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Trick Upon Trick II

Posted on Tue 26th Jan, 2021 @ 5:56am by Nicha th'Elex & Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena & Sorra Yarime (Yari)
Edited on on Tue 1st Nov, 2022 @ 3:36am

975 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Conundrum
Timeline: MD 7, 1900

Previously ...
Nicha touched his neck and subvocalized, "Heading your way now, boss. She's a phaser, all right. My advice? Be very careful with this one. Nicha out." In less than a minute, the two wary citizens arrived at the door to Yari's office aboard Conundrum. th'Elex found the door already slid back into the bulkhead and walked in ahead of their guest.

And now to see what kind of funny business is going on ....

"Most Honored Sorra Yarime and Captain Aezash Yajz, I have the pleasure of presenting your guest who has arrived in a timely manner." Nicha bowed slightly in the direction of each before standing with hands held behind his back against the bulkhead to the right and facing all the players.

The woman stepped up to the two and inclined her head. "I am S'lani."

The Breen addressed her in Federation standard, but the voice had a robotic, metallic sound because of the voice synthesizer, "Early is on time, on time is late. First impressions are everything."

"It's okay Aezash, " Yari interrupted. He stood and offered the woman his hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you, please call me Yari."

She looked at the Breen for a moment. He was someone to keep an eye on. She then gave her attention to Yari and shook his hand. "Well met, I hope."

"It's quite alright." Yari said as he released her hand, "Aezash is just looking out for my interests and wants everything to run smoothly. He may seem a little brash, but he is likable once you get to know him." Yari winked. Aezash was not the likable type, but once you had his respect, he had your back and would move mountains for you, just like he would for Yari. Yari sat down, "I see you have already met Nicha, please take a seat."

She glanced at Aezash. She doubted he could ever be likable. "Yes," she said as she sat down. "We met outside."

"I was just about to have dinner, would you two like to join me?" Yari glanced over at Aezash and Aezash stood and left the room. "Aezash will have us depart the station now."

S'lani raised an eyebrow at the request. She cast a glance to Nicha before inclining her head. "It would be my pleasure."

Yari stood up and walked over to the food replicator and did a double take of Nicha, "Please, join us for some food." He turned back to the replicator, "What would you like? This thing has just about everything in it, I made sure if that."

Although he was slightly uncomfortable sitting with his boss, th'Elex supposed he could guard him as easily from the table as not. He took a seat across from Yari and next to S'lani, nodding to her politely to order first.

"Salad. The one the Terrans call pecan apple," S'lani said, adding, "thank you."

"Meat. The one they call rib-eye steak," Nicha followed up with a little not very subtle teasing. Or maybe it was actually poking fun. "And salad without apples and pecans."

Something about this woman brought out an itch th'Elex couldn't help scratching. There was a sense that she felt better than those around her. Arrogance, that's the term his brother used.

She turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "Do you have a problem with my choice of food, or with me in particular?"

Nicha set his plate on the table and took a seat. He looked thoughtful as he poured a glass of water. "If I'm being honest, I have to say ... a little bit of both." He glanced at her, "No need to take it personally, unless you feel you must. We can always draw swords at dawn, if you like."

Yari satback and listened to what was going on. He wanted to see how the two would get along, since they would be working together and might have to depend on each other.

"Why should I take it personally?" S'lani asked. "I was hired to do a job, not make friends." She shrugged. She didn't like to sugar-coat things, especially the truth. "You'll make up your own mind if I'm worth it or not."

"I'm not the one hiring you," th'Elex said, pointing his fork at the other remaining man at the table. "The bosses are. I just have to work with you, when they tell me which of us is in charge."

"No, but if we don't get along, I doubt I'll be around long," S'lani stated bluntly. It was a matter of fact and she didn't feel the need to sugar-coat it. She glanced at Yari for his reaction. He was the boss, yes, but a good boss listened to those closest to him.

Yari spoke up. His tone was still pleasant, "I certainly need for you two to get along for this mission. If you don't work together well, then in the off chance that I really need you, there is a good chance that none of us will be around. So please try to get along, at least for now." Yari smiled as he stood up and walked toward the food replicator, "Perhaps a good exercise to begin a friendship would be to exchange each other's dinner with one another." His smile turned to that of a grin, giving away that he was joking with them.

"Except that he doesn't like pecans," S'lani said, only her eyes showing that she, too, was joking.

"And I'll bet you don't eat meat," Nicha snickered. "We can make it work, boss. You know I get along with everyone, when I have to do so. When the vacuum sucks, my concern is always your safety."

S'lani shrugged. Arguing wasn't worth her time. She went back to her salad. It was better than many she'd eaten before.


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