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What Are You Thankful For?

Posted on Thu 24th Nov, 2022 @ 8:57pm by Renato Solis
Edited on on Fri 25th Nov, 2022 @ 5:02am

1,818 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: CRC- Brown Sector

There was an observance of a Human cultural event across the base, and even in the fledgling city-state of Brown Sector there were festivities abounding. Without having ever seen a turkey in real life, children were given messy paints and glues and told to construct abstracts of a rudimentary facsimile. The Five Finger handprint design was a classic, and 3/5 of the staggering numbers of them followed this enduring trope. The smells of rich teas and home made breads filled the air as hands were slapped away from carefully stacked cookies getting their final dusting of sugar. Dinner was the theme, and so others followed in suit to see their Human friends offering food, hearth, cheer. Renato greatly appreciated the underlying purpose of the day as described with nominative determinism, to offer thanks, and be grateful to gather with loved ones. Days like this were a reminder of the ongoing cherished life which abounds and flourishes across the light years and spanning infinity, but also for his very local, odd family.

“Can you believe its been twelve years?”

Kya asked her right hand, who had been the downfall and salvation for her in times past. Renato nodded absent mindedly, missing the social cues that as their unofficial leader it was time to offer a speech. A few dozen residents were in various poses, some eating, others stretched on the floor in a happy state of effulgent misery. The time was getting on, and it was important to say something to the people in their circles, and intimate friends.

Renato was far too busy figuring out the flavors of a square mincemeat portion under careful dissection. Gathered at this table , and at several adjacent bench rows in the gallery park outside their little cul-de-sac the community feast had brought hundreds throughout the day. Now, at the end of a long day the residents of the Community Resource Center pulled the tents down, and struck the outside for the night. As the cooks always eat before and after the meal, the after party was mostly desserts and a chance for culinary joy. To non-Humans, it was a staggering display of their aptitude for refined sugars, and it was a welcome cultural exchange.

“More like fifteen, I guess right?” Kya was looking at him directly, too used to great lengths being necessary to obtain his attentions.

Her voice dropped in the right ways to catch his ear, and his focus left the food, albeit with one foot still toeing the door for a swift return. He surmised in an instant the nature of her request, and knew it was a proper course. The folks here had worked tirelessly all day, for no pay. They had a charitable nature to provide food and shelter to those in need, and it went without asking. Donations from former residents, contributions of breads and pies stacked their windows only yesterday, and today only crumbs remained after the very last poor soul got their heaping plate. Renato stood slowly, wiping his mouth and drinking a sweetened black tea with a lemon wedge, somehow the most glorious drink in all of creation, and he had never once experienced it before today. Another thing to be grateful for, the ideas of a speech forming from vapors left by the sensations of the day.

“Fifteen works for me Kya. And on that, I just want to say to everyone here how button bursting proud I am today and every day in what we are doing here. So first of all, I believe it is custom to give ourselves a single round of applause for the good, hard, work we have done today. We fed over four hundred people who otherwise would have gone to the replimat with their daily voucher, and missed out on this… sweet tea, kasseralls, sugar glazed everythings.. and honey butter rolls. So here is to you tireless workers of the CRC!”

Kya smiled, it was nice to see him as a charming and serious individual. This work was good for him, and by extension, all of them. Lexy and Haskin were playing at the kids table with a few others, she had seen Renato glance their way several times. He truly cared for children that were not his own, and she had a family after so long of being on her own. This was a home for them now, and keeping this all running required constant maneuvering, and it was just something he did. For himself? Or was it really for the greater good, and by proxy he was elevating himself along with others?

Renato continued after some small scattered clapping sounded the low interest in his speech, “Too much energy, sorry. I don’t think I’ve had this much sugar in years. If you’ll indulge me just a moment more, I only want to convey my deepest regards to our home. Today we say what we are thankful for, and that is a list none of you want to listen to me go on forever so let’s go around and share. To start, I am immensely grateful that Kya trusted me so long ago, and we made this place official. Her grace and poise through unimaginable adversity is an inspiration I draw strength from. Thank you, to my beautiful partner in former crime, and chosen family… Kya I am thankful for you.”

She found looking anywhere but right at her own feet caused dreadful anxiety. Such praise made Kya feel like she was being lied to, and the impostor in her head roared loudly. However this was not unfamiliar, and with practice she had learned control over the rude voice. How else could this moment proceed except for her to return the compliment?

Kya stood, trying to keep her voice steady even though this sort of moment was the worst fear of her irrational mind. “Fifteen years ago, this was a small neighborhood and smaller marketplace but it fell into disrepair when the Zodiac expanded and people stopped coming this far down. This block housed fifteen, and they kept adding until there were a hundred of us, with no real place to go, or any way to set roots, make a life again. Now we have two businesses running, and this resource center uplifting lives for everyone here. Brown Sector has seen steady improvement, and I can say with 100% certainty, that Renato is why we are all here. The work we do today takes all of us, but the work he did back then was a feat I spent a decade unsure of its success or failure. So I am thankful for you as well.”

Renato winked, and made a small cheers motion with his glass.

Unbidden, Tessa spoke up and provided her thoughts. The Caledonian woman had much to be thankful for, she too enjoyed this cultural ceremony. Her people were quite austere even in moments of grace and charity, such emotions were carried with stoicism and no outward expression. Since living amongst Humans and this dazzling spread of life on the base, she had evolved into a different sensibility. “I am thankful for this Center. My child has a safe place to study and retain prized relics. I can teach again, thanks to the school which has opened here meant for us, and administered by us. These are things the CRC have made possible. I am thankful.”

Jaka Moorse stood in the corner of the room, he had his own table being of large size, and elephantine proportions. “TO THE-“ Jaka stopped speaking when he saw people flinch. His vocal cords were a foot long and took major effort to control at lower volumes, “…To us, and to Brown Sector, I am thankful for taking me in.” It came as a raspy billow, but clearly enough to earn smiles and nods.

His friend, Tannis, laughed in a good natured way and slapped his gargantuan friend on the back. “You can blow an eardrum with a compliment, I perish to think of what you can do with an unkind word. I am thankful for this chance to earn my way. There is a colony for Ex-Borg being sanctioned by the Federation. This community service will grant my admission when I apply soon, and for that I am thankful.”

More applause, more of the locals listened as time went on, and Renato felt a wave of emotion from the room after each sentiment. Everyone seemed to take the effort to come up with a new statement, or would add the necessary words for their family, but add more so the momentum was ongoing. After nearly an hour of reminiscing and offering thanks, there was a lapse in conversation. Lexy had walked to the table to whisper in her mothers ear, and Kya whispered back loudly enough to hear, “That’s a very good thing, why don’t you tell them?”

Lexy was shy sometimes, it came over her in crowds and while being observed. With flushed cheeks she wanted to argue, but the performer begging to be set free within compelled Lexy to nod.

“Umm, I… am thankful… I want to be thankful for being able to make friends and have stuff like that, school is ok you know, its not so bad.”

Tessa spoke up trying to be funny, “Your grades suggest otherwise.”

There was a dead silence so she added, “I am thankful you all are patient as I learn to make funny jokes.”

There was light laughter, but Renato saved the moment swooping in to rescue it. “Lexy you are so right, making friends and going to school is something you should be thankful for!” He re-addressed the room at large, “I know it’s getting late, so I will go ahead and call it a night. I cannot thank you all enough, really! I could do this every day, but the dishes would get ridiculous frankly. So let’s raise our glasses and down the drinks, and see what treats tomorrow brings!”

Renato tapped his glass on the table, raising it up to his lips and finishing the icy remnants of the once sweet tea. He was stopped by an ear splitting demand from Haskin who had seen his sister get attention and wanted it for himself too. He ran to his mother and screamed,

Kya beamed at him, “Yes! Say Thank. You.Two words. Thank. You.”

Haskin smiled, grabbed the slice of pecan pie from the plate and shoved it in his mouth before Kya could stop him. “No Haskin! Oh, you sneaky little devil!”

Through crumbs and fallen sweet filling, he mumbled out, “Thfnkoo.”

Everyone got a giggle, and Kya prompted him further, “Thank you for what? What are you happy to have today?”

Haskin was licking his fingers, and he answered immediately without a moments hesitation.



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Comments (1)

By on Fri 25th Nov, 2022 @ 5:10am

Cute post, and perfect for today. THANKOO!