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Damon and Elaine, Dinner to Go

Posted on Tue 15th Dec, 2020 @ 10:56pm by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Ensign Elaine Kaleh

905 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Central City, Antares IV
Timeline: About Two Years Ago


She broke the kiss but didn't move away from him, her nose brushing his when she finally looked up at him. "Want to take our food to go?"

"I'd love that." Damon whispered softly. His nose tingled at the touch of her causing him to smile pleasantly.


And now...

"So, do you have a place where we can be in private?" Damon asked. He had just arrived on the planet and had not made arrangements to spend the night. He had planned to be gone by now, but things don't' always happen according to plan and he was actually glad things were different.

"I do" she answered as their food came out. She gave the waitress a significant look, and the waitress laughed and brought them to-go boxes. "I have a room a few blocks from here. It's clean and quiet." her smile was soft as their fingers entwined under the table.

Damon gave her hand a gently squeeze, "Then I think we should go and get more comfortable at your place while" He gave her a mischievous grin.

Her smile echo'd his, and she was surprised to find herself blushing at his innuendo. Packing their food, she popped a morsel into her mouth with a cheeky little smirk.

He grinned back at her before kissing her on the cheek, "Let's get out of here and go enjoy ourselves, shall we?"

Elaine entwined their fingers, and gently tugged him through the winding streets. She made a number of twists and turns in their route to ensure no-one was following them before leading them up a back set of stairs. Kissing him softly she whispered against his lips "I always take a different route."

Damon reluctantly pulled back, "I guess that's a pretty good was to make sure that no one knows where you stay." He smiled at her mischievously and pulled her back in for a long passionate kiss.

The blonde molded her body to his, tugging him forward and kissing him with every step. Nobody had followed them, and she was more than capable of taking care of an assassin, being trained as one herself. Slipping a key into a door, she pulled him into her world. Her apartment was neat, smelled of ink, lemon, and freshly tilled dirt.

Damon stopped kissing her only momentarily to ask her, "What's that strange smell?" He didn't recognize any of the smells that flooded his nostrils.

She chuckled "I keep a small lemon diffuser, to mask other more unpleasant scents from the surrounding apartments. A lemon is a citrus fruit from Earth that is tart tasting and sharply scented. The loamy scent, is the dirt in the pots next to the window. The acrid scent is the ink that I spilled on my desk. I rather enjoy drawing in my spare time, and I knocked over a bottle. I was able to save some, but not all of it. My desk however is ruined. "

"Well that's definitely a strange concoction to walk into, but I guess I could get used to it if I had the time. Damon wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tight, "Shall we eat first, I'm famished."

"The ink isn't usually a part of it." she giggled at the man as she gazed up through long eyelashes at him. Settling into his lap, she opened the bag and offered him the first bite of their shared entree. The warmth of him behind her soothed her in a way that she'd not felt in a long time. She'd definitely have to enjoy him while he was here.

Damon gently took the morsel of food from her fingers with his teeth and chewed with a smile on his face. When he was done he spoke, "I could really get used to you hand feeding me while sitting in my lap. It's kinda sexy."

"You may get used to it if you'd like" she teased back, resting her head against his shoulder. It had been a long time since she'd been this calm and comfortable with a stranger.

Damon put each one of her fingers in his mouth to clean them. "All my life I put work first. You are the closest I've ever been to any type of relationship."

Laughing softly she nuzzled at him "One has to put work first. However when work and pleasure can walk hand in hand, well I'm all for seizing the opportunity."

"I really wouldn't I know." Damon said softly, "Perhaps you could show me."

"I think I might" she murmured, her smile gentle as she gazed up at him. It wasn't difficult for her to reach up and draw him down for another kiss that lasted till both needed life-sustaining air gasped into needy lungs.

Damon smiled once he caught his breath, "I think we should retire to your bedroom for a nightcap and see where the night takes us. What do you think?"

"I think my neighbors are going to be jealous, and not get much in the way of sleep" she purred back in delighted acquiescence.

Damon grabbed Elaine by the shirt and kissed her hungrily as he pushed her towards the bedroom.

The food would lay on the table, forgotten for several bliss-filled hours where her speculations were indeed made reality. Her neighbors did not sleep, and in fact, wandered away so as not to overhear the couple.


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