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Off Duty

Posted on Sat 20th Jun, 2020 @ 11:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs

604 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD4: 1430 hours

It had been a couple of day’s since Paul Reilly and killed the Shapeshifter. Paul was still off duty because of his leg injury. It was a deep tissue wound and would take much longer to heal than other wounds since it had to heal from the inside. The doctors had done their job and used the dermal regenerator on the outside, now it was up to Reilly to finish healing.

Reilly had been going stir crazy in his quarters and decided to get some air. He went to the gym and began his normal upper body routine. Once he felt wore out, he sat up from the bench and wiped the sweat off his face with a towel. He picked up the water bottle that sat on the floor beside him and squirted some water in his mouth and swallowed.

Reilly looked around the gym at the other people that were working out. This time of day it wasn’t as busy as later in the evening would have been. Most people were working now.

He stood up and headed back to his quarters. Reilly hopped into the sonic shower and let the waves flow over his body, removing the sweat and grime from his workout. Once he was done, he walked to his bedroom and found some comfortable slacks and a tunic to wear.

He walked to the living room and put on some well-worn loafers before heading back out the door.

Later Reilly found himself on the Prominade sitting at a fast food vender that sold all kinds of Chinees food. He had ordered a couple of orders of eggrolls and a soft drink before he had sat back down and now watched as thousands of people walked by. Slowly he ate his food and drank his drink as he watched everyone. He began to rub his leg where the injury was. It had a dull ache that was probably aggravated by his walk and he should have stayed home to continue resting it, but Reilly was hard headed and though he was indestructible.

Reilly head a commotion off in the distance, it seemed that there was a fight of some kind. He jumped up from his table and headed off in that direction with a soft limp. He made his way through the crowd until he arrived at the disturbance. There were two Nausicaans fighting with three humans. The Nausicaans seemed to have the upper hand with the height and brut strength. One of the humans were thrown into a wall and knocked unconscious while one Nausicaan challenged one human with a knife. The other Nausicaan was actually trying to kill the third human with his bare hands by choking him. The human had been lifted off the ground, his feet not even touching. The Nausicaan had his massive hand around his throat.

Reilly reached for the type one phaser that he had in his pocket and yelled out, “Promenade Police, stop what you are doing and lay down on the floor!” By the time he got his phaser out the Nausicaan stabbed the human and the other Nausicaan threw the other human that he was choking into Reilly. Reilly was knocked to the floor by the impact of another human’s weight slammed into him, his phaser went sliding across the floor with a soft clank. Reilly was dazed and the wind was knocked out of his lungs, but he was in one piece.

Reilly slowly lifted his head up the see the two Nausicaans fleeing off into the crowd, but could do nothing about it for now…


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 4th Jul, 2020 @ 11:18pm

Those darned Nausicaans! They are always making trouble. Poor Reilly, now his leg will hurt even more.