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Welcoming Committee

Posted on Sat 18th Jul, 2020 @ 11:52am by Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Li Kainon & Makila i'Hartelhai
Edited on on Fri 24th Jul, 2020 @ 6:10am

1,431 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Brown Sector
Timeline: MD: ?

Romulans didn’t show up in Brown Sector that often, which made the new arrivals stand out when they opened up their free clinic. There were a few Romulans who’d come through following various tragedies, but even so, they weren’t nearly as plentiful as the Humans and Bajorans that made up a large portion of the civilians down here. Their clinic was near the market, where there was plenty of foot traffic. He’d heard from several people that they’d had a couple patients, but the people in Brown Sector didn’t easily start seeing doctors who just showed up. More than once, they’d had reason not to trust strangers offering help. Kainon headed towards the office, casual as he wandered through the door with his hands in his pockets, but always looking out for anything that stood out to him as trouble.

Makila was quietly checking people in and taking patients through to the exam rooms. These were repeat customers, the vast majority of them having come to one of Makila's clinics earlier in the week and her having determined that they needed to see the Doctor. The blatant suspicion she felt from him when he entered made her skin crawl. "Can I help you?"

"Hi," Kainon said, smiling as the woman looked up from her work. He nodded at one of the people in the waiting room, and they smiled at him.

"Sheriff Li," said the patient, a Rigelian named Sito. "Are you sick, too?"

"No," Kainon said, regretting being outed so quickly, but there was nothing to be done. "Just wanted to see the doctor. Say hello, you know." Kainon looked at the Romulan woman at the front desk. "Sorry to just drop in on you," he said.

Makila glanced at him, and looked away clearly doubting his sincerity on that remark and not hiding it at all. "I can get the Doctor for you, but you may have to wait until he's done seeing patients. "

“Soon as he can get a minute, I’d appreciate it. I won’t take up much of his time.” Kainon smiled at her. She was obviously suspicious of him, which he didn’t begrudge her. It went both ways, and at least she was honest enough not to hide it.

Makila disappeared into the back for a moment, and about a half hour later a patient emerged from the back and the older Romulan stuck his head out to look at the 'Sherrif'. Just what he needed, another self made authority to challenge his presence here. The threats had been halfhearted since everyone could see he was doing real good here, but he was tired of them. He was tired of the gangs patrolling to 'inspect' his operations. He was tired of the little incidents of violence, and having to patch them up for their antics. "Mr. Li?"

“That’s me,” Kainon said. “Doctor...s’Siedhri?” He’d only somewhat mangled the pronunciation. “I’ve heard you’ve been working down here for a little while, now. Thought I’d come by and say hello.” He looked around the office space. “You picked a nice spot, here. Hasn’t been anything in here since Ben Watkins died. That old man could fix anything you put in front of him.” He pointed at a small hole in the wall. “Except that. I got that trying to help him put in a cabinet there when I was thirteen. Swung a hammer right into that wall, missed the nail and the cabinet entirely.”

"I'd wondered, seems an odd thing to leave, but clearly it had sentimental value." He smiled gently and rubbed his browridges as if they ached. "My daughter seems to think you have ulterior motives for coming here. I do hope not, as I don't take kindly to such deceptions."

“Well, I’m afraid we don’t always have the luxury of coming at things head on down here, doctor,” Kainon said. “You want the truth, I did come to say hello, and also to figure out if you’re gonna stay. We’ve had ‘doctors’ come here before. You’ve heard of the type, I’m sure. People selling miracle cures, setting up medical trials for a low, low price. Some docs who just sell drugs. So, I wanted to get a look at you myself. That straight enough?”

"Quite." Khellian chuckled softly and gestured around. "Feel free to explore if you wish but there is nothing illicit going on here, nor will I be driven out by the minor threats I've received so far. They were only directed at me, as Makila has seemingly won the hearts of a couple of the major gangs here with her women's clinic. I was appalled when I was told of the state of things down here, and that Starfleet not only knew, they stood by and let the lower decks get ravaged by disease. I make plenty of money in my practice, to be able to provide my services gratis here."

Kainon looked at Makila, then back at Khellian. “I recommend you be careful with the gangs, doctor. They’ll be nice enough until you’re on the wrong side of something they want. Then they’ll become a real problem real fast. You two are outsiders here. That’ll make you fair game. There’s no minor threat in it.”

The hard edge of the Romulan came into view for a bare moment before it vanished under the enigmatic smile. "I am not concerned with that. I have dealt with worse."

“Everybody always says that,” Kainon muttered. The guy looked like he could handle himself well enough, but Kainon knew plenty of guys who could take care of themselves that ended up in the meat grinders of the gangs down here.

“Okay. I don’t know you. Say you have. You’ve faced down the worst the universe has to offer. These uneducated bumpkins swinging sticks aren’t anything to worry about. You think like that, you won’t see the real trouble coming. This is their territory, not yours. I’ve lived here every single second of my life, doctor. And I’ve been handling these guys way longer than you. Just listen to me when I say, be cautious. That’s all.“

"I am a Romulan, friend. I grew up with the Tal'Shiar and the false empress." He took a deep breath and smiled gently. "You can't trust your own mother on Romulus, nor your own opinions. While I am a doctor and revere life, I am just as capable of ending it as I am with prolonging it. I will take your warnings to heart though - as I fear for Makila's safety rather than my own."

“Well, at least somebody’ll listen to me today,” Kainon said. “That’s better than I usually get when I have to have this conversation. We don’t see many Romulans down here. Some people have lost their homes to Romulan actions. I don’t get into politics around here, I’m just warning you that some people might have an axe to grind. They see the Romulan before the person, you know? I get it with Bajorans and Cardassians, too.”

The change in Khellian's face was subtle, a hardening suspicious glint to his eyes and a slight tightening of his lips. "I am a Doctor, Mister Li. Here and now, I am nothing more than that. If people have axes to grind, I might suggest they take them to the blacksmith or security. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have patients to see."

Kainon raised his hands, sensing the shift in Khellian’s demeanor. “Sure, Doctor. Listen, if either of you need anything, I’ll give you my code. It goes to a private comm that I have set up. Me, or somebody else, can get here pretty fast if you need us. I’d appreciate it if there’s trouble, you let us handle it, but....” He shrugged. “We don’t always get what we want, right?”

"Indeed," was all Khellian would say.

Kainon looked between the Romulan and his daughter and looked for a moment as if he had something else to say. But Khellian had his way and Kainon got the sense he’d be as stubborn as they got. “Have a good day,” he finally said, turning to go. “I’m sure we’ll see each other again.”

Makila twiddled her fingers at him, and nodded. "I know we will, come back anytime."


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 24th Jul, 2020 @ 6:11am

Oh, I like the interaction! Much more what the Sheriff expected than not, I think. Thanks!