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Did I hear you correctly?

Posted on Fri 6th May, 2022 @ 6:23pm by Verelan i'Mhiessan t'Saeihr & Jaeih Havraha
Edited on on Fri 6th May, 2022 @ 6:23pm

628 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Location: RRW Ehtevau
Timeline: MD:14 2215 hours

"A farm?"

"A farm." Verelan repeated matter of factly as she glided through the corridors. "It is my understanding that, that is knowledge you possess."

"It is, but..."

"It is my intention to make this area a haven..." She continues without really agknowledging the other woman's words. "To rebuild a portion of the council. " There were words unspoken here, and both of the could fill in the blanks with 'to benefit me and mine' . It would, and had potential for a huge amount more than just that.

Jaeih cocked her head to one side, speculation and suspicion blossoming in her eyes in equal portions. Her identity was known, if the Ambassador was asking for her help managing a farm...that meant someone had outed her as an agent. The suspicion flickered into anger. I'll make them suffer for revealing MY secret. I'll find them and take them apart piece by piece until there is nothing left but a screaming pile of meat.

"Exactly so." Verelan confirmed, without revealing any hint of her sources.

"That is both troubling and unfortunate" Jaieh responded in a dull voice, weighing her options in her mind.

"One wonders what motivation a young woman might require, to take up ones ancestral duties in a place so foreign. "

That was practically a handout and Jaeih knew it, though it was too good to be true, the assassins identity was surely known to the ambassador. She had a reputation, of absolute fairness until you crossed any of the lines she had laid down. That overstep wasn't one that she personally had ventured close to but there were bodies on the steps of her rise to power.

Come on little fishy... Verelan thought as she studied the Tal'Shiar assassin though disinterested eyes. The ambassador flicked her gaze at a delicately painted fingernail as she waited for her new agent and assassin to decide she did in fact belong to the Ambassador.

The silence between them lengthened and lengthened until it was something that could have been interpreted as something uncomfortable. Both women looked perfectly at ease, though there was the barest hint of a smile on Verelans lips. Finally Jaeih broke the silence between them.

"I want a Starfleet biologist to help in creating from the biological database a good stock of breeding animals. And someone to aid in the husbandry of the larger creatures."


The easy agreement had caught her off guard and she asked the next question "I want my daughter and her caretaker taken from their service on New Romulus and brought here."


"Without informing her that I was involved."

"Done, but why?"

"So I can cut her father's throat and let his blood feed the yields of the crops I intend to bring to the farm" she snarled, rage engulfing her voice with a brittle harsh tone. It was the literal truth, but she didn't want the girl to see it.

"Indeed. Any other requests?"

"I would have your oath, to me personally.".

"What oath do you require?"


Verelans eyebrows raised ever so slightly and she whispered "and if I ask for yours in return?"

"I would swear"


The two women clasped hands and forearms briefly, before averelan bowed slightly to the new acquisition of her house. It was surprise that a Tal'Shiar assassin was so eager to cooperate with her request, but she supposed the dark woman had a shrewd mind. There was money to be made here, safety and security in the position and the direct protection of the House of the Ambassador of Romulus. Jaeih would be a fool to not accept it even with the condition of fealty, and Jaeih was no fool.

It seems, they would be building a farm.


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