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Aliam Gratiam (Another Favor) Part One

Posted on Wed 3rd Mar, 2021 @ 12:36pm by

524 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Office of the Captain of the Port
Timeline: MD 4 0900

"Knock knock!" Isabella said as she walked through the door of her brother Henry's office. Isabella found her brother sitting behind his desk, working hard on something. "What are you doing behind that terminal?" She asked as she made her way to the couch and plopped down on it.

Henry peered over the terminal screen at his sister, and then looked back down. "I'm working on these upgrades you requested of the Nomad. I'm kinda busy at the moment, what's up?"

'Well, I need one more favor. See, since we won't be wearing our Starfleet comm badges, we're going to need other means to communicate with one another and the ship. So, I am hoping you have something in your back pocket that my crew and I could use while we are out there?"

Henry looked up with a curious look upon his face. "Something that doesn't look like Starfleet, I take it?" he asked as he pondered over the request. "Any particular design you are looking for? A different type of lapel pin?"

Isabella turned her head at an angle, thinking about the question posed. "Naturally, I was thinking another lapel pin of some type, but whatever you come up with, I am sure it will be marvelous."

Henry looked over his desk which was cluttered with PADDs and found one he could use. He began inputting his sister's request in the notes on the PADD. "Give me some time to think about this. I already have a few ideas I could use, but I will also see what is already out there for us to use. There is a Ferengi here that I bet could find me something for the right price, but it may cost me some Latinum. Got any lying around?" Henry asked, laughing because he knew his sister could find anything she needed.

"Of course!" Isabella responded. "Just let me know how much you may need, and I'll have it sent over to you. Thanks again, big brother. I really appreciate you doing this for us. You're always looking out for me."

Henry smiled at his sister. "Now, what kind of big brother would I be if I didn't look out for my little sister? Plus, Mom and Dad would kill me if I let something happen to you. Besides, you are giving me chance to use tech that I normally wouldn't be able to use in Starfleet ships. So it is I who need to thank you."

Isabella stood up and made her way over to her brother at his desk. She bent over and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "Give me a shout when you find something. Oh, and whatever you find, make eight of them for me."

Henry nodded his head as he waved his hand up at his sister. He was already back into the work he was doing before his sister came into the office. Isabella smiled at her brother and felt very thankful to have him in her life. Although she would miss him while out on the fringes, she was happy he would be on the starbase having her back.


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