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Just in Time, Part 2

Posted on Fri 10th Jul, 2020 @ 9:57pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Meghan [Maggie] Jericho

1,261 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Vector 147.6
Timeline: MD 3, 2040

Previously ... "Priming warp engines now," Henry said. " It may take a few minutes for them to build up, but I think we will be able to go and rescue that civilian as soon as all the checks are complete."

And now we continue ....

"We are green across the board, Sir," Riko informed Commander Perry. "I've set the course for 147.6. Ready when you are."

"Well, let's do this." Henry engaged the warp core hoping that everything would go smoothly. Holding his breath for a second he was relieved to see the familiar sight of stars streaming by. He looked over at Riko and gave a loud sigh of relief.

Riko was worried because there wasn't even a nurse aboard or a medic. Suddenly, she had a thought. "Hari, do we have an EMH aboard?"

"I believe all Federation ships over shuttle size do carry an EMH. In a pinch, I have a medical database, but I wouldn't want to be required to do emergency surgery!" Seldon exclaimed, as he checked the ship's medical readiness on the empty tactical console. "Yes, there is a standard model EMH for emergencies."

She nodded, relieved, then turning to the scientists, she continued. "The small craft is still running along the same vector. If it's a Federation ship, our air locks should match up. Can you check to see that we have the equipment we need for a rescue, in the event that there's damage that keeps us from using that kind of entry?"

Jasmine nodded. She wasn't sure what she could do if there was damage or if the airlocks were incompatible, but she knew that EVA suits were available on all federation ships. "If the craft is so close to being without power, wouldn't we be able to remotely disable the shields and beam whoever is there aboard?" She asked. She was never good at engineering, so she truly wasn't sure if this was a viable idea or not.

“It all depends on the status of the shuttle and our own vessel,” Henry commented as he continued to monitor the ship's systems. “But we got it all covered.” He input a command on the console in front of him and then turned to the back wall of the ship. A recessed panel slid open and a six foot tall shelf slid from the hidden area.

“These are upgraded EVA suits that Starfleet is about to issue.“ Henry walked over to the suits and began prepping them in case they were needed. “Whatever the situation we encounter, we're going to help whomever is stranded on that ship.”

"I'd like to scan for the shuttle to see how close we are." Jasmine said. She couldn't get the panic in the woman's voice out of her mind. She knew fear and she knew what desperation sounded like. "Maybe we can scan to see how she's doing?"

"I think we're probably close enough," Riko said. "I'd like to know what we might need, as well."

"I'm guessing it's a pregnant woman with twins, and she'll be giving birth any minute," Anthony said with a smile. "Because why wouldn't it be something that complicated right now?"

"Don't jinx things, Lieutenant!" Riko exclaimed. "This will be hard enough if it's a perfectly healthy woman who can help us rescue her."

Jasmine turned to the console and started a scan. She looked at the data and turned to the group. "Well, it is a human female, her life signs are faint but seem stable." She looked at the rest of the team. "But we do have a problem. The shuttle's life support is all but gone." She shook her head. "We need to hurry, she's out of time."

"I show us three minutes out. If we can get connected quickly ... or possibly use the transporter ... here's hoping for the best," McCabe said.

The three minutes seemed to tick by slowly, but they were soon trying to match docking ports. Seldon manned the port connection. "Looks like we can get a good seal. There's no damage to the pod's docking system."

He maneuvered their yacht to a match, with the help of the computer system. Everyone felt a small bump as the two connected, and then a pneumatic hiss as the lock sealed together. "I think we have a safe airlock, but can we use the transporter? Is she too fragile for one way or the other?"

"I'm not a doctor." Jasmine answered. "I can't answer that question, but she has about two minutes of air left and the temperature is down twelve degrees since last scan."

Henry walked over to the opened EVA lockers and retrieved an emergency medkit from one of the shelves. "Let's not use the transporters. If she is as critical as we believe, the transporter may not be a viable option. We go over there, bring her back here and let the EMH do its job. While she is being looked at, we can see what we can do about her ship. Thoughts?"

"Sounds like a plan, but we have to hurry." Jasmine nodded and looked to the Commander. "Commander, may I suggest that two people go over in EVA suits and bring her back. If you choose to salvage the shuttle, I will stay here and assist with the patient and maybe figure out who she is and how she got here."

"I'll go with ... what about you, Mr. Seldon? I feel like we are good muscle right now, and the brains can figure out what else needs to be done while we're getting her out." He reached for a suit and began slipping it on. Fortunately, it was designed to go right over Starfleet uniforms.

Hari nodded, and reached for a second suit. His clothing wasn't loose, either, so getting into it was simple. A few adjustments and both of them were set. "Should we warm up the interior of her pod with heat exchange as we open her airlock?" he asked.

"Yes, that should work," Henry stated as he monitored the ship's instruments. "Our priority is the person on the ship. Once we have them stabilized, we then decide on if we tow the ship back with us or work on it here. Keep the comm link open and give us a play to play account of what's happening. Any questions?"

"Got it, I think, Commander," Anthony replied, heading for the linked airlocks. "Do you have super strength, Mr. Seldon?"

Hari laughed, "Let's see if we need any." That didn't really answer the question, but then, Harry didn't want to answer it. He checked again to be sure they were sealed at the airlock, and then turned the wheel on their side. The door opened into their ship, and he opened the door into the other ship, as well. "Looks like everything is working smoothly," he said.

"Brr, a little chilly air coming in. Hope that heat exchange is quick!" McCabe exclaimed.

A light breeze of air grazed Meghan's face, barely waking her from her sleep. "It must finally be coming to an end," she thought to herself. The air was fresh and sweet, but just barely there. She was even imagining voices. She could hear them talking amongst themselves. Perhaps her mother had been correct with her ancient beliefs and angels had come from a mystical heaven to escort her into some unknown afterlife. Science had debunked those beliefs decades ago, but her mother always insisted. Were her mother's angels coming to tell her it was time to go to Heaven?


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