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Pandora's Box

Posted on Wed 20th May, 2020 @ 12:21pm by Lieutenant Alexia Redding

637 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Redding's Quarters
Timeline: MD-6

Alexia Redding rubbed her forehead gently in an effort to ease the headache that hadn't wanted to go away for days. She knew it was tension, and that she could go to her own bloody spa and have that taken care of....but each time she went in to her quarters the tension ramped up again. There was a single flashing mote of light on her PADD that was causing her so much anxiety that she couldn't even fathom how to begin dealing with it. It caused her guts to roil in a way they hadn't since the last time she'd had gagh. Klingon food notwithstanding, the flashing light was next to the open inquiry from her private investigator.

Her DNA had been in their system for years, and they'd been tracking down the mystery of her birth father and his side of the family for many years. She'd expressed interest in knowing her own personal history, even though her siblings didn't want to know. Actually Alexia had wanted to know from the moment that she'd found out the truth; that she'd been abandoned and that her mother wasn't her biological mother. Why had she been abandoned by her father? Did he even know about her? What were the circumstances behind her birth that had led to her being adopted? Every bit of her ached for the truth. Even if it was a negative experience, she still wanted to KNOW. She knew that her birth mother had been arrested for using Venus dust, and that when she'd been released from prison she'd never showed up to collect her daughters. Alexia and her half-sisters had then been officially adopted by the Reddings. The sequencing itself had taken no time at all, but the database comparisons had been both lengthy and expensive to acquire, as the Starfleet database itself wasn't designed for that.

Money hadn't been a problem as the Reddings were quite wealthy and they'd offered their daughters everything they'd wanted and Alexia had saved her credits rather than spend them on trivialities. The idea that he'd found something brought her up short as her eyes watched the yellow dot flash on, and off again. It had been 3 days of it flashing in her off hours and it was beginning to drive her mad.

Match found: 95% likelihood. Father.
Match found: 94% Likelyhood. Sibling- Male.
Match found: 83% likelihood. Sibling- Male Paternal only.

"I have more siblings?"


"Are they able to be identified?"

"Affirmative. Identifications already made, withheld due to Diplomatic privacy laws in place on Corvus."


"Colony planet in the Arelius sector. 4th planet around a G2V type yellow dwarf star. Planet and 2 of 3 moons are colonized and classified as agricultural. Corvus holds 2 seats on the Federation council, having been admitted to the Federation in 2340. "

Chewing her lip, Alexia wondered which of them was a diplomat, and how highly ranked they were to invoke privacy laws. Did she really want this information? She had her spa and her life, did she HAVE to know the rest about her past? Would it make her happier if she did know?

"What do Corvus's Diplomatic Privacy Laws entail?"

"Further information requires contacting Corvus II directly. An explanation of the inquiry has already been sent to Corvus II in accordance with local laws."

"WHAT?!" Alexia shouted at the computer, knocking her glass from the armrest of the chair and spilling its contents across the tile.

"Further information requires contacting Corvus II directly. An explanation of the inquiry has already been sent to Corvus II in accordance with local laws."

"I heard you. Why wasn't I informed before the information of my personal inquiry was sent to Corvus II?"

"Such inquiries are automatically sent in accordance with planetary laws."

"Have any laws been violated with my inquiry?"


"Thank goodness for that."


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Comments (1)

By on Sun 24th May, 2020 @ 5:17am

What a great teaser to finding out more about Alexia. Thanks for coming up with an intriguing, and oh so human, arc!