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A Pint for Breakfast - Part 3

Posted on Sun 3rd Jan, 2021 @ 7:47am by Sipov Boros & Mary Elizabeth Gregory
Edited on on Wed 27th Jan, 2021 @ 2:25am

1,185 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: The Hangman's Noose
Timeline: MD10 0730 Hrs

(Continued from here.)

Apparently, this one liked to drink his breakfast. Mary Elizabeth filled a pint glass with ice water and set it next to the half-empty beer glass. She reached under the counter and handed him a sheet of faux parchment paper. "This is our breakfast menu. I don't know how familiar you are with the foods on it. They're pretty much typical but old-fashioned breakfast foods from my home country on Earth. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I just need your credit chit, and I'll get the tab started."

Sipov reached into his pocket and pulled out his chit, handing it to her. Picking up the menu he looked over it and didn't really seem to recognize much of it other than 'eggs'. "I'd like four eggs cooked all the way through....the bacon? Whatever that is and I guess this English muffin. What do you traditionally eat with it it?" Eggs in general were a pretty universal staple regardless of the creature they came from but the other items were foreign to him.

Definitely not a Vulcan, if he was eating eggs, Mary Elizabeth thought. "When you say, 'cooked all the way through,' do you mean hard boiled, so that the yolks are solid? Rashers of bacon are thin strips of meat--mostly fat--that come from the belly of an Earth animal called a hog. It has a nice salty, crisp taste, and the cooks here usually fry the eggs in a bit of bacon grease to enhance their flavour. An English muffin is a round of bread that can be split in half along its width so that you get two discs, top and bottom. They're usually served toasted, and you can spread butter and jam, jelly, or preserves on the inside. It's all usually served hot."

Now that's interesting, the Andorian thought. Not familiar with Earth fare at all. I wonder where he travels in the quadrant.

"The eggs can be cracked open and cooked until they aren't runny anymore." He hoped that would convey the method he wanted "So I guess fried would be the term? The bacon and muffin sound good, the butter will do just fine with it." Bread was something he enjoyed trying in different forms so there was a natural curiosity for this English muffin.

"Eggs fried over hard, bacon, and a toasted English muffin with butter. Got it," Mary Elizabeth said with a nod as she danced her fingers over a PADD. "Let me get your second pint, and I've sent your breakfast order to the kitchen. Here's your credit chit back."

Sipov reached out and took it from her before pocketing it once more. "Thanks." Taking another sip of beer he confirmed how much he actually did enjoy it. "So, how is it living and running a business under the rule of the Federation? I can't say I've gotten much of the welcoming's I've heard rumors of." It was an attempt at small talk and to get some sort of footing for where he was.

"You mean because this is located on a Starfleet base? Well, this is essentially my version of my family's old pub back home, though I've expanded it to include guest rooms and a restaurant that is more mainstream than this tavern," Mary Elizabeth said. "In here, the food is all as traditionally English as I can get it." She pointed to her right. "Through those doors are the restaurant on this deck and the inn upstairs. I was Starfleet enlisted and served as a sous chef on a starship. While I love my homeland's food, I also like experimenting and eating more eclectic foods, so that's how the restaurant came about. I'm Mary Elizabeth, by the way. Good to meet you."

He extended his hand in return "Sipov Boros, pilot and according to the Federation, refugee. I like to think of myself more as someone looking for a fresh start. If you need someone to run supplies back and forth for this place let me know. I've had quite a bit of flight experience in different craft, most of it was in Breen territory, however, so I may not be quite as versed in regional flight laws."

"Oh! I'm very glad to meet you, Mr. Boros," Mary Elizabeth said and shook his hand. "I use Federation Express for most of my needs, but every once in a while we plan special events, so I might well need to hire you for things Fed-Express can't get to me in time. Can you send me your information? I'm"

Once the handshake concluded Sipov pulled out a small PADD from his coat pocket and made note of the woman's contact information "I'm your man, my rates are reasonable and based on the cargo transported as well as the routes I have to take. I think we can work deals in the best interest of both parties."

Even more interesting! Tieran thought. Worth getting to know him, maybe.

He picked up his coffee and moved down toward the Vulcan. "Mind if I join you?" he asked, pointing to the seat next to the stranger.

Just as Boros finished glancing at a message he'd received on his PADD he took note of the blue man who was standing to the side of him. "All yours, it's a free station, or so I believe it is." Feeling a small bit of victory in already having possible work lined up, he felt like being generous with the limited funds he had "Care for a drink? It's never a bad time for beer."

The Andorian grinned as he sat. "Normally, I'd take you up on that, but work is calling and being the boss, I must answer. However, if you're awake and moving around in about 12 hours, I'd be happy to meet you for dinner. I didn't mean to listen in on your conversation, but," he shrugged, "small space ... close by. I heard you say you're a pilot for hire. I know a lot of people in the community here, and I might be able to send some jobs your way now and then ... if I know more about you."

Seeing the owner heading their way with the Vulcan's breakfast, Tieran added, just loudly enough for Mary Elizabeth to hear, "I think our lovely businesswoman might be inclined to vouch for me being an honest man."

Mary Elizabeth laughed as she set Sipov's plate down along with a set of silverware rolled into a napkin. She smiled at Tieran. "If I were my cook, I'd say, 'Away with you, you flatterer!' But since I'm not her, I'll offer you a refill of your coffee and a blueberry scone, instead."

"Sold!" the Andorian said in delight. He turned to Sipov and said, "There's no scone like her blueberry scone, not even at Orchids & Jazz. Which, by the way, is where I'm offering a dinner meeting and conversation."


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