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Posted on Thu 10th Sep, 2020 @ 3:27am by Krell House of Mer'uk

1,291 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: SB109 Docking Bay; Deck 686, Consulates
Timeline: MD: 16. 1850 hours

The IKS Amar, a Vorcha class battle cruiser had been participating along with a few other Klingon ships and a half dozen Star Fleet vessels in a joint operation training centered around the subject of pirates and rouge Romulan factions. Some of the high ranking officials on both sides had meetings on location during that time, and what was taken away from the gathering was that the Klingons will do stuff their way as long as they operate within Klingon space. As always, if a pursuit flowed over into Federation space, the Federation would be notified in a timely manner. The Klingons were still proud people and refused to ask for help. Sometimes cooperation and joint training actually helped.

Commander Koor was the current Captain of Amar. Still young and ready to prove himself in combat, he had been the commanding officer of Amar for barely a year. The last Captain, Dor'of had been killed on an away mission, so Koor, being the First Officer, took command with no opposition. Koor was tall and slender, yet broad at the shoulders and had no fat on him, just pure muscle. He stood about the same height as Krell but looked taller.

After finishing the joint maneuvers with the Federation, Koor and his ship, Amar, had been ordered to SB109 to check up on Krell after his slave rescue, and to relieve the d'k Tahg of duty for a while. The large battle cruiser drifted effortlessly to its assigned berth. Once it had stopped moving, the helmsman turned to his captain. "We are secure, mooring is in place, Captain."

"Very well," Koor began, "have the crew secure all areas and systems. I want battle drills to continue until 1900 hours. Then the crew can take shore leave until recalled." Koor gave a stern look at the helmsman, who was his Second officer, "Make sure everyone knows to be on their very best behavior. Any problems and there will be repercussions."

The helmsman nodded, "Yes Captain."

Koor looked at his first officer, a tall beautiful half Klingon woman, Bun'eth of the house Bacx. Bacx was a powerful house and had a lot of influence on the high council. Some said that was why Bun'eth was allowed to serve in the Force as a half-blood. "Bun'eth, you're with me." Koor turned and headed for the door before Bun'eth could say a word.

Annoyed at the summary presumption that she would accompany the captain wherever he planned to go, Bun'eth nevertheless followed his lead off the bridge. Her status gave her certain leeway, but at the end of the day, Koor was captain, and she was not. However, she was fond of pushing the edge.

"Where are we going?" she asked, just shy of insolent.

"We are going to find Ambassador Krell and see how he is doing, by orders of the High Council. After that, I was thinking about finding some good Klingon food. Our cook is not so good, so some fresh well-prepared food would be nice." Koor said as the walked off of the Amar.

"Do you know the ambassador personally?" Bun'eth asked, only curiosity in her tone, and then speculation as she added, "I wonder who on the council is truly interested in his welfare. I've heard he isn't popular, that this assignment was more to get him off the planet than a true need. Some might have gotten rid of him another way." She cut her eyes to the left, where he walked next to her, wondering if he was politically inclined. Of course he is, she snorted to herself. He's Klingon, isn't he?

Koor shook his head, "I do not know him personally, just heard of him. There are many on the council who do not want him around. I heard rumors that we are nearing a civil war over him. Some did try to kill him already and failed. I don't know who on the council wants to see him live, but I'm sure there are a few or we would not be here." Koor glanced over at his first officer. "I've known you for just over a year, and you are a good officer and warrior. I trust you with my life, but if you are a spy or intend to do Krell harm, I will kill you."

Bun'eth threw back her head laughed. "You would try ... and you might even succeed, but it will never happen. I don't work for any side the council holds, and there are enough sides to that pit of targs to keep a Terran octopus busy holding them at bay. Maybe more than one." She shook her head, "I've no wish to get involved in that. Politics bores me. If you would fight for this Krell, then count on me to have your back. Defending my captain is as far up the food chain as I choose to climb."

Koor laughed and slapped Bun'eth on the back, "I like you Bun'eth and I think there is hope for you, yet. When the civil war comes, and it will happen soon, it will be glorious. Many warriors will go to Sto'vo'kor. I appreciate you watching my back."

"Yeah, well don't plan on me riding your coattails into Sto'vo'kor. Warrior I may be, but I'd like to live before I die, if you don't mind," she answered sarcastically.

Changing the subject, Bun'eth asked, "So where do we start our search? I've heard this base is as large as a city on Q'uonos." Looking around the arrival area they were walking through, she had no trouble believing it, either.

"I think we should start at the Diplomatic Complex first and, if he is not there, then maybe they can locate him for us," Koor said as the two of them boarded a tram that would take them up.

Bun'eth nodded, thinking that it was likely to take quite a bit of time to locate one man in a city this size ... especially if he were a careful man who didn't want to be found. For several minutes, she watched those around her in the tram. People avoided the two Klingons, which was fine with her. She grinned toothily at a little human boy who turned his face into his mother's shoulder.

It took quite some time for the pair of Klingons to make it to the Diplomatic Complex and, when they did, things seemed a little quiet. The pair approached the front desk, "I am Koor of the IKS Amar, I am looking for Ambassador Krell."

The attractive woman at the information desk in the middle of the black marble floored main corridor eyed the two who stood in battle dress in front of her. Are Klingons always in battle dress? she wondered.

"I don't know if he'll be in, but the Klingon Consulate is down this main hall, on the left, after two corridors branch off. It's well marked, and I expect you'll recognize it, anyway," she told them.

When they walked away, Bun'eth spoke to her commander with a feral smile. "I do believe we made her uncomfortable."

As they walked towards Krell's office, Koor grabbed a young Ensign who was walking like he had a purpose. He grabbed him by the tunic with one hand and hoisted him up into the air, "Where is Ambassador Ambassador Krell?"

"He....he's in Orchids & Jazz having dinner," he said with a shaky voice.

Koor lowered him back down and released him, "Thank you, Ensign."

The young Ensign departed rather quickly and headed to an unknown location.

"Let's go find this Orchids & Jazz. I think Ambassador Krell is getting too comfortable and soft," Koor said with a slight hint of irritation.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Thu 10th Sep, 2020 @ 3:22pm

I like Koor and Bun'eth. Looking forward to seeing more of them!
