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Sat 18th Jul, 2020 @ 11:52am

Li Kainon

Name Li Kainon

Position Sheriff

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bajoran
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5’11”
Weight 170 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Kainon is a largely forgettable man if you were to run into him on the base. Average height, a little on the stout side, with shaggy black hair and a thick black beard. He has a crooked smile that he deploys often, and a somewhat mischievous glint in his eyes at any given time. His clothes are casual and a little rough, focused on utilitarianism and comfort more than style.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Li Vintu (Deceased)
Mother Li Dara
Brother(s) Elijah Hawes (Stepbrother)
Sister(s) Li Carina (Half-Sister)
Other Family Peter Hawes (Stepfather)
Delano Hawes (Nephew)
Amanda Hawes (Niece)

Personality & Traits

General Overview You wouldn’t think Kainon to be such an angry person until you got to know him. He’s a personable man, somebody who enjoys talking with other people. On any given day, he can be found wandering the maze of corridors and narrow passages that make up the bulk of Brown Sector, charting with anybody he comes across. He’s got a genuine love of his fellow citizens, and does anything in his power to help make their lives a little better.

Underneath that, Kainon contends with a simmering rage at the unfairness and injustice he frequently sees connected to the Brown Sector. He’s fiercely protective of his territory, and doesn’t care if he rubs people the wrong way to take care of them. He’s got a strong sense of fairness and justice, but as far as he’s concerned they need to rely on themselves. He distrusts any outsider coming into Brown Sector, and it’s not easy to earn his trust. He’s a compassionate man, but that’s tempered by his desire to do what’s best for his community.
Strengths & Weaknesses Kainon has a strong sense of civic pride and duty borne out of a sense of community in Brown Sector. He’s good at making connections with the people under his care, and he’s generally well-liked. He’s a natural observer, with a sharp mind that he keeps hidden under a shabby, personable exterior. His mother provided him with plenty of combat training related to his position, and he’s a very talented brawler when the situation calls for it, though there’s no art in his application of violence. He knows every nook and cranny in Brown Sector and can get around there better than almost anybody.

His pride in his territory means that he also has a very low tolerance for anybody else. Anybody who isn’t a refugee, who doesn’t need help, is immediately viewed with suspicion bordering on hostility. He remembers the bad times with the FCDA, when smugglers and criminals practically swarmed the sector and caused plenty of problems. As sheriff, Kainon has been up on the station proper plenty of times, and knows the price that’s paid for people there to live so well while ignoring the problems down below. His temper can be quickly and violently triggered by anybody who endangers the Sector.
Ambitions Kainon’s ambitions are really to see Brown Sector flourish even more, and he considers his job an important part of that. He wants people to do well, to get better jobs and bring in more money, and though he wouldn’t admit it, to even make Brown Sector a place of pride for the whole Starbase. Besides that, he enjoys his job. Sometimes, he thinks about what it would be like if he could apply his talents in a larger field, but he also knows that people need him where he is.
Hobbies & Interests Kainon is pretty good with a computer, and earns a little extra money on the side doing some low-level programming work. Besides that, Kainon is a heavy reader, and will read almost anything he can get his hands on. When he’s been drinking a bit, Kainon becomes a barstool philosopher, and is willing to tell anybody his opinion on just about anything.

Personal History Kainon was born in the Rakantha Province in Bajor, though he remembers little of his home planet. His mother and father were both members of the Resistance, and his conception came as a bit of an unfortunate surprise. Things on Bajor at that time were growing more unstable and chaotic by the day, as Cardassia’s hold on the planet became more tenuous and their response more violently cruel.

When Kainon was almost two years old, his father was almost caught and killed by Cardassian agents, and they had to make the hard choice to leave their home planet even as they knew freedom had to be coming. They smuggled themselves offworld with a group of other refugees, heading for the safety of Federation space. It would be several months before they’d reach a safe Starbase, and during the trip, Kainon’s father was killed in an accident on the battered freighter.

The families arrived at Starbase 109, battered and scared, but a small community of refugees had already been growing there, in Brown Sector. Kainon’s mother took a small room with another single mother, and proceeded to mourn her husband. Kainon remembers those days as quiet tense. His mother was distant, struggling with the urge to return to Bajor, with the loss of her husband, and the responsibility of caring for a small child. Kainon was a smart child, and well-liked by most people in the Sector.

Kainon’s new home could be a rough, cramped place, but it was his. He spent hours exploring the twists and turns of the Sector, learning it inside and out. When he started going to the small school, he proved to be a good student, sharp and quick to learn. He had more than his fair share of squabbles outside of class, however, and seemed almost pathologically unwilling to back down from a fight. His mother didn’t discourage these qualities in her son, and taught him how to throw a mean left hook.

By the time the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor was over, both mother and son had made a life in Brown Sector. Dara had met a human colonist named Peter Hawes, and his older son Eli, and eventually they had a daughter together, Carina. They became a family, though there was always some tension between Eli and Kainon.

During this time, the FCDA took over and life on the Starbase got harder than usual. Food became scarce. The farmers and agriculturalists managed to find ways to stretch their food out, but it wasn’t easy. Some people left, stowing away on freighters or smuggling ships, anything to get away. A robust black market exploded around the Brown Sector as a smugglers took advantage of the new lawlessness. It was a chaotic time for the community, where the smugglers and criminals started to take over. During this time, a community watch program sprang up, under Dara’s direction. She helped to keep the refugees together and keep the Sector from descending into a criminal zone.

There were frequent clashes between smugglers and refugees, just as the money they offered brought many refugees over to the smugglers’ side. There were years of tension that Kainon recalls, and he took part in more than one brawl as a teenager to expel certain undesirable criminals from the sector.

By the time Starfleet came back and took control of the Starbase again, Kainon’s mother was elected Sheriff of Brown Sector. It was a position of respect, and she ensured that things ran smoothly in the Sector. There were always people looking to take advantage of the refugees there, and it was her job to ensure people were taken care of. When Kainon was old enough, he worked as a deputy for his mother, and eventually became a valued member of the community in his own right.

She served as sheriff for six years before she decided to retire to something else. Kainon stayed on with the sheriff after, and when he decided he didn’t want the job again after his first term, Kainon was more surprised than anybody else when he was nominated and subsequently elected as the new sheriff.