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A Matter of Importance Part 1

Posted on Sun 6th Sep, 2020 @ 2:02am by Krell House of Mer'uk & T'Vala

1,396 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 16, 1800

Krell had arrived at Orchids & Jazz ahead of time in order to begin drinking. Only after his belly was full of blood wine would he be ready to eat. He had given his crew shore leave, but they were also told to behave themselves in public. If they wanted to create trouble, then they had to do it aboard the d'k tahg.

Krell had taken a shower and changed out of his warrior's armor and into a very nice Ambassador's robe. He even smelled....nice. He still stashed a d'k tahg in his robe. No respectable Klingon would be caught without one.

Krell stopped at the front entrance and greeted the man at the door, "Good evening, I am Ambassador Krell, I have a reservation for three. The others will join me at 1900."

"It's nice to see you again, Ambassador. I have a table ready for you on the upper balcony, but if you'd prefer something close to the music, I can arrange that, as well," Reon Velasquez replied.

Krell almost smiled, "I think my companions would enjoy being close to the music so the lower level should suffice."

"Very good, Ambassador." He waved at Jenna, who came over immediately.

"The ambassador has chosen a table near the dance floor where he and his guests can hear the music and also have a conversation. 3-H will do nicely, I think."

Turning back to Krell, he said, "Enjoy your evening of music and good food with friends, Ambassador. Jenna will escort you to your table."

Krell nodded and said, "Thank you." He turned his attention to the woman and was ready to follow her to the table.

"Even though it's close to the music and dance floor," Jenna told him, leading him around the edge and then through several tables, "I think you can see there's still plenty of privacy, and you'll easily be able to hear your conversation, thanks to the unique acoustics in Orchids & Jazz." She smiled as she waited for him to be seated. "Would you like a drink or an appetizer while you wait for your companions? We have a special appetizer tonight, fresh prawns from the aquaponics company in Tivoli Gardens, if you'd care to try them."

"I would like some bloodwine to wash down the prawns and, if you wouldn't mind finding a dipping sauce for them, something spirited." Krell pause for a moment, "What exactly is a prawn, I'm assuming its some kind of plant?" Krell did have a wide palate, unlike most Klingons who only appreciated Klingon cuisine.

Jenna nodded, "It does sound like something that would be plant-based, but they're actually a very large shrimp. Do you know shrimp? It's a Terran ocean creature, and most species find them quite tasty. You pull the meat out of its shell. These, being raised in clear cold water right here on the station, are exceptionally good. The sauce accompanying them is usually something tomato based, which is from an Earth plant, and it can be quite spicy, if you wish. I'll bring you a selection to try." She hurried away to the kitchen to see what Marin could create on short notice.

T'Vala took her time as she had messages to check. She also checked in with Tessa, who surprisingly had little trouble--except for some odd messages. One was hers, the other two she did not recognize. That still gave her time to shower and change before meeting the other two at Orchids & Jazz. She arrived two minutes before she was to arrive and greeted the gentleman at the door with a bow.

"Ah, Ambassador T'Vala, nice to have you join us this evening. I hope this means you are learning to appreciate jazz," Reon smiled at her. "I'll have Gladia show you to Ambassador Krell's table. I understand there is still one more in your party?"

"Thank you." She bowed. "Yes. I assume Krell is drinking?" She frowned slightly, wondering what sort of drunk he would be.

Ever discreet, Velasquez didn't respond to her half-statement, half-question, but waved Gladia over. "Ambassador T'Vala is joining Ambassador Krell's table."

Lissi came through the entrance in time to hear the last direction, and said, "As am I. You can take us both at the same time, and save your feet some effort."

The humaniform was slightly confused by that reference, but her usual response to confusion was to ignore what she didn't understand, so she simply smiled and said, "Right this way, Gentle Fems," and led them through the maze of tables to find Krell about to dig into something Jenna had just set on his table.

"Here we are, ladies. If you'd like something to drink, Miss Clark will be happy to take your order. Have a pleasant evening at Orchids & Jazz." She quickly turned away and walked back in the direction of the entrance.

"Call me Jenna," the woman at the table said. "I'd be happy to get drinks or appetizers for you. Ambassador Krell is having prawns with a spicy sauce, but there are many other options on the menu." She gestured to the small kiosk sitting in the middle of the table.

Regos took a seat to Krell's left as she said, "Do you still have the avocado halves with Italian tomatoes? If so, that's delicious and I'd like a red wine vinaigrette with it, please."

"We do. Excellent choice. And for you, Ambassador?" Jenna asked T'Vala.

"The house salad and a glass of Vulcan spice tea, please," T'Vala said.

"Alright, I'll get these orders in while you decide on your main course," Clark smiled and moved to the next table, sending the order to the kitchen.

"Is everyone feeling normal again?" Rissi asked, before taking a drink from her water glass.

"I always feel normal. It is the situation that changes," T'Vala replied blandly. "However, I will confess that I need another day to get my office back to normal."

"I need another day to get me back to normal!" Regos responded. "A few hours wasn't enough downtime."

T'Vala nodded. "Vulcans, in general, do not require downtime. However, time to catch up on paperwork is often necessary."

Krell laughed out loud leaning back and nearly falling out of his chair. "Perhaps you need time to eat? These crustaceans are very tasty and the blood wine is very sweet! You should try some." Krell held up one of the large shrimps for T'Vala, "Here try one." He smiled.

One side of her mouth quirked up in a ghost of a smile. "I will try, on your suggestion."

Krell laughed out loud heartily, "Good, good, help yourself, both of you. I will order more and we can dine like....warriors." Krell took the large goblet and drank his blood wine deeply.

Taking a small shrimp, Lissi ate it with no sauce. "Tasty," she said, but one was all she took. They weren't her favorite, and she didn't think a sauce Krell approved was likely to be to her liking, either.

"I would say, after our recent adventures, we are all warriors, and should dine that way," she grinned. "I think I'll have the sirloin steak and eat like a carnivore ... or maybe an omnivore because white corn and a baked potato sound good, too. And maybe some rabbit food to make my grandmother happy."

"Perhaps white corn and potatoes along with my salad," T'Vala conceded. Steak, however, would not be an option. She was far too Vulcan for that. Her system could not handle that much meat.

Timing things perfectly, Jenna came to take their orders. She turned to Ambassador Krell last. "I see you're enjoying the prawns. What else can I get for you, Sir?" she asked.

Krell smiled, "Yes, they aren't bad at all. Can I get another order of the little guys and more blood wine? And anything else my associates would like to enjoy."

Nodding, Jenna finished the order and sent it back to Marin. "I'll bring more sauce, as well."

T'Vala just hoped Krell would be sober enough to get back to his quarters. There was probably some sort of site-to-site transporter, and in a pinch, she was certain that she and Lissi could manage to help him back. She had to admit, it had been a while since she dined with a drunken Klingon.

To be continued ...


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