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All The Children, Part One

Posted on Sat 23rd May, 2020 @ 5:05am by Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs
Edited on on Sat 23rd May, 2020 @ 5:07am

523 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Deep Space, USS Thunder Child
Timeline: Back Story, about 3 Weeks Ago

The Thunder child slipped smoothly through space; stars streamed by as Zed glanced at the viewscreen. She sat in the center chair drinking a hot cup of black tea with a hint of sugar. She was impressed with her chair ever since she sat in it for the first time, just a couple of weeks ago. Sure, she had sat in other Captain’s chairs, but they weren’t as comfortable as hers.

She wasn’t sure if it was actually the chair that felt so comfortable and inviting or the fact that it was her chair and that made it all the more comfortable.

She took the PADD that her Yeoman handed her and nodded a thank you. She began scanning over the reports sent in by her department heads as to the status of the individual departments and a soft smile formed on her lips, all systems were well into the green. She took another sip of her tea.

“Captain, the Berlin is now in our tracking range, at present speed we should intercept her in 30 minutes.” The Operations Officer reported.

“Try hailing them again.” Zed said.

The Chief of Security typed in a few commands on her console, “No response.”

“Long range sensors, what’s going on over there?” Zed asked.

“At this range, I’m only picking up one life sign. The Berlin is located near a Yellow dwarf star that is emitting high levels of radiation and is causing interference for the sensors.” The Science Officer explained.

Zed nodded then sat back in her chair uneasily and waited, she hoped the sensors were wrong. “What class is the Berlin and what’s the crew complement?”

“She’s a Nova class with a full crew of about 90.” The First Officer said as he looked up at her from his arm console.

Thirty minutes later the Thunder Child dropped out of warp and was within transporter range. “Report.” Zed said as she shifted in her seat.

“I’m detecting one life sign aboard. There is no apparent damage to the ship, but the warp core and main power are offline, battery back up only.” The Science Officer said.
Zed was hoping that the long-range sensors were wrong and now someone had to go over to the Berlin to see what was going on. “Number One, take a team over and find out what happened.” Not too long ago it would be she that would be leading the team. Now she had to sit back in her seat and wait.
“Yes ma’am.” Quinn said. Lieutenant Commander Mathew Quinn was the First Officer assigned to the Thunder Child and over the last few weeks Zed had really relied on him. The two had hit it off and had become good friends.

Quinn jumped up and headed for the turbolift. He pointed to two others, “Let’s go.” The Chief Tactical Officer, an Andorian Female, Lieutenant Tyri Sh'ivha and the Operations Officer, a human male, Lieutenant Jacob Bishop both headed for the turbolift right behind Quinn. Before either of them could get into the turbolift, their stations on the Bridge were filled.


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 24th May, 2020 @ 5:09am

Oooh, I like the mystery! Where are the other 89? And who is the one? Good beginning, thanks!