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Damon and Elaine

Posted on Sun 23rd May, 2021 @ 2:35am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Ensign Elaine Kaleh

750 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Waging Peace
Location: Spain's Place
Timeline: MD: -789. 0915 hours

Damon began to stir, but stopped quickly when he felt the warmth of a body tightly up against the front of him. His arm hugged her, that much he knew, it was a her. Then his mind began to waken and he remembered where he was and who he was with and he smiled and gave a small squeeze. He was very content to stay here with her if he could have, but he couldn't stay. He had to continue with his work. He closed his eyes again and tried to get some more rest and only thought of her.

She awoke immediately when he moved, but when he snuggled her closer she was content to relax back into a light doze. His arms around her had her dreaming of a life that she knew they couldn't have, but still it crossed her mind. A smile touched her lips as the dream, fleeting as it was crept into her subconscious mind.

Damon was reluctant to get up he had been laying there peacefully with a beautiful woman that he only knew for a short time but yet he loved her like he had known her for years. As far as he knew, she was just the person sent to take him to Oblivion, but what was to happen to them once Damion was there? Would he see her every day? Would she even be around or would she live somewhere else?

He knew that she felt the same way about him, he felt it. Their lives have changed and have become intertwined. He would have to discuss their future after she was awake and had food in her stomach. He nuzzled into her neck and took a deep breath, taking in the smell of her hair. He kissed her neck several times.

She giggled at first at the tickle of his lips, and that sound of joy quickly turned into a tiny whimper of pleasure. "G-good morning" she stuttered, feeling the heat in her rise again as if he'd flicked the switch on her libido. How had he managed to do that, when she'd been steadfastly avoiding any connections with her clients.

"Good morning to you." He said then nibbled on her shoulder. "How did you sleep?" He asked when he stopped the nibbles.

She was incapable of speech until he stopped the delectable nibbling of her shoulder, and it took her a moment to register that he'd asked her a question. "Better than I normally do, I'd wager due to the company. It's not my custom to let men share my bed..." there were words left unspoken there, but they lingered in the warmth of her gaze.

Damon leaned back down and nibbled on her shoulder again and spoke in between bites, "Does that make me special?"

Shivering head to toe, Elaine nodded slowly as she thought about the question and just all that it implied. "I'd say so"

Damon smiled, "I'm glad you think so." He thought for a moment then asked, "So what's on the agenda for today?" He really enjoyed her company and didn't want it to end. He felt a strong chemistry between them.

"Any of a number of things. Depends on whether you want to start on Intel or Infiltration."

"Well, what I mean is, when are you going to take me to Oblivian? I'm eager to continue my research. I still want to see you every day, but I need to finish my work." Damon said.

"I thought I just did" she joked quietly then her expression changed, her eyes got a bit faraway and the smile faded from her full lips.

"I am sure we can work something out." she murmerred wondering just how she could pull it off. "I have my ways in...if you have need of me. I'm not sure that I can get you back in once you are in place. I can move freely in and out, if I am careful. I'm not exactly important enough to watch closely."

Damon didn't quite understand what she was saying, "Dobbs is expecting me. It is my understanding that you are to take me to Oblivion so that I may continue my work or am I mistaken?"

"You are not mistaken" she murmerred nuzzling back into his embrace. "It doesn't have to be the last time you see me however."

Damon smiled, “I had no plans of letting you get away just yet.” He kissed her tenderly on the lips.


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Comments (1)

By on Thu 27th May, 2021 @ 11:31pm

Oh, another piece of the story of Dobbs and Oblivion! Thank you!