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A Matter of Importance, Part 2

Posted on Sat 12th Sep, 2020 @ 2:50am by Krell House of Mer'uk & T'Vala

929 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 16, 1835

Previously, one dining partner was a little worried about another ...

T'Vala just hoped Krell would be sober enough to get back to his quarters. There was probably some sort of site-to-site transporter, and in a pinch, she was certain that she and Lissi could manage to help him back. She had to admit, it had been a while since she dined with a drunken Klingon.

Do her worries have a foundation?

After the ordering was accomplished, Lissi reached for another prawn, and she dragged it through Krell's sauce this time. "So, is there a reason, other than you love the company of beautiful women, for us to be dining in plain view together here at a popular restaurant?" she asked casually.

Krell laughed, "After all, I have put you, ladies, through over the last week or so, I figured buying you dinner and drinks was the least I could do to thank you. And if anyone wants to gawk at the company I keep, let them. I may be ugly, but my friends don't have to be ...."

Regos didn't buy it for a minute, but the man had made her laugh, and that was one for the books. "Is that a back-handed compliment to T'Vala and me? Or is it more ulterior motive for being here?" she asked with a grin.

Krell shook his head, "I can have a good dinner and blood wine whenever I like, I just wanted to invite you two to say thank you for your help. If you want to question my motives then you don't have to stay and enjoy yourself, you may leave." Krell wasn't laughing or smiling at this point. In fact, he was becoming annoyed.

Just then a young Ensign came running into the restaurant and approached the group sitting at the table. He sounded a little winded when he spoke, "Excuse me, Ambassadors, but there is a situation, well, actually two. First, the shuttle that was transporting Commander Kiara Lena seems to have disappeared, possibly shot down on a planet somewhere. We don't know for sure. The Brass wants Ambassador T'Vala to depart immediately to take her place."

"And what's the other matter?" Krell asked.

"Captain Koor of the IKS Amar is looking for you, it seems the Klingon High Command has sent the d'k tahg to transport the Klingon prisoners back home and gave them shore leave as well."

"And why is it that I am the last one to know?" Krell growled.

The young Ensign shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know sir, I just found out, too."

Regos frowned at the first news, but the second didn't seem significant ... except for lack of communication with their own ambassador. She'd have to research this Koor to see if he posed a threat to Krell. Many Klingons did.

T'Vala wondered at the importance of the D'k Tahg's reassignment and what it might mean to Krell. However, the first news was more pressing. "I will leave as soon as arrangements can be made. Will anyone else be accompanying me?" she asked the ensign.

"I will go with her," Krell spoke up.

"Actually, Commander Briggs has formally requested you for a Special mission, Ambassador Krell, but perhaps the Lieutenant here can go as Ambassador T'vala's personal aid and can make sure that she is safe." The Ensign finished explaining and then gasps and loud voices could be heard from the front of the establishment. Two Klingon warriors in full armor approached the Ambassador's table.

Koor and Bun'eth stopped only three feet away from the table, "Excuse the intrusion Ambassadors, I am Captain Koor of the IKS Amar, and this is my First Officer, Commander Bun'eth. The Amar has received orders from the Klingon High Council to relieve the IKS d'k tahg of her duties. Amar is at your disposal." Even though Koor was a warrior at heart and was young, he still knew the importance of respect when speaking to a superior officer, and Krell was his superior while Amar was assigned to Krell.

"Ah, Captain Koor, I have heard of you and the Amar. Congratulations on your command. Your former captain was a great warrior." Krell stood.

"Ladies," he addressed T'Vala and Lieutenant Regos, his attitude more formal, "I must find out what Commander Briggs requested and if I can take you, I will. If I can't, then Amar will take you safely to the negotiations."

"Ambassador, if I may." The young Ensign began and paused when he remembered Koor from the hallway meeting, "I believe Commander Zed and the Thunder Child will be taking the Ambassador to the peace talks, and you and the Amar are needed elsewhere."

Krell wasn't happy about the situation. He felt that T'Vala would be safer with him, but he nodded to the Ensign. "Then I must go speak with Commander Briggs and see what he needs of me." Krell stood. "Good luck ladies ...."

Krell turned and looked at the Captain of the Amar, "Come with me." The three Klingons quickly departed.

T'Vala looked at Regos. "Whatever the emergency, it will not require my leaving immediately. We have a lovely meal and we should enjoy it. Afterward, we can find out what happened and what must be done." She was concerned for Kiara, but she knew her first obligation was to complete the other Ambassador's assignment.

Lissi started, her mind having been elsewhere, mainly on the missing ambassador. "Yes, of course, I agree. I'm worried about Ambassador Lena, however. I hope that's where Krell and Koor are going to be focused."


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