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Two Plus One Is Too Many

Posted on Fri 18th Nov, 2022 @ 6:42am by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

1,244 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Perspective
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 3, 1115

"Hey, there you are," Jenna called to Serena as her boss came through the kitchen door. "I thought maybe you were staying home to lick your wounds."

Serena glanced at her and then back at her PADD, as she ran down the list of tasks for the day. "What wounds?" she asked.

"Oh ... ah, just a saying, you know," Jenna back-pedaled quickly. "I didn't mean anything in particular."

That did make Alia focus on the server. "Uh-huh, and I don't believe that for a minute. What do you know that you thought I knew, but I don't?"

Flushing, and wishing she'd never said anything, her friend said, "Uh, well ... that is ...." She sighed and decided she just needed to get it out. "Your boyfriend was in here a couple of nights ago having dinner with someone else."

Serena looked back at the PADD, not really interested in gossip. "Oh, probably something to do with work. He's been pretty busy down low in the base. Something about clearing grenades?"

"Yeah, this looked like a grenade just ready to go off, alright," Jenna tossed out, as she prepared a salad from the kitchen's salad bar. "Nice looking woman, I'll give him that."

Serena laughed. "You're just trying to stir the pot. Andrew isn't dating someone else. I'm sure it had something to do with the latest project he had."

Yeah, and dancing? That was a project, too? They had been dancing, hadn't they? Well, she wouldn't tell that detail. If Serena wanted to hide her head in the sand, she could, thought Jenna.

"You're probably right. He's too nice a guy to cheat on you," she smiled and left with the salad.

Serena watched her go, tapping the corner of her PADD, then shaking her head. Andrew would call her in a day or two, and she could tell Jenna what was NOT going on. Smiling, she looked up at Marin, the chef.

"You have a private party order for an entire Death by Chocolate for this afternoon at 1600 hours," she said.

"Thanks, I'll get on that as soon as the lunch rush is over. Say, what's this I hear about Andrew breaking up with you?" Marin asked.

"First I've heard of it," Serena laughed. "The rumor mill is active today."

As Andrew's duty shift happened to bring him near Orchids midday, he thought Serena may appreciate a surprise visit and hopefully a quick lunch if Orchids wasn't too busy. As he walked into the establishment he thought he noticed some side glances from the staff but brushed it off. He noticed a familiar face entering the dining area from the back. Walking up, Andrew asked, "Hey, Jenna. Sorry to bother you. Is Serena back there? Was hoping for a surprise lunch if the place isn't too busy that is."

Jenna looked at him curiously, wondering just what he was thinking. He wasn't acting guilty, and he had been in Orchids & Jazz, right where Serena worked. Maybe he hadn't done anything he shouldn't. Maybe.

"Um, yes, she's in the kitchen, organizing something or other. You want me to get her for you? You're probably overdue for a talk about surprises," she smiled, but her words were a little cryptic.

Andrew gave a puzzled look at the reaction he received, "Sure. If you don't mind. I allowed to sneak back there or am I blackballed or something?"

"No, not yet. Go ahead back," Jenna said, walking away with her dessert order.

Serena was in the middle of talking with one of the new hires in the kitchen. "No, that's fine. We've had no complaints, I simply wanted to be sure you'd finished the training vids. Miss Lantz is very particular about what goes on in her kitchen, as is Chef Holmes. You've started out well, keep up the good work."

She turned away to see who had come into the kitchen, and was surprised to see the very person who'd been of interest to so many this morning. "Andrew! What are you doing here? Have you come for lunch?"

Andrew gave a smile back as he entered, grateful not to get the same odd treatment from Serena, "As a matter fact, I was in the neighborhood this morning and was wondering if you had some time for a quick lunch, if you're not too busy," he paused to give a glance around the kitchen. "Although, I'm getting a sense that there is something in the air this morning. Did I miss something?"

Serena laughed. "I think we both did. I'll tell you over lunch. It's strange, but kind of interesting. How about today's special? It's steak, baked potato and salad, so it'll be a quick fix." As she waited for him to decide, she took out two slices of French Apple Pie for dessert. "I know you like this, so I'll take it out right now. Want to eat in my office or in the restaurant? We can hear the music either way."

"Special sounds perfect," Andrew replied but hesitated on her second question, "As for where we eat it, I'll leave that up to you. I did get a lot of random stares walking back here for reasons unknown to me, so if you don't mind that, I'm okay with eating in public."

"Ah, let's go for privacy while we talk and eat. More relaxing that way. You know the way, so take dessert, and I'll have the food in there shortly. Medium well on the steak?" she asked, checking her memory. "Lots of butter for the potato, I remember that definitely!"

Wondering what Andrew had faced in the outer restaurant, she prepared salads, a variety of dressing, the steaks and potatoes, and put all the food on an anti-grav tray. It seemed so odd that she'd heard from so many people about Andrew's meeting with another woman. She had no doubt there was an explanation; after all, he hadn't tried to hide anything from her.

He politely shook his head at Serena's question, "Medium rare, please. But yes to the butter." Grabbing the dessert he found his way to her office and placed it down on a nearby table. Andrew was about to sit down but the reaction in the dining area gave him a little anxiety so he remained standing awaiting for Serena and their lunch.

Serena took the tray leash and tugged it behind her from the kitchen into her office down the corridor to the left of the kitchen door. All the offices were, essentially, behind the beautiful wooden bar and shelves of cut-glass decanters Jade kept the real alcohol in against the mirror opposite that antique bar.

After what seemed like forever, but was only a few minutes in reality, Serena appeared with the rest of their food on an anti-grav tray. As she was preparing to serve both of them, Andrew took a step forward, "Umm..before we eat, I have a question. Did I do something to rub you the wrong way recently? Because I thought we were okay, but if I did something or have been too busy with my duties to come by as often as you would like...." He paused, realizing he was rambling. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drop that on you."

She smiled and shook her head. "Let's sit and we'll talk about it while we eat, but no, we're fine."

...TBC, sorting out the potential problem ....


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