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Business Tricks Part 6

Posted on Fri 7th May, 2021 @ 1:50am by Nicha th'Elex & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Sorra Yarime (Yari)

1,037 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: The Conundrum and unnamed planetoid
Timeline: MD 1 1330


An alarm sounded on Aezash's console, =^=Activating cloak, the Orions found us...somehow. They're between us and the planet!=^= Aezash quickly activated Conundrum's cloak. More than likely, the Orions hadn’t had time to detect their ship before she cloaked. Aezash plotted an intercept course with the two Orion Interceptors. Hopefully, with a little luck, they should be able to hit the Orions with a surprise attack that gave the Conundrum the advantage. They needed to get to the Orions before they located the escape pod, however.

And the story continues.....

Aezash did the computation, the Orions would reach the planet a good ten minutes before his own ship and be able to achieve orbit. Ten minutes for Yari in a firefight could be a lifetime. Aezash had to get there more quickly. He decided to conduct a small, high warp jump within the system. Any miscalculation in his figures could be catastrophic. They could drop out of warp inside the planet or into one of the other ships. =A=Stand by for a short jump to warp. We have to get closer.=A=

Nicha kept his eyes glued to his console, anxious to fire on both Orion ships, but needing to be sure they were clear of the jump, and the planet, before doing so again. The escape pod with his boss in it was still out there, and could easily get in the way. Their controls weren't as precise as even a shuttle.

Aezash was good at tactics and was an excellent pilot. He could probably fly anything with thrusters. The Conundrum jumped to high warp for a brief moment and then Aezash input the commands and it dropped out of warp. =^=Maneuver complete. We are directly behind the second Interceptor. Lock onto the closest ship and prepare to fire once we decloak. We have to hit them hard and then move onto the other before they fire back.=^=

"Primary laser targeting locked on. Secondary laser acquired and locked on," Nicha said. "Ready to fire when ordered." As he waited for the fire-at-will order, he thought about what it must have been like before modern warfare and laser target locks. Hitting the target in those days would have required mad skills!

The Conundrum decloaked and raised shields at the same time, =A=Fire!=A= Aezash was ready for evasive maneuvers in case they were fired upon, but the element of surprise gave them a strong advantage.

In no time, th'Elex had fired at both targets and reacquired locks for second shots, if needed. The first ship exploded, so his torpedo had hit something vital. Not bad considering I didn't have a ship plan, he thought. The second ship was damaged, but not out, and he fired again, clipping the opposite side of the ship, and disabling its weapons platform. It was at a standstill, so the Andorian deduced it couldn't flee. To be safe, he locked target again, but didn't fire.

"One splashed, the other disabled. I have a target lock, if you want it blown away," Nicha told Aezash. "If you think the captain won't want to question those on board."

=^=That is not something that he does and besides that, we don't want that ship trying again. It will send a message if we destroy it.=^=

It took milliseconds for Nicha's finger to press the firing button and destroy the second ship. "Splash two," he said.

=^= Nice shooting. Heading for the planet now and scanning for the escape pod. Once I have them located, we’ll beam down and check on their condition.=^= Aezash said.

"The computer indicates the landing will be hard," S'lani said, turning to Yari. "There is not much room to brace."

"Then may I suggest that we embrace each other. It will keep us from banging into one another in case there is a violent crash or hard landing." Yari smiled.

"A very logical suggestion." There was a definite twinkle of amusement in her eye. Something about the suggestion amused her. She moved in so she could wrap her arms around him and hold him close.

The small pod glanced off of a rock that just came into view as they cleared the cloud cover that shrouded it. The pod veered off at a strange angle causing it to spin.

It bounced several more times as it hit first a rock, then a stump, then a tree. It bounced off the first tree, hit another, then came to a rest in the underbrush.

For several minutes, S'lani couldn't move. She carefully checked to be sure nothing was broken. Banged up, yes. She thought she strained her ankle, but it didn't feel broken. "Are you all right?" she asked quietly. "Yari?"

Yari lay there, his breathing labored as he came to. He was on his back and S'lani was on top of him. He hadn't tried to move yet, just allowed his brain to nervous system time to detect if anything was broken. "I'm ... here, you?"

"Nothing appears broken, but I am having difficulty extracting myself from this position," she said, trying to get up, but unable to put weight on her one ankle. "I do not wish to cause you further distress."

Yari chuckled softly under her weight, "Nonsense, let's get you out of here so we can treat any injuries that we may have sustained." Yari was lucky. Other than a gash on his left shoulder, he only had some bumps and bruises.

"Can I use your hands to push myself up to the button to open the door?" S'lani asked. "Then I might be able to roll out." At least, she hoped she could do so without causing further injury.

Yari used the strength in his upper arms to boost S’lani up off of him so she could reach the escape hatch handle.

It opened with a hiss and swung outward. "Thank you," S'lani said. She rolled off him as carefully as she could, only banging her foot once. She was Vulcan, even though she'd strayed from the teachings of Surak. Still, she lay on the ground, willing the pain to subside so she could get up and do her job.


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