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An Adventure in 3/4 Time, Part II

Posted on Sun 4th Oct, 2020 @ 5:44am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Daeren Iril & Miadze Palel
Edited on on Sun 4th Oct, 2020 @ 6:04am

1,210 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Thunder Child
Timeline: MD 1, 1007

Previously, on Thunder Child ...

Zed's communicator chirped. "Transporter Room to Captain," the chief's voice announced. "I have two more passengers waiting to beam up. Trills."

Zed and Sai were just about to board the turbo lift when she got the message, =^=Acknowledged, we'll be right there, Zed out.=^= The two ladies quickly headed back to the Transporter Room. They didn't want to keep them waiting.

Zed and Sai stepped back into the Transporter Room, "Energize." Zed clasped her hands behind her back as she waited for the next group. She hoped that it would be the last ones, they needed to get underway.

Two annular containment beams sparkled as a pair of Trills materialized, a man and a woman, both of whom looked on the older side. The man glanced about the transporter room for a moment, almost as if checking to ensure that everything was in order. Then he offered a hand to his companion and assisted her off the transporter platform, though she didn't appear to need any help down.

"Captain Zed?" he inquired, "I'm Ambassador Daeren Iril, and this is my aide, Ms. Miadze Palel."

Zed stepped forward and offered him her hand, "Welcome aboard the Thunder Child, Ambassador Iril." After shaking his hand she glanced over at the woman and bowed slightly, "Welcome aboard, Ms Palel. It's a pleasure to meet you both." She indicated the woman behind her, "This is Councilor Sai, one of my senior officers."

Zara gave one of her warm, sincere smiles. She spoke with a soft, pleasant voice, "It's a pleasure to meet you both."

"Likewise," Daeren said and shook the two women's hands. Beside him, Miadze smiled and greeted the two in turn. "Thank you for hosting us on such short notice," she said.

Zed glanced over at the transporter chief, "Please have their belongings transported to their quarters." She smiled, "Thank you." She turned back to her guests, "Please allow us to show you to your quarters. Perhaps, after you're settled in, I can give you a tour of the ship."

"That's very kind of you," Daeren said, "We'd enjoy a tour at your convenience."

"I believe an official reception is also on the books for 1930 hours in 5 Forward." The door to the turbo lift hissed open and they all got in. "Deck 2." Zed said to the computer and the lift moved quickly. After a few moments, it opened. "Your quarters are just over here." She indicated a pair of doors directly across from each other.

Daeren and Miadze exchanged an amused look. "I don't think that nice, quiet night with a book is going to happen, Ambassador," Miadze said, smiling.

"It's a joke between us," Daeren explained to Zed. "Among diplomats, it seems as if there's always a reception. Get more than one of us together at any one time, and we breed them. Who will be at this one, aside from Ambassador T'vala, myself, and our aides?"

"All my senior staff should be there, myself, and a good portion of the crew will probably be rotating in and out since there is not enough room for everyone." Zed smiled softly, "Please make yourself at home, and if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask me or anyone of the senior staff." She paused for a moment, "It will take nearly three days to get there so hopefully, you can do something you enjoy. There are several holosuites on this deck for your use."

"It would be a pleasure to meet your crew, and thank you for the offer of entertainments," Daeren said, "but I'll likely spend most of the time either reviewing the source materials or in consultation with Ambassador T'Vala. I understand Commander Lena was originally supposed to mediate these negotiations, and we're here because she never arrived at her destination. Has there been any further word of her?"

Zed frowned, "A ship has been dispatched to 'negotiate' for her safe return, and at this moment is still en route so there is no news except that she is alive." Zed paused for a moment, "I'm sorry, that's all I have for the moment, I will keep you apprised one we get further updates. Perhaps in a day or two we shall receive some good news."

"Hm. Someone's trying to play games," Daeren said. "Thank you for letting us know, Captain."

"She came to greet us when she first arrived at Starbase 109," Miadze added. "I'm relieved to hear she's still alive. I hope she stays that way."

"From what I hear, her staying alive and returning won't be a problem. There are other lives...oh hell." Zed sighed and then decided to give a little more detail. "There is this assassin that failed to eliminate Dallas Briggs, supposedly the assassin shot down the shuttle that Commander Lena was on and Briggs must face the Assassin in a duel to the death in order for Commander Lena to survive. I know it sounds crazy but that the information that they have given to me."

"Ye-e-s, that does sound crazy," Daeren said. "If I were the assassin, she would be dead, and so would he."

Zed nodded in some type of agreement, "The Assassin is somehow honor-bound to keep his word if Briggs shows up for the meet. The Assassin also wants to keep his word intact, so he has to kill Briggs so the contract that he was hired for gets fulfilled." Zed paused for a moment as if in thought, "In a way it does seem logical of how he is going about getting what he wants."

"Making the deal with his target is what baffles me," Daeren said. "Fulfill the contract, period. This person doesn't sound professional; he sounds unhinged. I hope Briggs will be all right."

Zed smiled, "Very well, Ambassador. I will leave you with one simple thought. If you couldn't get back aboard the starbase because you would get caught if you did and you had to eliminate Dallas Briggs. What better way to get him to come right to you on your terms?" With that Zed turned and began walking away. "Good day Ambassador, ma'am." She said over her shoulder.

Counselor Zara Sai smiled, "Have a nice day, and contact me if you need anything." She quickly turned and followed after Zed.

Daeren turned to Miadze but kept quiet until Captain Zed and Counselor Zara were out of earshot. "That was an odd conversation," he said.

"Very," Miadze agreed. "They must know Commander Briggs well, to be privy to all those details."

"Yes. I can understand drawing the target out, but that is what you do first, to isolate him. Attacking Briggs on the starbase was foolhardy; failing to kill him even more so. Involving Commander Lena--positively absurd."

Miadze arched an eyebrow at her boss. "Are you telling me that one of your previous hosts was an assassin for hire?"

Daeren chuckled. "Oh, no. The Symbiosis Commission would never have permitted that. Jorron organized security for high-profile politicians and the like. He did know some shady people, though."

"Ah. I'm much relieved," Miadze said. "And now, if you will excuse me, Ambassador, I have some unpacking to do. So do you."


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