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Until Death Do Us Part, Part 2

Posted on Tue 22nd Sep, 2020 @ 3:26am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs & Krell House of Mer'uk

971 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Devil's Breath aka Hendara 2, Hendara System
Timeline: MD: 19 1641 hours


Dallas turned a full 360 making note of the small area that he had to work with, it was no more than 10 or 15 meters before the steep drop off that would be certain death if one was to fall off the edge. When he turned to face the Assassin it was too late, Hou'tan had taken advantage of Dallas' distraction and was charging him with the lirpa high above his head. The only thing Dallas could do was try and block the overhead swing.....

And now the conclusion....

The blow was significantly strong since it was coming from a Vulcan who was much stronger than a human being, even if the human was one such as Dallas Briggs. The clang of metal on metal was loud, the sheer force of the impact shuttered through Dallas's arms and shoulders causing him to drop to one knee.

Dallas took advantage of his position the best he could and rolled to one side and swung his lirpa. The blunt club end of his weapon caught the Vulcan in the ribs causing him to stumble a couple of steps.

Dallas was back on his feet, swinging the bladed end of the lirpa. Without even looking the Vulcan parried the strike and countered with the club end of his weapon. The strike had come quickly, too fast for Dallas to even block. The hit was directly in Dallas's stomach, knocking him off of his feet and on his back. Dallas felt like he was hit by a shuttle. He gasped for air, trying to inhale deeply, but it hurt bad. He surmised that he had a broken rib or two.

Dallas lifted his head just in time to see the Vulcan coming at him with the blade part of his weapon, surely a fight stopper. Dallas rolled to one side as the blade sparked as it hit the rocks that Dallas had been laying on only a fraction of a second ago.

Dallas was back on his feet as the Vulcan came at him again only Dallas was slowing down do to the air and the fact that he was injured. The Vulcan swung his weapon in a wide arc, the fan blade cutting through the air. Dallas tried to dodge backward but the blade was a bit too fast and made a neat cut in Dallas's midsection. The cut in his tunic began to turn wet with his blood. Dallas cried out.

The fight was being to come to an end and Dallas was outmatched by the Vulcan. Pretty much a death sentence and Dallas knew it. Dallas tried to parry another overhead swing by the Vulcan causing him to fall backward on his back. He had lost the grip on his weapon from all his sweat and looked up at the Vulcan looming menacingly over him with an evil smile on his face.

Dallas had no more fight in him, he was wounded, and out of breath. The short yet vicious fight had taken its toll on him. He started to prepare for the end. The thing that made his death so much easier was knowing that Commander Kiara Lena would be alright.

The Vulcan lifted his lirpa high above his head, using all his might that would cleave Dallas Briggs in half from his head to the bottom of his torso. Surely a death worthy of a Warrior and the Vulcan swung with all his might.

A loud clang of metal striking metal reverberated loudly with a flash of sparks when the lirpa met the bat'leth and suddenly stopped. Hou'tan stood in confusion as Krell stood there and smiled at him then growled, "Perhaps today is a good day to die, Assassin. But you will not find Sto'vo'kor. You are a cowardly petaQ!"

Krell used his strength to push Hou'tan's weapon away and Hou'tan stepped back several feet as he was knocked off balance. "Commander Briggs, we boarded his shuttle and found Commander Lena's coordinates. Sit tight while I take care of this bIHnuch."

The assassin had to be dealt with once and for all and Dallas knew it. If he was allowed to leave, he would keep coming back for Dallas or again, someone he loved just to get to him. Dallas was no longer in any shape to take on Hou'tan and was very happy when Krell showed up. Commander Koor and his First Officer, Bun'eth watched on at a distance.

Krell spun his bat'leth like the seasoned warrior he was, not only with speed but finesse. Krell was fast, much faster than Dallas could ever be and much stronger. He probed for a weakness as he viciously attacked the Vulcan with a series of strikes. Krell found his opening and swept the left leg of the Assassin after a fast series of attacks. The Lirpa was a heavy and much slower weapon than a finely crafted bat'leth. The Vulcan fell back on his back and this time it was Krell who loomed over him. Krell came down with an overhead strike that ended the life of the Assassin.

Krell pulled his bat'leth out of the Assassin and wiped the blood on his sleeve. He held the bat'leth high above his head and bellowed as loudly as he could. After he was done, he ran over to Dallas where Koor and Bun'eth were helping him to his feet. "Are you okay, Commander Briggs?"

"I'm a bit beat up, but I will live. I'll feel so much better when we find Commander Lena and Lieutenant Jericho."

Krell laughed, "You'll be feeling better when you get to our Sick Bay. I'm sure they have some drugs that will have you feeling pretty good soon."

Krell activated his communicator, =A= jol yIchu'=A= In a flicker of light the four of them were gone.


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 25th Sep, 2020 @ 10:52pm

Whew! Not at all what I could have predicted. Wonderful save. Well, not for the assassin. =)