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Accidents of Gratitude, II

Posted on Thu 1st Oct, 2020 @ 11:31pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Sorra Yarime (Yari) & Jaeih Havraha

1,281 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Brown Sector, Deck 2245
Timeline: MD 14, 1615

Previously, an accidental bump into a bodyguard caused an incident which could have ended badly, if not for cooler heads ....

Still keeping an eye on his escorts, Yarime's calming tone seemed to put Serena more at ease which Andrew was grateful for. Remaining focused, he softened his expression and gave a small smile in return to the man, "Serena's right. It was a little more than either of us were anticipating." Pausing to look back at Serena to make sure she was calm, he asked Yarime, "To that end, do you recommend any cafe in particular? I think both of us would appreciate gathering our thoughts with some food."

"All the cafes are good around this area, they have to be to keep the customers coming back. Competition is very brutal around here. I try to stop at a different place every time," Yari explained before adding, "My offer still stands, my treat if you want?"

"That's very kind of you," Serena said. "It really isn't necessary, but I would enjoy getting to know more about this area, if you would care to lead us to a safe and delicious experience." She glanced at the woman who'd been referred to as Vani. As a bodyguard, Serena couldn't fault her!

"With my two ladies here, you couldn't be safer. Please come with us, and we will find some good food on this very special day. Peldor joi," He said to them and began to lead the way toward one of many small cafes.

Serena shrugged at Andrew, and replied, "Peldor joi." She'd had Bajoran food before, and presumed that was what would be served most places today. It was certainly better than Klingon food, and she preferred it to most Vulcan foods, as well. This could be a pleasant experience.

Andrew replied with the same greeting as both he and Serena followed Yari's lead down the corridor, "If you don't mind my asking, what exactly is your occupation?"

Yari walked with his hands clasped together behind his back. He turned his head to answer the question but never stopped walking, "I'm a businessman. I have a hotel and casino, and I also deal in trading and selling good and services."

Too much small talk. Jaeih's eyes narrowed as she watched Serena and Andrew, her dark eyes darting back and forth between them and the crowd.

Nodding as they continued walking down the corridor, Andrew made a mental note to take a look at Yari's file when he got back to his office, if only to satisfy his curiosity. As their pace slowed in front of one of the smaller establishments Andrew had noticed on their walk, he answered, "Impressive. I'm sure business is good with crowds like these." He looked around at the crowd and back to the entrance of the place where they had stopped and waited for their guide to gesture if this was indeed their destination.

Serena perused the holo-posters in the window, all of which showed appealing food, some of which she recognized. If they weren't going in here, she and Andrew could come back to it another time. She looked at the sign to impress it's design on her memory.

"Today....yes. Everyone is out for the holiday and festivities, after all, it is the most important day of the year. On a normal day, each establishment is struggling to keep everything going. Not many can afford to eat out and that's why I try to help out as much as I can, and when I do eat out, I try someplace different each time." Yari stopped in front of the small cafe, "This does look good, we should try it."

Serena smiled at him. "Yes, yes we should. Please. It not only looks good, smell those heavenly scents coming through the door!"

Yari nodded, "It does smell delicious, and it makes me even more hungry." Yari reached the door and opened it. A couple leaving pushed open the door hard, hitting him in the hand. He pulled his hand away quickly and rubbed it. The couple never realized that they had hit him and kept walking without a word. Yari held up his other hand to his ladies to indicate that they shouldn't do anything. Opening the door with his other hand, he held it for the others so they could enter the establishment.

Vani zh'Dethi, the Andorian woman, was not interested in eating with Yari's guests. It wasn't personal. She felt her job was protection, not socializing. "I'll stay out here and keep watch," she said.

Yari nodded to her and understood, however, if someone had wanted Yari dead, it would have been the best opportunity. His security would not be within reaction distance. Yari led his two guests over to an empty table, "Please sit down," he motioned to the vacant chairs.

Andrew seated Serena, and she smiled up at him. Turning to their host, she asked, "So, you have a hotel and a casino? Here in the Zodiac, or elsewhere on base?" she asked Yari.

"It's here in the Zodiac, called the Gemini. I also have a small second-hand shop here, as well. You can buy relatively inexpensive items needed for daily life or even new, state of the art items, but those do bring in a premium and not many folks around here can afford them." Yari paused for a moment, "I know what you're thinking, then why have the expensive items?"

He answered his own question, "I cater to everyone that comes into the Brown Sector, not just the poor. There are the ones that have the latinum, but are hiding from something or someone." Yari smiled, "Did you know that the Zodiac was first developed as a very large resort? My uncle and I were able to lease an area where we first arrived and now years later I actually own enough room on the station that I can have a casino and a night club."

"That's private enterprise at it's finest," Serena smiled. "It's what my boss believes in, too. Jade Lantz, owner of Orchids & Jazz in the Promenade. Do you know her? She's also president of the Merchant's Guild up there. If you don't know her, you should ask her about joining, if there are any benefits for you down here. Tell her I suggested it. I'm sure you could work out a wonderful business relationship."

Yari smiled, "It's a totally different world down here. There is no Merchants Guild or any type of support for an business 'down here', as you so put it." Yari didn't take offense to what she had said. He was just stating the obvious.

"Most of the businesses in the brown sector are struggling. Fortunately, today will be one of their best days for the year." Yari paused before continuing, "The Gemini is closed for dinning today so that the smaller businesses may get the added traffic." Yari thought for a second, "But I just might contact your boss and see what the Merchant's guild is all about. Just maybe we might be able to help each other out."

"At the very least, Jade could help you set up your own guild and provide ideas on how to benefit the struggling businesses. From what I've seen today, there's definitely a market down here that residents of our base would find enjoyable and helpful. There's no reason we can't all work together, is there?" The question was rhetorical, and Serena left it there for the businessman to consider. She didn't think he was the kind who missed a trick to increase traffic in the area he called home.


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