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Doing is the Other Half

Posted on Thu 16th Sep, 2021 @ 6:31am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Krell House of Mer'uk & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena

1,091 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Location: IKS Amar, 18 Hours from Helicon III
Timeline: MD:1 1930 hours

Previously aboard the IKS Amar...

"My Computer Specialist was able to crack the encryption on the computer and we have found detailed ledgers accounting for the activities of the Assassin and the people that he had dealings with. One of those dealings was to prevent you from reaching the negotiations." Krell explained.

That surprised Kiara. "To what purpose?" she asked. "I was under the impression I was just a lure to get Dallas to meet him."

Krell shook his head, "No, that was just something the assassin came up with after he found out who you were. At least that is what he wrote in his journal."

"Then who did hire him to stop me?" she asked. "Does the journal say, or give any information about who it was?"

And now the trecherious Skum is revieled.....

"The Nassan." Krell said bluntly, "Specifically, Velis Akhnir, Emperor Marra's right-hand man. The next question to ask is, is he acting alone, or did he have orders from the Emperor?" It was definitely a delicate situation and Krell didn't envy what Kiara had to do. Would she openly accuse the Empire of attempting to kill her. Krell would have found it much easier just to have killed the man and such was the Klingon way. An investigation would have been afterward.

The Emperor? She'd read about him, yes, but this? "What else does it say?" she asked. "And can I have a copy of the pertinent information?" She still needed more information, but it definitely gave her something to look for.

"You're welcome to all the information on the computer. It doesn't say much more than who hired him and how many credits he received for the job. The date he was hired and by whom. That's pretty much it." Krell said as he looked over the screen once more.

"It's a start," Kiara said. "I can compare the date with the request I received and possibly trace the money." She ran a hand through her hair. This changed everything. Not only did the assassin want to kill Dallas, the Emperor wanted to keep her from arriving on the planet. She needed to do a lot more digging. "Can you transfer the data to my computer?"

Krell tapped a few commands on the computer console, "Done." He replied then added, "So, what's your next move?"

She smiled. "I'm going to arrive unannounced to the negotiations. I've got a few days to learn as much as I can about the Emperor and what he gets out of this. Any help tracking down his financial dealings and arrangements for trading local goods would be appreciated."

"Correction, we are only about 18 hours away so I suggest you get cracking on your investigation. It's in everyone's best interest for you to have all the facts right." Krell said.

Kiara groaned. "Eighteen hours, then. Okay. Time to cram for the meeting." She smiled grimly. "Time for me to be the bait and see who bites."

"You do understand that if you flush out the culprit that there is no telling what they will do if backed into a corner. You will need the help of the Amar's warriors to not only protect you but the delegation as well. The only problem is that it will look like the Klingons are trying to invade the place." Krell chuckled, "Unless there is a way for us to hide in the shadows to protect everyone."

She considered that for a long moment. "I don't think you could hide in the shadows, but you could monitor us and beam down if there's trouble. I will also make sure I have some sort of weapon." It might not be enough, but it might make a difference.

"And during the time that it took us to see the problem and then Beam down, you might be dead. I recommend that you have several Klingon Warriors as your Body Guards at the very least. Someone didn't want you there and now you have proof. They will try to kill you again." Krell was worried for his friend, he didn't want Kiara to die.

She appreciated the offer, but she didn't want the presence of Klingons to intimidate this emperor or anyone else that might be skulking around. At leasat, not at first. At the same time, she had a lot to live for and didn't want to do anything foolish. "'re an ambassador. If you and your assistants came down with me, they wouldn't think you're there as bodyguards. T'Vala is there with Daeren. You'd be another neutral observer."

Krell nodded, "Very well, I will bring one Warrior with me as my aid or at least pretend to be. That way our presence won't be overbearing to the others." Klingons we're known to be some of the best fighters in the galaxy even drunk. Two Klingons were worth a dozen soldiers from most species.

Kiara nodded. "Perfect. Now I need to change into my formal diplomatic uniform for my grand entrance."

"I recommend that you get some food, study your information and then rest before we get there. You can get dressed once we get in orbit." Krell said.

Dallas had been silent until now, "I agree with Krell, preparation is necessary and we have time for all that."

Kiara nodded. "Yes. Looks like I have a lot to do." She smiled at Krell and Dallas. "Thank you for the information. And thank the Captain."

"You're welcome." Krell replied, "Now if you will excuse me, I need to brush up on the mission notes. See you for dinner?" Krell nodded to Dallas.

"Of course, wouldn't miss it,"

Kiara watched the Klingon go, then turned to Dallas. "This changes everything. I have a lot to read." Part of her was glad she was more than bait for Dallas. Knowing she was a target as well made her feel slightly less guilty about Dallas being hurt. Only slightly.

"If you like I can go help you if you like." Dallas offered.

She smiled. "I always like your help."

Dallas smiled, "Good, let's get some food in our stomachs and then do some homework, shall we?" He indicated for her to lead the way.

She smiled and nodded. Food did sound good. Her stomach rumbled, giving its own agreement to the idea. She grinned and headed to the mess.

Dallas stopped in the corridor and pointed the way to his quarters, "Uh, unless you want Klingon cuisine, I recommend we go back to my quarters and use the replicator."


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