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The Return of the Knife

Posted on Sun 9th Aug, 2020 @ 6:45am by Krell House of Mer'uk & T'Vala
Edited on on Sun 9th Aug, 2020 @ 11:16pm

776 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: The d'k tahg and SB 109
Timeline: MD 16, 1520 Hrs

Krell sat back in his elevated Captain's chair as he watched the viewscreen. He looked like a king sitting on his throne as he ruled his subjects. Krell watched as the massive space door opened like a giant pac-man, however the d'k tahg wouldn't even amount to a morsel if you compared the size of the station to the small attack cruiser.

The d'k tahg entered the opening, and she made her way to the berth that had been assigned to her amongst the Starfleet vessels.

"Good to be home again," Lt. Regos said from behind his chair. "Although, maybe it doesn't feel like home to you. I hope it will, at some point. At least you have a day of rest before your appointments with Starfleet intelligence."

Krell nodded sideways to Lieutenant Regos, "I know, Starfleet doesn't want just a physical report, they also want a verbal one as well." He paused for a moment and almost smiled, "I will try not to get mad and throw things during the interview, well maybe not throw anything anyway. I'm sure they will make me angry. I do not like interrogations."

The ship reached its berth and the mornings began to extend out to the Klingon vessel. "Moorings are attached and the ship is secure, Ambassador."

"Very well, shut down all unnecessary systems." Krell tapped the comms device on his chair, "This is Krell, we have reached Starbase 109, prepare to disembark. The crew is granted three days of shore leave. I expect all crew to behave while on the station. Lieutenant Prex, make sure our guests get accommodations on the station and contact the Klingon Empire for transportation, Krell out."

T'Vala had enjoyed the trip, but she was also pleased to be back on the station. There was likely a pile of correspondence awaiting her attention. Getting back to business would be good. She also wanted a large mug of Vulcan spice tea.

Lissi turned to the Vulcan ambassador with a smile, "And now back to more mundane, but far safer, duties, Ambassador. I expect you will be quite satisfied not to go a-wandering for at least a short time. Or not with Ambassador Krell, at least," she laughed, turning to her current boss. "No offense, of course, sir, but you do seem to attract trouble like a magnet."

Krell stepped down from his chair and snorted, "Perhaps I just like the excitement and need the adventure. I like making a difference. Being an Ambassador does seem to have its disadvantages, and I still need time to get used to the slower pace." Krell headed for the airlock and shot back a look, "Would you...ladies like to join me for a drink?"

"I find many opportunities to make a difference," T'Vala replied primly. "You might benefit from a greater balance in your life." She glanced at Lissi, then back to Krell. "A drink would be acceptable."

"Sure, if you're buying, I'm in," Regos said, following the two out the exit. She really hoped they were going to Orchids and Jazz. She was becoming uncommonly fond of lemon Cokes.

Krell laughed out loud, "Of course I'll buy, where would you like to partake in the drinking?" Krell asked.

"Nowhere that serves Gagh. I would even accept human food." T'Vala arched her eyebrow. "Since we've spent several days on a Klingon ship, a change would be welcome." She gave Krell a half-bow. "No offense. I have learned to appreciate variety."

"I'll second that! Something mild would be lovely. Next time, we'll do firewine or even raktajino, if you like. Today, something a little less exotic would be good," Regos said. "But you're the boss, of course," she said with a sly grin.

"Perhaps we should go clean up and change clothes, then we can meet for dinner and drinks. I have the hankering for some...human food." Krell said with a smile.

"Excellent," T'Vala said. "I do not have a preference," T'Vala said. "What is that place that is so popular? Ah yes. Orchids and Jazz. Would that suffice?"

"Oh, absolutely!" Lissi agreed enthusiastically. "The music and the food are excellent. This will be quite a treat, and we can relax for the evening. That'll be doubly nice after all we've done on this supposed-to-be-an-afternoon trip!"

"Okay then, let's meet at the Orchids and Jazz place at 1900 hours, so we can get our drinking on." Krell smiled, "I might start a little early." He laughed.

Regos walked away, shaking her head. If she thought her boss were kidding, she wouldn't be so worried. Thankfully, he was, for the moment, a problem for his Klingon Security Team.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sun 9th Aug, 2020 @ 8:34pm

Yea! Good to see Krell, T'vala, and Regos again. Where does this post belong in the timeline?