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All the Children Part Two

Posted on Sat 20th Jun, 2020 @ 11:20pm by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs

792 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: USS Berlin, Deep Space
Timeline: Back Story, about 3 Weeks Ago


Quinn jumped up and headed for the turbolift. He pointed to two others, “Let’s go.” The Chief Tactical Officer, an Andorian Female, Lieutenant Tyri Sh'ivha and the Operations Officer, a human male, Lieutenant Jacob Bishop both headed for the turbolift right behind Quinn. Before either of them could get into the turbolift, their stations on the Bridge were filled.

And the story continues....

On the Bridge of the Berlin the trio of officers appeared in a bright shimmering light thanks to the transporter technology. Main power seemed to be offline with only the red emergency lighting that seemed to flicker as their main source of lighting. Quinn quickly activated his wrist torch so he could see better. Sh’ivha also turned on her light and pulled her phaser and began glancing around with a gasp.

Bishop pulled out his tricorder and began scanning the Bridge with it. He too was surprised by the scene. “They’re all dead Commander.” He continued to scan the bodies.

“What’s the cause?” Quinn asked.

“Inconclusive, Commander. I’m not detecting any poisons or toxins in this body and no wounds of any type. It looks like they just went to sleep.” Bishop replied before standing up in front of the helmsman that had fallen out of his chair and lay on the floor. Bishop made note of his skin that was white as a sheet and he involuntarily shivered.

“Do you have a location on the one life sign?” Quinn asked.

Bishop scanned for the life sign, “Deck 4 section 21 baker, life sign is stable.”
“Computer?” Quinn called out as he involuntary looked up, but there was no response.
Quinn glanced over at the other human, “Jacob, see if you can get the computer up and running, we need those logs so we can see what happened here.”

Bishop nodded and headed for the nearest terminal to see what he could do.
Quinn turned to the Andorian, “Tyri, you’re with me, let’s go find that life sign. Maybe he or she can shed some light on why the crew is dead.” Many things were going through Quinn’s mind right now, but he would have to deal with one thing at a time. Right now, the headache that he was getting, he wished would go away.

“Right behind you, Commander.” Sh’ivha replied.

“We can’t use the turbo lift so we’re going to have to get to deck 4 the hard way.” Quinn said when he realized that the computer was offline and headed for an access panel near the turbo lift door. Quinn knelt down and removed the access panel and propped it up against the wall before entering the confined Jefferies tube.

Quinn and Sh’iha crawled on their knees some ten yards before they came to a junction which opened up and would allow them to stand. Quinn opened an emergency kit that was on the wall and took out the suction cups that would help him open any door while the power was off. He knelt down once more and opened the hatch for the vertical Jefferies tube and began to climb down on the rungs followed by Sh’ivha.

The climb down to deck 4 seemed to drain Quinn. Right now, every muscle in his body ached and that headache had grown. He felt like his head would explode. “Remind me to stop by Sick Bay and get something for this headache.” Quinn said before adding, “Scratch that, I won’t need reminding, it’s killing me.”

“Hang in there Commander, we’re almost there.” Sh’ivha said. She wasn’t feeling so hot either, but much better than he thanks to her Andorian physiology. She had a higher tolerance to most things.

The two made it to the crew quarters on Deck 4 section 21 baker. Quinn’s head began to swim. “Open it.” He said to Sh’ivha.

Sh’ivha took the two suction cups from Quinn and placed them on the door. It took some strength, but she was able to get the door open. She pulled her phaser out and led the way into the quarters.

The quarters were well decorated and seem to have a woman’s touch. Also, Quinn could tell even in the dim light that this was quarters belonging to a family. As Quinn walked cautiously towards the bedrooms he did notice the clutter of dirty dishes all around the replicator and the empty wrappers from standard Starfleet rations. Noise coming from the right bedroom caught his attention. He leveled his phaser, holding it at the ready as he slowly crept towards the door. He slowly reached out with his free hand and with some effort he slid the door open…


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Comments (1)

By on Sat 4th Jul, 2020 @ 11:16pm

Uh-oh. The headache sounds ominous! I think they should have checked those dead bodies more closely!