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Posted on Mon 28th Sep, 2020 @ 11:42pm by Elizabeth Anderson M.D. & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Meghan [Maggie] Jericho

921 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Bushido, docked on SB109
Timeline: MD 4, 0030

McCord shut down her console now that the docking procedure was finished. "I think that takes care of the getting here. Now we need to decide the best way to get our passenger to safety. I'm pretty sure that Dr. Addams could be prevailed upon to keep a secret until we know more about the status of Lieutenant Jericho's mission, but there are other ways we could handle this, too. Dr. Anderson, who is a civilian now, is both a medical doctor and a counselor, and it could be that it's better to approach her. Less conflict of interest than Dr. Addams might have." She glanced at the others around her. "What do the rest of you think?"

Henry turned from making his final docking checks at the command console and looked over to McCord. "I vote we go with Dr. Addams, but only because I know her better than Dr. Anderson. I know Addams can keep a secret. But, if Anderson is a one-stop-shop because of the counseling, that would be a more prudent course."

McCabe gazed steadily at the woman they'd rescued. She had secrets, as most people did, but hers involved an intelligence operation, and he felt uneasy around her. He felt guilty for those feelings, but his priority in life was his daughter, and he wanted to get home safely to her.

Henry stood up and walked over to one of the communication consoles, and sent a message to his sister. "Isabella knows we have docked and should almost be here to meet us. Once she is here, we can go." Henry gave a slight head tilt to Riko, signaling her to come over for a more private conversation.

McCord left the science station and ambled over to Henry while the other scientists were talking quietly with their passenger. "You have concerns, Sir?" She could think of several herself.

"Sir? Really?" Henry said with a slight annoyance in his voice. "You know I don't like it when you of all people call me sir." Henry continued on with his thoughts. "Look, I know we have gone through all of this trouble to get our passenger aboard the starbase quietly, but do you think we should tell Suzuki about this? I don't like keeping anything from her. She's family."

"Don't be upset by the little things, Henry. It's just a healthy habit," Rio answered. "If I wind up too familiar with another officer, I could be in hot water, since I'm not friends with most of them. You and I go way back, but other than you and Hikari, there aren't many of the old crew on SB109 - Andrew, I guess.

"And yes, I definitely think the Commodore should be in the loop on this. It's her starbase. I'm not sure she's back yet, so you'd have to contact her through the Admiralty, I suppose. Unless Isabella has a back door ... as she no doubt does."

Maggie had been resting quietly, thinking about her husband, her baby, and all that she'd been through. It hadn't gone unnoticed how the commanding staff of this ship kept casting glances in her direction and whispering out of her earshot. They were afraid of her. Maybe she had said too much or maybe she hadn't said enough.

"You needn't fear me." She was still fatigued and weak. "I'm not a regular operative. This was my first and only mission."

McCord turned to look at the woman. "It isn't fear OF you," she said. "It's fear FOR you. I imagine that under normal conditions, you could be intimidating, but we're concerned about keeping you and your secrets safe more than anything else at the moment."

"We ourselves have some experience with Sigma Six. So we understand the ... sensitivity that this may need," Henry said as he observed his sister come through the doors of the dock in her civilian clothes.

"What in Spock's name have you lot gotten yourselves into?" The former security chief asked as she went in to hug her brother and Riko. "Everything is worked out on my end. All we have to do is decide where we want the precious cargo to be examined. I assume you trust the CMO well enough with this?" Isabella looked to Riko, knowing that she of all people had a plan in mind.

"We do," McCord said, hugging her friend back. "We were just discussing this, and I think the Federation Secrets Act might apply here, even if Dr. Addams were inclined to tell anyone anything, though I also think she probably keeps more secrets than I'd be comfortable knowing myself. We can transport directly and keep fewer people knowing what's happened. I don't suppose another transport is likely to hurt the baby?" She turned to the mother and Commander Collins-Keller for confirmation.

Jasmine smiled. "As far as anything I've ever heard or studied, transporting has no effect on an unborn child or an expectant mother." She shrugged a little. "I'm sure she'll be fine."

"Let's make it happen, then," Anthony said, smiling at the stranger. The sooner he was able to walk off the ship and get back to his family, the happier he would be. Next time, he'd be more careful with his wishes for adventure.

"Sickbay, two to transport to privacy chamber, on my mark." McCord raised her eyebrow at Isabella, but the woman shook her head, so Riko stepped over and took the pregnant refugee's hand. "Mark." The two disappeared, leaving behind a very quiet and tired crew.


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