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Humans Bearing Gifts, Part 1

Posted on Fri 15th May, 2020 @ 4:44am by Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels & Makila i'Hartelhai
Edited on on Sun 24th May, 2020 @ 5:26am

759 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Dr. s'Siedhri's Home, River Village
Timeline: MD-9

Kellian Michaels headed into the River Village with a parcel under one arm. He mentally reviewed his directions for getting to Dr. s'Siedhri's office. He checked to see if anyone was in but found the lighting off. Makila's father must still be working the late shift in Brown Sector. He walked around to the back, finding the garden and home that Makila had mentioned. So this was what a Romulan garden looked like. Pretty, he thought as he studied the almost geometrical layout and the vegetables and flowers he was unfamiliar with. Kellian walked to the door and rang the chime.

He'd changed out of his uniform and wore jeans and a security department t-shirt. He'd thought that perhaps coming by in uniform after business hours might be a bit much, but the shirt was a trifle more formal than outright civilian wear.

Makila was singing along with the random selection she had going, as she worked in the house. Her fingers were wrapped around a stylus as she took notes from multiple sources and turned them into a research paper about Ethics. It was a fascinating subject for her as she'd been exposed to the cultural mores of many peoples, and had been able to pick and choose for herself where she sat on the spectrum. The chime startled her, and she rose barefooted to answer the door, smoothing the green and silver wrap skirt that fell to her knees and the black tank top she was currently wearing.

Black, green, and silver looked good on her, Kellian thought as Makila opened the door. And then, of course, he blanked on her surname. i'Harta--What was it? Rather than stand in the doorway looking like an idiot, Kellian smiled and addressed her by the name he could remember. "Hello, Makila. I'm Lt. Michaels. We met the other day."

"Indeed we did. Come in, please. Can I get you something?" She gestured to her small refrigeration unit which held a carafe of something red with slices of earth herbs and fruits in it. An orange and cherries were both visible, as well as lime and mint.

"Whatever that is looks delicious," Kellian said. "Thank you."

"It tastes I am told like a mixture between Earth Sangria and Lemonade. I am quite taken with it." grinning at him she poured them both a glass. Raising her own glass to him, she raised it to glistening lips and sipped softly.

Kellian sniffed the bouquet, then raised his glass to Makila in return and sipped from it. "That's good and refreshing," he said, pleasantly surprised, as he tasted the cool liquid. "Is it a Romulan beverage?"

"It's close to one, according to Father. He tried for many years to find a flavor combination that was close to his favorite summer beverage." she raised her shoulder in a half shrug. "He's still trying to reach perfection, but he does like this one. "

"In the part of Earth where I come from, Pennsylvania, we drink iced carbonated drinks in the summers. This tastes a lot like sangria, though, which is a fruity wine beverage from another part of Earth, called Spain," Kellian said.

"I should like to try that some time." Makila said after a moment of thought, her smile warming her face again as she sipped her own drink. "I am eagerly anticipating when he finds the beverage that is close enough. Many Romulan things he knows I have never experienced, though I've heard rumor that the Ambassador has some plants and cuttings that make things taste...Romulan."

Kellian chuckled at the idea of Makila's father experimenting until he found whatever combination of ingredients was just right. "My Dad is that picky about his briefcases. He finally custom-designed one on the replicator so it would have all the little pockets and compartments he wanted, and that's the only design he's used, ever since. I was a teenager at the time, and all I could do was roll my eyes."

"What is a briefcase?" A puzzled tone colored her voice, she'd never heard the term before and was curious as to what it could be since it needed to have pockets and compartments.

"It's a thing to hold your business-related PADDs and styluses in. My Dad also likes the occasional ink pen and paper notebook, and he also has a book tablet that he likes to read. He keeps all of that inside." Kellian took another sip of the sangria-like drink. "Shall I show you the security system you asked about?"


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Comments (2)

By on Sun 24th May, 2020 @ 5:30am

It's always a pleasure to see Mikila interact with other members of the crew. She's building depth with every post I read, and I love that she's become as much PC as her father.

By on Sun 24th May, 2020 @ 5:31am

Ooops! I knew I was misspelling Makila some way! Sorry.