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Of Feathers and Favors (pt 3)

Posted on Thu 17th Dec, 2020 @ 4:50am by Sorra Yarime (Yari) & Yuliette Marayan Dr.

1,780 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Brown Sector: Zodiac. The Gemini Casino
Timeline: MD: 1, 1830 hours


Saurian brandy was generally difficult to go wrong with. A safe offer. Her father always kept some on the side bar. But her eyes traced the other bottles. All of them were either well recognized, finely aged liquor, or unique, unusual things she'd never seen before. It was a fine collection, one belonging to someone who knew what he liked and had the coin to spend on it. With the point of a slender index finger she settled on something familiar to her. It was a Risan infused sundrop rum. She recognized the label from what now felt like a previous life, clubbing with her friends. You didn't flush your cheeks with that brand of sundrop if your pockets weren't already flush with cash. Former Yuliette had some every week. As Neone, she wasn't sure she'd ever taste it again. But there it was. She reminded herself she needed her wits. A taste, and only a taste.

"Just a swig, neat," she said.

And now the story continues.....

Yari followed Neone's fingertip until he spotted the dark, square bottle of special beverage. It was indeed hard to come by and demanded a premium for it. Yari was able to purchase a large supply on the black market for only for a song and a dance, a bargain to be sure. The golden liquor was susceptible to light so there for needed to be kept in a very dark container. Yari smiled, "Good choice..." He said as he stood and walked over to the bottles and grabbed her a glass and began to fill it. The beautiful golden fluid shimmered in the light as he took it over to Neone, "Here you go." He said with another smile.

Yuliette enjoyed a sip, and with her eyes closed for a moment, allowed it evoke the Risa she knew. Sitting with her toes in the surf, watching a sunset, singing along to the band. She hummed three notes and sighed. "Thanks."

"Of course." Yari said as he smiled after watching her reaction, "Now what would you like to eat?" Yari slid a menu across the table for her to glance over. "I hope you are hungry."

Yuliette took up the menu and considered. Her brow raised, impressed. "You source all of this from Brown sector?" She was both amazed at the selection, and the commitment. "I'll have the mushroom risotto, with a cup of tomar soup." It made sense to grow mushrooms on a starbase. No light requirements, and the environmental controls could be made to imitate the desirable conditions for fungii. She set the menu to the side. "I've been wanting to try tomar soup. I haven't had a lot of Bajoran cuisine before, only from a hasperat stand. I just tried veklava recently. Do you have any favorite Bajoran foods I should amend my palette with?"

"There are many Baroran dishes, each with its own merit so I recommend trying different ones. We also can serve anything that is in the Federation database as well. I like Chinese food and some Federation fast food like burgers with fries, or hot dogs. There are so many choices." Yari motioned for his personal waitress, Sofia to take their orders. Yari finally decided on a large slice of pepperoni pizza and a tall, frosted mug of a soft drink known as rootbeer to go along with it. The waitress was very courteous to her boss and his guest and was gone quickly to retrieve their meals.

When their dishes arrived, Yuliette began with the soup in order to appreciate the flavor before confusing it with the risotto. She began with a tentative spoonful, careful of the temperature as she could see the steam. but what she was really bracing for was the spice. She quickly discovered that was wise, as it coated her tongue in a warm tingle and heated up her throat. Yuliette, who was generally always chilly, really appreciated the warming effect of the spices and hummed contentedly. "I have to look this up- Tomar soup. I wonder what the principle spices are."

Yari shook his head, "I'm not sure, probably from the Baylor plant which is dried in the sun until it turns to a dark red or brown if you want it more hot."

Yuliette likewise enjoyed the culinary experience of the risatto. When she'd gotten halfway through her plate she said, "which of the station farms did you source the mushrooms from? They're amazing."

Yari smiled, "That's one of the good things about being on a starbase, there are many sources as long as one knows where to look. The mushrooms in question come from a planet call Tigris 4. The mushrooms grow on the side of the planet that faces away from the sun and is always dark. The soil is rich in minerals which gives the mushrooms a very unique flavor. I have other sources for mushrooms as well, each with a different flavors or characteristics making them unique, but that type is my favorite."

"Wow..." Yuliette marveled at the particularities of the fine import. She'd presumed wrong about them being from the station, but she was certain there were still growers around. She'd seen the fungi in the market stalls. "Well, As much as I'm enjoying them, I guess you already know I didn't really come for the gastronomical exploration in particular." She covered her mouth with her napkin and finished politely chewing before refolding it. Her fingertips worked the edge of the napkin nervously. "You mentioned the possibility of a loan.... As I'm not currently able to apply for conventional debt instruments... I was hoping to follow up on your offer."

Yari smiled. He was please to help his savior any way he could. He was a good judge of character and could tell when someone was in need. He could even tell when they were not being honest or hiding something to a certain degree, he had to in his line of business. He could tell she was in need and that she was hiding a great deal or that she was running away from something.

That was probably why she was in the Brown Sector, to disappear. He would press her, she would tell him in time only if she wanted to. "Of course. You could pay me back whenever you can, there would be no hurry. Do you have employment yet? I might be able to set you up with something in the casino if you don't mind that kind of work. If you are looking for Medical work perhaps you might want to open your own small practice. There is not enough medical support for the population down here."

She cleared her throat and dropped to a low whisper, leaning over the table to admit what she had to. "I can't really practice, not legally. I'm just going to start with a small business idea making simple remedies." She slid him a piece of paper with her needed amount tallied. "I have to cover rent and cost of living, and the supplies and materials and some of the overhead for renting proper space to produce things with. I think that should be enough to get me started." I think, she repeated to herself. She'd never had to tally cash herself. she just let her dad's accountants worry about it for so many years.

Yari took the paper and without looking at it he said, "Done, come back in the morning and the credits will be ready for you." He paused for a moment in thought, "I have an idea for you. Renting a space to work from, they will probably dig a little into your identity a little. Perhaps we can become partners in your endeavors and everything could be in my name so you would have anonymity and work on what you want unhindered. I would take care of the leased space and equipment along with any supplies you need. I have sources, it's what I do. The business would be yours, you would pay me a small amount each month." Yari smiled, "It's just an idea, no obligation to get the credits, they're already yours."

"Thank you for the offer. You seem really well connected. But I found a neighbor with a kitchen I can use and one of the local doctors has an apothecary he'll allow me access to. If there's anything more I need I'll be sure to ask you, though."

Yari smiled and nodded, "Of course, please do, and now that the business part is concluded, would you care to enjoy a room for the night. I hear the pool is very relaxing." Yari had figured Neone was never one for handouts and preferred to do things herself and on her terms and his offer was in no way any sort of handout. Everyone needed help once in a while and he was impressed that she seemed to have a plan well in hand.

"I think I'd enjoy staying a few nights, actually. You've seen my apartment. I could use a change of scene."

Yari nodded, "I agree, no one should have to live like that." Yari looked at Neone's glass, "Would you care for another drink before you go to your room?" They both had finished their delicious meals that were prepared by Yari's cook.

No one should live like that.... She was torn now between the creature comforts and the humble acceptance of the state of living without which Radak had expressed so simply. It was harder to deny comfort in these moments of easy access, when you were right in it, when there was no reason to avoid it. She looked at the bottle and licked her upper lip, considering another taste of Risa. She could nurse one glass after next and allow it to warm her heart until she could imagine the beaches she missed and get lost in a stupor all her own.... Or, she could be thankful for one taste, and keep her eyes clear. Yuliette bit her lip. "No... I shouldn't. But thank you." Folding her napkin she stood and gathered her bag. "Maybe I'll run into you again."

Yari stood, "I hope so and please have some fun over the next few days. You can pick up the card.for your room at the front desk. I'll also have some credits added to your room number so you can test your luck at the tables. If you need anything, just ask for me." Yari watched as she smiled a thank you and.ealkwd out of his office. Neone was pleasent and perhaps in time they could become friends.


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 30th Jan, 2021 @ 12:22pm

This is so interesting to try to figure out if Yari is just being a good guy, or if he has some underlying plan for Neone. A good read, thanks!