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The Pitch

Posted on Thu 10th Sep, 2020 @ 7:01pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

725 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Deck 12, Ready Room
Timeline: MD 16, 900

As Andrew went over how he envisioned this meeting going in his mind for the third time, he was thankful he was able to boil down the two pronged proposal into a couple PADDs instead of the multiple he had originally planned. Knowing the Commodore, and more importantly the strain on her time, he thought it best not to drag on with every specific detail of the proposal. Besides, hopefully his proposal would make her ask for more details. Finally coming to the door of the CO's ready room, Andrew touched the door chime and waited.

Commodore Suzuki was standing behind the door as it opened. "Andrew. Good to see you. Come in, come in." She gestured to the seating arrangement by the 'fireplace,' a mantle with a holographic blaze crackling away. "I don't have my desk cleared off, yet, but join me by the hearth?"

Andrew greeted the CO with a nod and followed her to the seats that were shaped in the traditional formal style as was expected for a setup near the fire. Taking his seat after her, Andrew also noted they were much more comfortable than anticipated, which helped calm his nerves a little. He adjusted his uniform as he spoke, "Thank you, Commodore. I wish I could say my desk was in better shape as well but it seems like once I'm finished with a PADD, two more spawn in its place."

Finishing his small talk, Andrew decided to dive right in and not take up any more of the Commodore's time that what was required, "Considering the current events, thank you for making the time to meet to discuss the potential upgrades to the Starbase. Both myself and the department heads think these would be meaningful steps in shoring up our defenses as we deal with the pirate situation."

Suzuki nodded attentively. "I just returned last night, Guns. Is there a fire under this?"

"My apologies for springing this on you right as you returned," Andrew acknowledged. Although, he was surprised that when he requested a meeting, she made it for the morning of her return. He concluded that just demonstrated the limited time the CO had to begin with.

Continuing to the Commodore, "I have spoken to the various department heads along with the ships Starfleet has in our area for and we have coordinated a preliminary plan for fighter deployment and the internal upgrades. I would like to implement some of these changes as soon as possible, per your approval of course. I think this will seriously help us in dealing with the pirate threat."

Suzuki rubbed her forehead, looking over the synopses of the files Andrew had sent her. "I will review this at my earliest opportunity and get back to you," she answered at last. "Of course, as the station's tactical operations officer, you have the authority to upgrade tactical systems under your own cognizance, and you're experienced enough not to leave us vulnerable while you're doing it. So on that front, go to, young man."

Choosing to omit the fact he already ordered the work started where he could, Andrew gave an obedient nod, "Of course. I'll be sure to have everything ready to go pending your review and approval," adding, "Not trying to put additional strain on your time but the Stafleet ships listed on the proposal will be in range for the next couple days."

"Shipboard deployment of fighters falls under General Sinclaire's remit," Suzuki answered. "But I'll let him know you're concerned."

Hesitating again, Andrew nodded, "Of course. I have gone over the proposal with the General and pilots and they are in general agreement with what is being proposed. One of the ideas that came from that was distributing the fighters to individual ships within our region of space to augment our Starfleet ships, similar to what was done during the Dominion War."

Suzuki smiled, an expression that had equal parts exhaustion, tolerance, and pride mixed in. "I heard you the first time, Andrew."

Andrew raised an eyebrow at the response but choosing to take it positively since it wasn't a flat out rejection, he answered, "Understood. I won't take up more of your time. Thank you for taking the time to begin with. I'll continue to work on what I can and keep you apprised of our progress."


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Comments (1)

By on Thu 17th Sep, 2020 @ 10:44pm

Welcome back, Commodore! You and Andrew always make a good combination.