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Make It So, Part 2

Posted on Wed 4th May, 2022 @ 12:42am by
Edited on on Sat 7th May, 2022 @ 10:29pm

887 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Location: Warp Vessel Nomad Bridge
Timeline: MD 3, 0932

Previously ...

" ... We have no trust in this Admiral, as we don't know her. We barely know you; we are willing to entertain this proposal on the basis of our trust in your brother, with whom we have bled. If you tell us those risks and the mitigation factors for those risks are outlined in the ship's articles, we'll accept that assurance on the basis of our bond with your brother... and with Riko." Her eyes flicked to the woman who had been her boss for most of the last decade, and she smiled slightly.

Riko knew that everyone on Samurai had been affected by the attack on their ship, and the losses, some more than others. She, herself, had come close to walking away from her career in Starfleet and hiding at home in her science career ... a non-threatening hermiting, as it were.. The Winter sisters had lost family and growing up as a unit ... she could see their concern over risking more for Starfleet ... or to their tarnished ideals, or for something that could turn out to be much more than it appeared at first glance.

"If I may, Commander?" McCord interposed, waiting for the nod of permission.

"Thank you for sharing your concerns about risks. I think we all have to wonder exactly what we're getting into. Yes, there are some legal lines we'll cross, somewhat like having a letter of marque in ship sailing days. We are specifically authorized to," she glanced at her PADD and read aloud, "subdue and seize any armed or unarmed illegal raiding vessel, public or private, which shall be found within the jurisdictional limits of the Federation or its allies, and such captured vessel, and the goods and effects which shall be found on board the same, together with the raiders and others who shall be acting on board, to bring within some port of the Federation; such vessels shall be liable, according to the Rules of Conflict, adopted in 2382 by all signatories of the Typhon Pact, and the rights of the Federation as a power at war with terrorists, raiders, and criminal cartels, and to bring the same within some port of the Federation or its allies, in order that due proceedings may be had thereon."

Lowering her PADD, Riko said, "There's more legalese, but that's the gist of our legal status. Will we cross over even that line? There's no telling, however, with the signing of the NDA, you are free to leave at any point, no harm, no foul. Does that answer the legal questions? If so, I'll move on to moral and physical. If not ... let's discuss what further assurances we might need to add. We have to all be 100% in tune for our missions to succeed."

She glanced at Podkayne and added, "If you have anything to add or ask, you are part of the crew by consent, as well."

Podkayne hesitated, then shook her head. "Not at the moment."

"Fine," February answered, then took a deep breath. "Thank you."

Isabella paused for a second and chose her next set of words carefully.

"Thank you all for doing this." She said as she looked each Winter in the eye. Grateful and scared, this was her crew now. She was going to be responsible for them. She just hoped that she would not let them down.

"Since you are now my crew, I have something for each of you." Isabella reached into a Starfleet duffel bag that was sitting underneath her Captain's chair. From the bag, she pulled out three black boxes with the Starfleet insignia emblazoned on them in silver.

"Since we can't be affiliated with Starfleet, we will need something to communicate with, so these are our communicators and much more. You can thank my brother Henry for the beautiful latinum bracelets."

September raised an eyebrow, snapping open the box handed to her. Refined latinum was a fluid, similar in appearance to mercury; the bracelets held it within synthetic crystals. An alternative, she supposed, to gold-pressing, and arguably more attractive. Perhaps the crystals and the latinum were intended to give a clearly-scannable material for the ship's sensors? Or to conceal the functional circuits of the communicators within?

"Thanks, boss," Podkayne said with a salute. It had been decided among the humaniforms that, with her math skills, she was the best choice for including on Perry's new venture. She could calculate trajectories and plan flight paths as fast as any ship's computer and had a little something extra - a feel for the right solution in any given problem. So, she was along for the ride and looking forward to learning how a crew worked together. "He has an eye for beauty, as well as functionality."

"Yes, send him my thanks, too," McCord said, snapping the bracelet around her wrist. "I'm just grateful I don't have to whistle! So ... now that we're away from prying eyes and ears, what's the first job?"

"That will come tomorrow, but for now take a look over the ship and familiarize yourself with it. Choose your bunks and meet me here tomorrow morning at 1000 hours. We will get briefed on our first mission and cast off." Isabella looked over her new crew and was felt good about their choices.

"This could work!" She thought to herself.


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