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Salute, Part 2

Posted on Fri 10th Jul, 2020 @ 11:37pm by Captain Jason Harrington

1,302 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 11, 1145

Previously, as Jade meets a new customer ...

Jade smiled mysteriously, "You would be correct. Let me get that drink for you, and we'll chat while your food is being prepared." It took only moments for her to enter the order and get the chilled bloodwine for the gentleman and a lemon Coke for herself.

And now, the story continues ....

She set the bloodwine in front of him, then took the chair across from him. He'd kept himself facing the stairs, to see anyone who came up and was a possible threat, Lantz thought, so she was facing the stage, where The Cymbidiums were setting up their instruments.

"In answer to your almost asked question, I'm Jade Lantz, and I own Orchids & Jazz." She held out her hand to shake his. "I haven't seen you before, so I'm presuming you're new to the base, though I don't actually know everyone in the city here. It only seems like it sometimes," she laughed.

Jason gently grasped Jade's hand and kissed the top of it lightly before releasing her, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Lantz. I knew there was something about you." He paused for just a moment. "This is my first time setting foot on SB109. Normally I just drop off cargo and continue on my route, but I decided to stop and smell the roses?" He hoped he said that phrase right, he had heard it only once, "Or was that daisies?" he said softly not sure of which earth flower it was.

"For me, it would be orchids," Jade smiled at the charming manner of the gentleman, "but I think the original saying was roses. They have many heavenly smells, whereas both orchids and daisies are sometimes scentless, or at least not sweet. My club is the perfect place to start your enjoyment of all the base has to offer. I can highly recommend a trip to Tivoli Gardens if you're looking for something a little different. Do you like fishing? There's a river down there with trout in it!"

"Where are my manners?" Jason asked. It dawned on him that he didn't introduce himself to the beautiful lady, "I'm sorry, my name is Jason Harrington." He didn't get to introduce himself very often, being stuck on a freighter for weeks at a time. "I'm a freighter Captain, my ship is the Antero."

He smiled and shook his head, "I've never fished before, it sounds like its time-consuming. My schedule normally keeps me busy and away." Jason straightened up in his chair, "I would like to propose a toast." He raised his glass, "To Ambassador Krell and the crew of the d'k tahg, they have impeccable timing."

Jade tapped his glass gently with hers and sipped her lemon Coke, letting his comment about fishing pass. It was likely, as a freighter captain, he really didn't have a lot of time on his stops. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Captain Harrington.

"So you know Ambassador Krell?" she asked. "He's been in a time or two, and he is quite an interesting character. His exploits keep the rumors flying around the base, but I'm not sure exactly which of his adventures we're toasting. What impeccable timing?"

"I had just finished making a cargo run to Tortuga 4 in Klingon territory and was heading for Bar'ok 3 when Pirates attacked. They had my ship in a tractor beam and were boarding when Krell's ship, the d'k tahg dropped out of warp and attacked them. We were able to escape with only minor injuries, but I can't say the same for the pirates. If it weren't for him and his ship I would probably be dead." Jason took another drink, "I guess I've been lucky so far, that's the first time that I've ever been stopped by pirates."

Leaning forward slightly, Jade said, "Double toast to the ambassador then, or I would have missed meeting you, and I suspect you're a very interesting man. We've had some trouble with the pirates near the starbase, too. They are very bold raiders, as your experience points out. Here's hoping Starfleet, or someone, finds their base and clears them out. There are generally a few wandering around, but it seems to me that things have gotten very out of hand lately."

Leaning back again, Lantz smiled and asked, "So what kind of cargo do you carry most of the time? Or perhaps I should ask, what's your favorite cargo to carry?"

Jason smiled again before taking another sip of blood wine, "I transport pretty much anything that is stable to move. I transport people, at least the ones that want to. I don't transport slaves or anything like that. I also move food goods, equipment, and supplies. I even get a contract with Starfleet from time to time. I've moved questionable stuff as well, the stuff you don't ask what's in the container. At least for the right price." Jason paused for a moment to see the reaction on Jade's face, "But, I think I like moving supplies for Starfleet the best. At least with them, I know what I'm carrying."

So, he's good, but not too good, Jade thought. She hadn't reached a point where she needed to smuggle in anything, though she had, on rare occasions, bought a particular product from someone who had probably already done the smuggling. "It's probably a safer business, transporting for the Federation or Starfleet," was all she said.

"Did you -" she broke off as Elijah Baley set the captain's meal in front of him. She smiled at the humaniform, pleased to see that he was working the lunch crowd. Though she had originally bought the six humaniforms for that exact purpose, she'd soon realized they were more than roboservers. She couldn't exactly set them free, within Federation guidelines the not-quite-sentients they were, but she had begun to educate them and pay for them almost immediately.

The six were saving for something, though they hadn't discussed their plans with Jade. She supported them as completely sentient. It suddenly occurred to her that her whim in cultivating an acquaintance with Captain Harrington might prove useful to her and the six at some point. If they decided they wanted to live independently.

Jason looked up at the person that placed his meal down, "Thank you, it looks and smells wonderful." He glanced over at Jade. "Aren't you going to eat something, Miss Lantz?" Jason asked. "I don't like eating in front of anyone, especially a beautiful, interesting woman such as yourself." He smiled again, "I'd be happy to share my meal with you."

"Oh, I can't, truly. As owner, I have to make the rounds of my customers. I've enjoyed chatting with you, however, so enjoy your meal, and I'll be back in a little while. I'll leave my Coke to mark my spot," Lantz smiled, as she stood. "And if you come back for dinner one of these days, I'll even join the band and play your favorite jazz piece."

Jason stood as Jade did and smiled back to her as she walked away to great other customers. He sat back down and began to consume his meal. He did find the taste just as good as the smell and indeed he was hungry. He enjoyed every bite in between sips of blood wine. He was no connoisseur of blood wines but he guessed that this batch must have been a good vintage, by how sweet and taste it was. He enjoyed several glasses of blood wine after his meal as he continued to relax until he thought it was time to retire to his suite. He would come back another day to try more of the great tasting food and visit with the very interesting Owner.


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