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Dinner And Tunes - Part I

Posted on Tue 24th Jan, 2023 @ 2:50pm by

1,169 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Orchids & Jazz
Timeline: MD 8, 2035 hours

It had been three hours since Lieutenant Mazzurc Teela disembarked from the USS Edison. The Nebula class starship was set to dock at Starbase 109 for the next few days. For many of the crew, the space dock would provide a new space to explore. Exploring a new Spacedock class starbase was always a journey. Each one was unique.

Lt. Teela was in for more than a few days of shore leave. He had only found out about the transfer here two weeks ago. Now he found himself at his new duty station. Mazzurc already exchanged final goodbyes with his former friends and co-workers. This moment felt like the start of something new. There was no other choice.

The thought of being based on a Starbase hadn't appealed to the ruddy-haired Orion at first. Now that he was here, he realized it would have its benefits. Space lag from constant travel would become less frequent. The chance to travel on attached starships still presented itself. There was just so much for Mazzurc to explore.

"Deck 600, Orchids & Jazz", Mazzurc said as the doors closed behind him in the turbolift. He'd just left his quarters after finally setting the place up to his liking. The turbolift sped through the ship with a whir. Lt. Teela could feel the momentum of it holding his body tight to the floor. Eventually the lift came to a stop. The door opened to reveal a wide plaza with the famed restaurant not far in the distance.

Mazzurc watched the various crew and civilian passersby who moved across the deck. They were diverse, representing numerous races and almost every department's colors. Affluent travelers walked past those hoping for a better way. Mazzurc couldn't help but realize he was the only Orion at the moment. He tried not to think of how others might view him, based mostly on myths and rumors.

One thing was true. The verdant man loved good food and drink.

Mazzurc entered Orchids & Jazz not knowing what to expect. He'd never heard the music before. The sound met his ears immediately. He found himself quickly met at the door. "Oh, hello. I was just looking for a bit of food and drink", he said as he looked into the establishment.

Reon recognized the look of a newcomer to the base. "You've come to the right place, Sir. Would you like a table near the music or further back? Perhaps even upstairs, where you can look out over the restaurant, but still see the entertainers?"

Jenna stood ready to escort the dinner client to a table, and looked him over. Not too many Orions came by, but there were some. She'd always found them to be interesting, and generally cheerful, or at least polite. She waited to hear what his table choice would be. She was guessing he might choose the upstairs, but her rate of accuracy with such guesses wasn't much over 50%.

"The thought of sitting upstairs does sound appealing," Mazzurc admitted. His eyes turned from Reon's for a moment to take in the landscape. He noticed several patrons even wore era appropriate clothing. An upbeat, yet smooth melody played alongside an upright bass and rhythmic drums. "There is so much to take in."

Mazzurc took a step closer to Jenna and offered a half smile. A heavyset Bolian clad in a black and yellow striped suit took Mazzurc's attention momentarily. He began to wish he'd worn clothing of the era.

Reon nodded at Jenna, and she stepped up to take the new customer upstairs. She knew just the table where he'd get a good view, without being on display himself. "If you'll follow me, sir, I think I know the perfect place upstairs." She turned and led him past the back tables on the main floor, telling him confidently, "I myself prefer the upstairs, unless I'm dancing. We have a great singer who'll be back in a few minutes, and the sound upstairs is incredible. Do you like jazz?"

"You know", Mazzurc started excitedly. "I've heard one or two jazz songs before, but they were later in the 20th century... I think. This is new to my ears. Really nice music." The Orion's deep voice had rich qualities about it. "I enjoy singing and playing a little music myself. Not much of a dancer unfortunately," the viridescent man quipped while walking alongside Jenna with long strides.

"You'll like the music here, then. Jade encourages the first half of the 20th century jazz. She feels it was the ... what? Height, I guess ... the height of the jazz era, and she has an affinity for it. Not that there's not an occasional newer piece, but that's her preference, and what she personally plays." Jenna led him up the steps to the deck that was on one side of the restaurant. The table she had in mind for him was about halfway down the floor, and next to the railing.

Gesturing him into a chair, she said, "How's this? I think you can see the whole lower floor from here, and the sound is good, too."

"Everything is lovely, thanks," he said, after sitting and taking a look across the club. "I feel totally wrapped up in the culture. It's so different from Orion life, but there's a feeling I recognize." Mazzurc adjusted his chair before turning back to Jenna.

"I hope it's a comfortable feeling that reminds you of home, then," she smiled at him. "The menu is on the PADD dial there by the railing. What could I get you to drink while you decide what to try this evening? We have true alcohol, synthahol versions of most drinks, exotic juices from faraway fruits, teas and coffees of every sort, and always Jade's favorite, lemon Coke. It's a drink from old earth."

"Even better," he said while taking one last look in Jenna's eyes before, "It helps me forget about home." His bright green hands tapped away at the PADD. "Lemon Coke? I'm not sure I've ever tried this ... Le-mon. Oh. And let's make that the steak with potatoes and mixed vegetables." The Orion was in the habit of quickly deciding what he wanted to try. He'd once had a different cut of steak and wanted to experience the local take on it.

"A great combination. I'll get that drink and put in your order. Enjoy the music ... maybe think about apple pie or today's special, cherry cobbler, for dessert."

"I'll try to save room", he told her playfully as she left. Mazzurc smiled while thinking of his group of friends from the Academy. The meal always reminded him of a few people who'd introduced him to it there. His glance turned back out over the crowd below and then to the stage. He couldn't quite place the era of music. It did remind him of older jazz based on the little he'd heard.

His mind began to slip away from thought into relaxation. Soon the melody was the only thing on his mind.


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