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Posted on Wed 1st Aug, 2012 @ 12:33am by Colonel Horatio Drake & Major Kyle Green

765 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Starbase Protector
Timeline: Present


Major Green beamed aboard his new assignment as the Executive Officer. He needed to meet the Commanding Officer. He found his quarters and unpacked. He then tapped his commbadge and said, "Computer, locate Colonel Drake."


Ashton had been in Operations for the last hour or so, trying to make heads or tails of the condition of Protector's tactical systems. Barely any Starfleet tactical personnel had reported on board so far and the passion of the FCDA's very own tactical staff had been evident with the disrepair of virtually everything on the station.

Kyle tapped his commbadge and said, "Major Green to Lieutenant Colonel Drake, I was wondering when would be a good time to meet you, sir."

Major Green? Yet another name that he hadn't heard. Ashton furrowed his brow, cursing the fact that so many personnel were transferring on board all at once.

"Major... we can meet presently, if you'd like?" He replied.

Kyle said, "Very good, Colonel. Where are you?"

"Currently in Ops", he replied frowning at the tactical display even more now.

Kyle stepped onto a lift and said, "Ops" the lift started to move up. Kyle was confident and ready to meet his new commanding officer. The lift stopped. Ops was bigger then he realized. he walked up to the Colonel and said, "Major Kyle Green reporting sir."

"Ah Major" He stood, offering a handshake. "Pleased to meet you. How was your journey?".

Kyle said, "It was fine, sir. Glad to be here and to get started."

"Is that sarcasm, Major?" He knew it probably wasn't but wanted to get off on the right foot and, making a joke was probably the best way to do it! On no account could he allow his XO to realise that he was actually on the verge of his second breakdown in a year, over the death of Patrick.

Major Green said, "No so. I am 100% serious. I am glad to be here and ready to get started!"

His attempt at humour had gone unnoticed! "Well, I'm glad someone is Major... this place certainly needs it. I mean what the Hell do the FCDA think they're playing at? Starfleet are off fighting a war and they treat one of their flagship bases like this?" He motioned to Ops around him... albeit one of the better looking places on the station, purely because that's where the FCDA skeleton crew spent most of their time.

Major Green said, "Thats too bad, sir. What can I do to help you? I understand that we have an Oberth Class starship at our disposal is that correct?"

"It is indeed, Major" He dreaded to think the condition of that, if Protector was looking like this.

Kyle knew that both the starbase and the ship needed to be looked at. Kyle said, "Colonel, once Ops is running more efficiently I am going to look at the ship. What is the name of the ship, sir."

"I believe she's called the Freedom... you'll find that most of the vessels on the station have a naming scheme to do with Protection, freedom, defence... that sort of thing". Naming schemes were something Ashton used to find interesting... these days he couldn't care less what things were called.

"Did you have any plans for her?" He asked, inquisitively.

Major Green said, "I was hoping to inspect her and make sure she was ready for launch when needed. We need to be ready, sir."

"Ready for what, Major?" His brow furrowed... his Executive Officer was talking as if an attack was imminent.

"Anything!, we should try to be ready for anything that hits this station, Colonel." This wasn't something he played around with.

"Indeed... well you have my full authority to do what you will with the Freedom. Bare in mind that she is, unfortunately, only a science vessel!"

"I understand, Colonel, but she is a vessel never the less. Is there anything I can do for you at the moment?"

"Well, I would appreciate it if you could co-ordinate efforts with the upcoming Diplomatic Envoy. Just go over final plans, ensuring their quarters are up to scratch and that all security is in place". The truth was that he had faith in his Head of Departments... despite only just meeting the majority of them... some he had yet to meet in a one-on-one environment, but it made sense for the XO to be involved.

Kyle appreciated the security that his CO had in place and said, "Thank you, sir I will."


Major Kyle Green
Executive Officer


Lieutenant Colonel Ashton Drake
Commanding Officer


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