
  • 7 Mission Posts

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Tue 22nd Nov, 2022 @ 1:19am

Lieutenant JG Bikram Auden

Name Bikram Auden

Position Medical Officer

Second Position Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Baku
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 168Lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Bikram is an adorable looking young man with a baby face and ready smile. Cherub cheeks over tanned, yet somehow still Pale skin, a mop of golden hair and not one ounce of body fat on him. He looks like a gymnast, and is always moving, a hyper person in general.


Spouse unmarried
Children He hopes not
Father Farvo Auden-Ta
Mother Aliggia Auden-Ta
Brother(s) Sevro, Pottan
Sister(s) Junij
Other Family Myriad cousins and extended family, Baku are a small community in one major city.

Personality & Traits

General Overview A young Baku born to a life of Starfleet technology and medical innovation. The Baku healing center is the planets main trade, and all the youth are doctors by a young age practically in some capacity or another. Bikram like technology and with his innate upbringing in medicine has a fusion of the two in his mind. Seeing the body as a biological system not too dissimilar from any other type of system, he innovates new tools, techniques and applications for technology.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Medically knowledgeable at a Starfleet doctor level.
+Gifted Tinkerer
+Eager and experienced
-Not a risk taker or explorer
-not a good fighter
-very awkward outside of social situations where he is in control
+/- can get annoying as he always has to improve things, and cant accept them as they are.
Ambitions He wants to improve everything he touches. He is restlessly innovative and currently living his best life as a Medical Engineer.
Hobbies & Interests Taking what is before him and making it better.
Holodeck adventures with safeties on
Crawling inside of machines

Personal History TBD
Service Record TBD