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Business Tricks Part 3

Posted on Sat 27th Feb, 2021 @ 3:18pm by Sorra Yarime (Yari) & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Nicha th'Elex

1,238 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Aboard the Conundrum
Timeline: MD 1 1230

Yari and Aezash took turns piloting the vessel, or at least sitting in the seat and making sure nothing went wrong. Yari hadn't heard a peep out of Nicha or S'lani, so he assumed they were below, sparing and working things out. The trip had been uneventful so far, and Yari hoped that it would stay that way. Conundrum had reached the coordinates early and, as expected, the other vessel had not arrived yet.

Yari checked the status of the cloaking device, and it was working perfectly. He began powering down systems except for life support. He wanted the ship to have the smallest power signature possible and that meant shutting down a lot of systems and basically rendering the ship defenseless. Now all he had to do was sit back and wait.

After their sparring match, S'lani showered and changed, then headed for the bridge to see if there was anything else needed of her, and if not, to simply see what was going on. She stood in the back, watching. She didn't want to bother her new boss and she might learn more about him by simply observing at this point.

Meanwhile, Nicha had gone straight to the weapons center on the lower decks. He knew his boss would power everything down as they reached their destination, and he saw lights dimming and felt the ship calming as he approached the torpedo bay control room. He hadn't discussed it with Yarime, but if there was a threat to the ship, he knew how to power up the weapons, and he was determined to be on site and ready to do just that. He tapped his com and said, "Nicha to Yari. I'm in the torpedo bay control. If you want weapons, you'll have 'em."

=A=I certainly hope it doesn't come to that. I don't want to risk damaging the shipment of materials. People are depending on it.=A= Yari replied.

Yeah, hope in one hand and pour water in the other. See which one fills first, th'Elex muttered. He wasn't quick to take offensive positions, but he wasn't going to let them all get blown up, if he could help it. "Understood, Sir. Just letting you know I'm down here and ready to go, if need be."

=A=Have fun down there,=A= Yari replied sarcastically.

A small cargo vessel dropped out of warp near by. It was at the correct coordinates and time frame, so it had to be the seller, and Yari hailed them. It was the seller of the materials. Yari agreed to go over and test the minerals to make sure they were genuine. He glanced back at S'lani, "Looks like you're with me, you ready?"

"Ready," she replied. Time for her to prove she belonged on this team.

Yari stood, "Okay, let's go and get this over with, then." He walked over to the small transporter pad and waited for her to join him there.

She stepped onto the pad next to him, looking unprepossessing, so as not to draw attention to herself.

Nicha kept a sharp eye on the small vessel that dropped in next to them. He wasn't a trusting Andorian, and Andorians were not a trusting species, so that was a lot of mistrust for him to settle. So far, there was nothing threatening from the vessel. It's shields weren't up, or his boss couldn't transport over, but he didn't detect any weapons preparation, either. Maybe they would get what they came for and everyone would go home happy. Maybe, but he doubted it.

"I have the coordinates." The Breen said.

"Energize." Yari ordered.

The Transporter beam placed Yari and S'lani in the cargo hold of the other ship. A large Orion male stood in the cargo hold waiting for them. "Are you the legendary Sorra Yarime? I have what you want at the agreed upon price. Just put your finger print here for the funds transfer and we will get the cargo transported over to your ship." The Orion held out a PADD for Yari to place his thumb print.

Yari shook his head, "I will arrange for the transport of the materials once the transaction is completed.

The Orion reluctantly nodded.

S'lani raised an eyebrow at the word legendary. Not that she doubted it, but that the Orion chose to use that particular word when addressing her boss. "We wish to inspect these goods. Is that not customary before agreeing to a sale?" He was far too eager to get his money and upload the cargo and she didn't trust the man or his goods. She was also mistrustful of the PADD itself. There was no telling what would happen if Yari affixed his thumbprint to it. She pulled out her tricorder to scan the cargo and the PADD.

The Orion indicated 10 metallic cylindrical containers that stood about 1.5 meters tall and about a meter in diameter. "Help yourself."

The Vulcan inclined her head in a brief nod. "Could you open one for me, please?"

The Orion smiled mischievously and nodded, "Of course, anything for you." The big man walked over to the nearest container and began to open the top so she could look inside. The top came off with a soft vacuum sound and the Orion placed the lid on the floor before backing away.

She nodded and gave the contents a careful examination, then scanned them before turning to Yari for his approval.

Yari had been watching the Orion intently with his right hip turned away from him while his right hand had gripping his Andorian pulse pistol tightly. The smooth lines of the deadly weapon felt good in the hand and it felt natural and easy to aim the weapon. Yari found it to be the best weapon for him in close quarters combat. Yari nodded and trusted her if the scan checked out.

"If she says its good then we have a deal for the agreed upon price, no more." Yari said to the Orion."

The big humanoid turned back to Yari and nodded, "Agreed."

Yari's left hand held a small discreet scanner that he used to scan the PADD to make sure that there wasn't anything funny about it. Once he received a green light he took it and read the agreement. Once he was satisficed he placed his thumb print so the funds could be transferred.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you, Mr Sorra. I hope we are able to do it again sometime." The big man said once the transaction was complete.

Yari tapped his communications device, =A=Get us out of here, Aezash.=A= but there was no response. =A=Lucy, report.=A= he said to the AI over a new channel but there was still no reply. In the blink of an eye his pistol was out and trained on the Orion. "What did you do!" Yari demanded.

"The Syndicate has offered a high bounty for you, alive. I only have to keep you here for a few more minutes so they can collect you. I have a dampening field so you can't contact your ship and by the time they figure it out it will be too late." The Orion tapped a button on his wrist computer and raised the shields on his ship. "Now your crew knows something's going on, but there is nothing they can do."


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