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"I Hope You'll Have Me..."

Posted on Tue 9th Feb, 2021 @ 12:36am by Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro
Edited on on Thu 11th Feb, 2021 @ 9:36am

1,248 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Deck 11: Chief Operations Officer's Office
Timeline: Previously...

"And, since a few Falcon's senior staff are staying aboard, I thought I'd apply for the vacant assistant chief post... I know," she interjected quickly, before Commander Baro had a chance to respond, "That I'm not a specialist in starbase systems, but I'm a quick learner... I'm sure Captain Grax will vouch for me if you need..." She trailed off, suddenly aware of how much she had been talking.

It had been three days since the USS Falcon had limped into Starbase 109. Captain Grax, the ship's CO, had just communicated the news that the vessel wasn't going to be repaired.

Hannah Sawyer didn't much believe in a divine being, but she did believe that sometimes the universe has a way of bringing you to exactly where you need to be. Of all the starbases in all the universe, the fact that the Falcon, in it's moment of calamity, should find itself docked at the same port where her sister was stationed, seemed like too much of a coincidence for her to just ignore and, as soon as she had learned that both Captain Grax and Commander Fisher had been offered posts on the base, she quickly went about exploring where she might be able to serve.

Almost immediately, she had discovered that the assistant department head job, in her specialism, was open. Again, it had felt like far too much of a coincidence for her to just ignore. And so here she was, sat in the COO's office, trying to convince Commander Baro that she was right for the job.

She scanned the Bajoran woman's face - but she wasn't giving anything away...

Baro blinked, when her yeoman told her about this sudden meeting, she initially had not been thrilled. She had a cancellation and was looking forward to some free time. Then she looked at the other officers record, especially in light of the recent tragedy, any irritation she felt fled. She still needed to make sure she'd suit though but more gently than she would have otherwise. "Lieutenant Sawyer, let's take this one step at a time. Would you like something to drink?" She said just as much to be polite as to give the other a chance to settle herself.

“Umm...” The question threw Sawyer off her beat - although she did suddenly become aware just how dry her throat was. “Umm... Some water would be good, please.”

Alora got up and replicated two tall glasses, handing one to Sawyer before taking the other and going to sit back down. She took a drink, "There - always good to take a moment," she smiled.

Hannah accepted the glass with a slightly embarrassed smile, and took a small sip.

"Okay, so we've established where you could use some work. Now let's focus on what you're good at. I haven't had much a chance to review your record. Perhaps you could give me cliff notes?" She asked calling up the record on one of the PADD's, finding always better to focus on the strengths.

Sawyer paused for a second to take a deep breath and to order her thoughts, in order to give the COO the most helpful information. When she began speaking, her voice was calmer; more level and measured than before. "For the last four-and-a-half years, I've been a bridge ops and CONN officer aboard the Defiant-class USS Falcon," she said. "For the last six months, I've been the senior officer in that role and mainly run the alpha-shift. The Defiant-class vessels are heavy on weapons and shields - you know, systems that can really drain the power - so trying to keep an eye on essential systems; ensure power gets to the places it's needed, and fly the ship at the same time, sometimes under fire, requires an eye for detail, an ability to multi-task and a cool head under pressure. That's where I'm strong." She paused and thought about her sister's comment when she had first arrived on the station - that the Falcon had probably only made it to One-Oh-Nine in one piece because of her abilities at the helm. It may have been true, she thought, but it also sounded like a very grandiose statement and so she simply moved on. "I'm a solid engineer," she continued, "I learn quickly and my personnel management skills are good..." She paused, suddenly feeling the weight of the commander's eyes on her. "What else would you like to know?" she asked, somewhat meekly.

Alora smiled, "I think that's the essential points, Lieutenant." She said glancing at the file again for a few moments. She then stood and tapped a key. "A large part of our job is to multi-task." A holographic image of the station and its hundreds of decks and areas all labeled. "We are helped by a strong civilian repair network but we are still responsible for a great deal, we coordinate with flight on ship patterns and docking, with security on certain systems we need a security clearance to even know about among other things. "

She continued, "We monitor energy use and flow, coordinate our own repair teams, conduct inventories, personnel reviews, ships come in needing help, duty rotations.." She turned with a gentle shrug, "The list goes on, we have a lot of repair personnel so a little weakness in certain systems can be forgiven for awhile while catch up is had. What I really need is someone who can help me juggle that list effectively, they'd be worth their weight in latinum"

She looked at the hologram for a moment remembering her own sense of being overwhelmed when she'd first come on board then at the other officer, "I need an efficient administrator and competent engineer in one. I think perhaps you'll suit. The question is do you feel you can you do that Lieutenant Sawyer? Honest assessment." her tone merely questioning, her gaze focused as she took in the others demeanor, her gently polite but no less genuine for that.

Sawyer took a moment to examine the station hologram herself. There was no denying that going from one of the smallest ships in the fleet to one of the largest star bases was a huge step up, but, at their heart, the jobs were the same: learn the systems; understand them; effectively co-ordinate the differing and potentially competing requests for resources. She stared at the hologram for a good few seconds before returning her attention to the Bajoran. She took a slow deep breath and then replied: “Yes, sir. I believe that I do.”

Alora smiled, "Good attitude and competence will get you far. Let's hope it's far enough." She thought for a moment, "I am remarkably short handed and I think you'll fit the bill." Then her face grew serious for a moment, "I judge a person by what I see them do. So I'll give you every support and chance but how that pans out in the field will be up to you."

Excitement and no small amount of relief welled up inside Sawyer. "Thank you, Commander," she said earnestly. "You won't regret it."

Alora smiled back, "I'm sure, but you might once I give you the grand tour." She checked her schedule, "I've got some time now, if you'd like?"

Hannah smiled. “I’ve got nowhere else to be.”

Alora nodded and straightened, "Let's be about it then."


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