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The Bridge of Sighs

Posted on Thu 28th Jan, 2021 @ 6:21am by
Edited on on Wed 3rd Mar, 2021 @ 5:21am

951 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Denouement
Location: Dr. Addams' Medical Office, Main Sickbay
Timeline: After the Departure of the Senior Addamses

A pale woman of obvious distant human origin, exactly 188 cm. tall, walked into Dr. Addams' office uninvited and closed the door behind her. Standing, she towered over the seated doctor, but had Chlamydia been standing, they would have looked eye to eye. The woman's long hair hung straight past her waist; in fact, as she took the chair in front of the desk uninvited, it would have been in danger of being sat upon had the woman not scooped it to one side carelessly.

The color of that hair was something between the lightest blond a woman could obtain from the insta-color booths that were everywhere in the Promenade and the white of a woman old enough to be a grandmother many times over. Her eyes were as dark as black tea steeped a day too long, and her skin a surprising light golden color. The cape that covered her unseen dress was, of course, black, but hung in folds that shimmered a dark purple when she moved, and the hat on her head was more like a skull cap, covered in black lace and glittery black beads.

She sat poised and stared for a moment at the good doctor, finally speaking. "Chlamydia Addams. The Sisters of Sighs don't know exactly what you are. We have ... speculation. Guesses. But knowledge ... no. This is not yet ours."

Leaning forward slightly, the woman continued. "Normally, of course, a witch grows up with the Sisters. Her deeds are recorded from birth, and a weighing to discover the positive and negative forces within her is made on her twelfth birthday." Leaning back again, she shrugged, "It's possible then to know where that life can be of most benefit to the universe.

"As an Addams, naturally, there is no normal in your case. No measurements were made, no actions analyzed except from a distance that was all but useless. Hence, I have been sent." There was silence between the two women.

Chlamydia sat back in her chair, regarding the woman. It was not lost on her that, in many ways, the woman was her inverse, nor that she had failed to actually introduce herself. After a long moment, she spoke. "Was there a question in there somewhere?"

The woman snorted. "You're an Addams, alright. No, there's no question, simply a statement of interest and investigation. We keep the balance. We need to know where you fit. Therefore, I'm here to observe you. My name is Aradia, Queen of the moon." Not easy to rattle the woman noted.

After a moment, she added, "I suppose you could consider this fair warning. I understand Lilith was here on the station with you for quite sometime. There were ... waves in the universe during her visit. Do you know anything about that?"

"Tea?" Chlamydia asked, getting up and going to the replicator. "I find it helps smooth over awkward bits where we would otherwise be simply staring at each other."

"No, thank you. I'd prefer an answer to my question," Aradia said, allowing mild annoyance to creep into her tone. "But you go ahead and have all you want. I will find out what I need to know. I have never failed a mission, and this one won't be the first."

"Your scorn is observed and disregarded," Addams answered, calling forth a small pot of tea and a cup. "I wished to be a Witch Doctor, did you know? Applied to Papa Loko College. Alas; I was not admitted." She returned to her seat, placing the cup before her and filling it from the pot, before setting that aside. "Fortunately, my second choice, Columbia University, accepted me."

"Witches don't need doctors," her visitor deliberately misinterpreted what she'd said. "Humans do. That doesn't mean you aren't a witch, or that you don't have ... talents of one kind or another. You disturb forces in the universe. All you Addamses do. It may ... or it may not .... be bred thin in you. I will know before I leave your starbase. I will know about all of your family who remains here."

Aradia leaned more comfortably into the chair, prepared for a mental tug-of-war. "It would be easier on everyone if you simply answer my questions. Did you feel the disturbance your grandmother-many-times-removed caused in the universe, or were you totally unaware of it?"

Addams sat back in her chair. She took a sip of her tea, regarding her visitor over the rim of the mug. After a long moment, she sat forward again, placing the mug on her desk and folding her long fingers. "You have asked your question. My answer is that you are welcome to ask questions about me, or about arrière grand-mère. Hunt your snark. But should you cause trouble for my sisters, or my child... well. You would do well to recall the fate of those who discover that the snark they have hunted down is a Boojum.

"Now; your welcome has expired, your invitation is revoked. You may see yourself out, but if you return to medical without severe bodily injury to be mended, I shall see that oversight redressed." Addams lowered her eyes to the display before her, dismissing the visitor from her mind as she had from her office.

Aradia stood, a half smile on her face. "A rookie threat, my dear. Violence is the last resort of the incompetent, and you have no need to resort to it."

She left, planning her next steps, and feeling invigorated by sparring with the Addams girl. Almost a worthy opponent, she thought. I'm going to call that one a draw. Good for you, Dr. Addams. Good for you.


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