact. Delavi has no 'people,' save for my family and those who are kinfam. We are home to the homeless."

"And yet ... you have dreams. You have hopes. Apparently you, at least, have funds. And I wouldn't knock your influence in the Sector. It's much more than a downtrodden place, and many people are planning for it's economic improvement and, possibly, even self-governance." She looked at the Broot shrewdly. "Could it be that having a hand in fostering improvements there will aid you in your own quest? Perhaps your experience with finances will aid more than Brown Sector."

Qaraq smiled. "You seem to have stumbled upon my motivation," he said coyly. "Qaraq's Game Room is the smallest cog in a much greater scheme. But it depends on a lot, and I've found that depending on things doesn't take into consideration the unexpected. My plans remain... 'fluid.'"

Lantz nodded in understanding, not of the particulars of his plan, but of all he wasn't saying, and why he would keep his thoughts close. "Alright, then do you have a proposal for how you'd like me to help? I'm not really involved in politics or maneuverings of that sort, but I do have a few contacts who might be willing to help ... push your goals forward, perhaps with their own." She reflected for a moment. "It's always a tricky thing, working with others who have goals which may not take you in the direction you hope."

"I'm not coming to you with any political agenda," Qaraq replied. "I'm merely explaining the one I have elsewhere. No, my dear. What I was hoping to propose was some sort of business venture. A partnership, perhaps."

"Oh? With our restaurants? That kind of business venture?" Now Jade wasn't sure where this conversation was headed. One thing the blue man had succeeded in where few did was leaving her slightly confused about exactly what was going on in his mind. Her best guess was ... uncertain. "Do you need supply resources?"

"No," Qaraq said. "Well, yes. But that wasn't what I was thinking. What about something like a 'menu trade?' For example, the Korfmager ale has been very successful at the casino, but it could also be served here, if you're interested. You see, I'm having trouble with advertising, as well as competing with other casinos on the station. Having the Korfmager at another location may pique others' curiosity. Likewise, I would love to serve something like 'Death by Chocolate.' I've been trying to find good menu items that could be served separate from our buffet. Naturally we would list the item as 'Orchids & Jazz's Death by Chocolate,' and the profits made from the item would be sent back to you."

Jade nodded slowly. "I can see advantages for both of us, but the Death by Chocolate isn't mine to bargain over, as it's the creation of my chef, Marin Holmes. I can share any other recipes for desserts that you like, but that one you'd have to negotiate with Marin. I'd suggest Black Forest Cake, also quite popular and tasty, or New England Cranberry Pie ... even the Peach Puffs.

"As for profits, I think if you make and serve something and give credit where it's due, I'm happy for you to keep your profits. I'd be happy to buy your Korfmager at a reasonable price, and likewise credit its source. Let's try one swap and see how it works for both of us, shall we?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. She was tempted to make another suggestion, but decided to hold off for the moment. She'd just met Qaraq, and she wasn't one to rush in blindly to anything.

"Splendid," Qaraq said. "I think it would be best if you chose the item you feel best suited for my establishment. Feel free to select something other than a dessert if you feel something else would be better. Also, it would honor me greatly if you came to try some things from the casino. Free of charge, of course."

Jade smiled acquiescence. "That sounds like fun, to see the casino and to sample one or two items your customers find appealing. I don't think I've been in a casino since Hunt's closed down. We used to have occasional concerts there. Is that something Qaraq's has room for doing, or would ever want to do?"

Qaraq grinned. "Absolutely! There is some space I've set aside for a small auditorium. Criswell Sandbags, my executive assistant, has been working on the details for me. I'm not sure if you've met him at all. He tells me he's visited Orchids & Jazz several times. He was the one who inspired me to visit."

"I do believe I have met him, along with some others who frequent your casino ... a fellow with a cat who acts almost human, for one ... can't remember his name, but it wasn't Criswell. I'll have to thank him for inspiring you to come," Jade said.

She stood from her chair, and buzzed for one of the humaniforms. It was Gladia who came, and the club owner nodded toward the dessert. "Would you get a fresh Death by Chocolate for Mr. Qaraq, please? We've sat here talking long enough to spoil this one, even with that vast amount of sugar and chocolate."

Gladia smiled brilliantly and reached for the dessert to be discarded. "I'll be back in a New York minute ... and you're going to have to explain to me just how long that is," she said, bearing away the rejected dish.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Wed 25th Jan, 2023 @ 6:33am

"Wait!" says Damion, reaching out to relieve Gladia of her burden. "I'll...take care of that."

Food exchanges--This sounds like fun!
