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Spare Bunk ?

Posted on Wed 8th Sep, 2021 @ 7:44pm by Sipov Boros & Renato Solis
Edited on on Wed 8th Sep, 2021 @ 7:44pm

1,684 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Location: Deck 2245, section 221-B
Timeline: MD 7 2200 Hrs

With his bag slung over his shoulder, Sipov found himself standing in front of the door to Renato's center. He didn't find out until about half an hour before that his request to extend his stay in the free quarters was denied and he was given the chance to collect his gear and leave. Not having any money to spare for at least the next few days a room that he'd have to pay for wasn't a choice. All of his money had gone towards the ship.

Pressing the chime he waited to see who may answer. Maybe the really big guy would welcome him in one more time. Someone whom he'd also offer a job to.

The chimes above the door sounded in response to the gentle push, announcing the visitor in the familiar four tones. A female Caitian answered, wearing gloves and a coverall with tools in it. Her fur was white with black fringes and gray highlights, and welders goggles had been pushed up into her forehead. She stood at nearly seven feet tall. She gave Sipov the once-over, spotting the bag and drifter look.

"You coming to stay? You talk to Kya or Linz?

He looked back up at her and smiled "If you have a spare bunk, or your bed's big enough I'd be happy to join you" Sipov answered with a wink. While he'd never seen her species there was something alluring about her. He only allowed this particular request\offer to linger momentarily before continuing

"In truth however I've met with Renato in the past and we're business partners. He mentioned that he helps folks out here that are down on their luck, and I myself don't have anywhere I can stay for the next few days. I'm happy to contribute to any chores or duties while here, I just need somewhere to sleep until either my job starts or the work on my ship is finished. I'm not looking for any special treatment, is he by chance around?" Part of him hoped so considering the time of night but Sipov didn't really know what the other man's schedule was like.

Sinsza sniffed, he had no foul or unusual odor, but asked anyway, "If you want to join my litter in our den, the cuddle pile gets quite warm after all my kits join. I'd have no objection to a twelfth body." Truthfully she wasn't interested but the game was fun, and he had a handsome face. She opened the door further.

He chuckled and stepped forward "Depending on where they decide to put me I may take you up on that offer. I don't snore so you won't have to worry about that." Sipov caught a whiff of some sort of baked goods that had been left out and smiled. "Would you mind if I grabbed a snack? Last time I was here the food was quite delicious, and I can never pass up anything homemade."

Door duty fell to the muscle, and Sinsza was no exception, a gentle grin and slow motion was the least she could do to not intimidate or bewilder the lesser creatures. She asked somewhat coy, "Why do Humans think a snore is undesirable? I find it endearing, pity. It wouldn't have worked anyways I think. Help yourself to anything in there, you know the house rules?"

A voice from behind her announced, "Oh I am sure he does. This way for clients. Thanks Shishi."

As the mountain of a cat moved away, Renato appeared, gesturing for Sipov to follow towards the office.

Grabbing one of the pastries set out, the Vulcan turned to flash a grin at the Caitian before making his way as motioned. "I'm sorry for dropping in like this, I'm just up against the wall for a few days and I figured it was better to try and help out here instead of finding some random corner to sleep in." Sipov wasn't typically one to go looking for charity, but he also hoped being here for a few days would help iron out some possible crew as well. Or at least give him an idea of what they may need so he could keep an eye out on runs to bring what they needed. "I hope your evening is going well though."

"Nursing makes my chest sore, and there is nothing to watch on holonet. Please improve my evening any way you see fit. Until then..." Sinsza tried to wink but used both eyes before slinking as giants do back to her den.

Renato chuckled, "Careful Sipov, that one is a maneater. Not even close to idiomatic. How are you tonight?"

The Vulcan chuckled recalling some of his past experiences. "I'm doing alright, I've got the ship under final renovations and will be doing a cargo run soon, just looking for a spot to crash for a few nights possibly, more than happy to follow the rules here and contribute. I don't think the Ferengi will be too happy that I'm pushing things back a couple days but Candice is making some more improvements and until then it's best to lay low before the shakedown. I should be making a decent amount off of the mining trip I just got back from so I'll have some credits to kick in towards any supplies I find for here. Say about a week or so I may have something." He'd be keeping his eyes open for sure, and was eager to start working with Renato.

It was nice to have a friend certainly, so there was no argument from Renato. "We are in a contest of charity remember, this merely put me ahead slightly. I look forward to your riposte. Come on down the hallway to my office, just past it is a solo ward, I use it only for people who are hiding, or need to be out of sight a while. It's s self contained unit, private bath."

It was more than Sipov had expected, but he was thankful. "I appreciate it, really. I'll make sure to advantage of some quiet time to plan everything and make sure the trip is successful. As for the charity, you do as you like with it. I'll make sure to hold up my end of the deal either way." It was always good to help those less fortunate than yourself and Renato was that conduit for Boros to do so.

"Tannis wants a spot on your next run, Jaka the Moose too. They can't pay me unless someone does you'd be doing us all a favor. Come along." Renato headed towards the only other room on his wing of the center. It was a well built sturdy room off the books, built totally by them. A cell sometimes, a place to lay low at others, either way, the hinges were built into the frame, and there was a toilet and shower inside. Pushing the wall revealed the hidden room behind a swivel door, a spartan space without much else to acclaim it. A table with two chairs, a bed, a dresser, a rug.

The room was simple and more than Sipov needed. He'd have been happy with a sleeping roll and a door you could close. Communal living areas usually didn't bother him so having his own space was nice. "I'll draw up contracts for both of them then, as long as they're worried about making latinum instead of what we're doing in particular then it'll be easy money. And don't worry, we're not doing anything illegal in the territory we'll be travelling in so they'll be back here to their friends and families once we're done." Setting his bag down in the bed he did a quick look at the room and smiled "This will work just fine. Thanks."

"Thank you, the faster they get out of here the sooner they join society and I can rent their rooms out to new needy folks. Latinum is the Express ticket. Quick favor though, Jaka was always used as muscle but the poor guy is a softy, make sure he doesn't get involved in nasty stuff ok? Tannis is morally Gray, I don't judge but he is loyal to people who are loyal to him, and doesn't think much of following order no matter what they are. Keep him from steering off the deep end or being a sourpusss. I'll toss in a drum of Saurian Brandy donated to the center for the headaches that might bring. Kya won't let me keep it but your ship might be a good place for it eh?"

Alcohol was always welcome on his ship as long as it wasn't consumed on shift and folks were able to show up to work their shift sober. "Of course, I'm sure I can find place for it. And don't worry, I do my best to keep folks out of any trouble. If I didn't, it would mean I'd be in trouble too, which I don't want even more. Speaking of which, I have no doubt you find enough of your own on a daily basis. Are you working any sort of odd cases as the moment?" Sipov was curious and in truth wasn't sure how often Renato was hired to go and investigate something any of hte locals found amiss.

Feigning disinterest he breathily cooed, "Nooo, nothing you'd be interested in..." He waited for the audience of one to show rapt attention, but got a Vulcan eyebrow as the reward.

Renato continued, "...just a missing Executive officer for a Tellarite Freight ship overdue to leave in by five days. It only caught my attention as the Captain issued an arrest warrant to local security, and not a missing persons bulletin. Why haven't they left, or is it they can't leave? There is a reward to find out an answer to these questions."

"Hopefully there's some latinum in there to sweeten the pot as well." Sipov replied. "Ill get settled in here and let you know when the ship is ready. I'll watch out for Shishi as well."


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