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A Tale Of Two Cultures

Posted on Wed 5th Dec, 2012 @ 12:03am by Lieutenant JG Sir Edward Lawrence XII Duke of Oaksley & Commander Brian Windsong

451 words; about a 2 minute read

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Timeline: Current

Brian was feeling pretty good. Things were going well with his relationships. Things were continuing to devlop between him and Samantha and is frienship with Paul was deepening. It had not yet gotten physical with Paul and he wasn't sure if it every would. He didn't want to spoil things with Sam and being a human she was unlikely to understand, much less accept what many on her homeworld called an open relationship that was so commonplace within his culture.

Wicker lay underneath the table curled around his feet. He had finished his Chicken Marsala and about half the bottle of wine and was beginnning to feel a comfortabl buzz when something else caught his attention. There was somebody approaching his table. A presence he did not recognize.

He cocked his head slightly as the man approached his table.

Lawrence approached table, this was a meeting he had been looking forward to, the culture clash that was about to ensue was all too evident to everyone in 10 foward, the stiff, riged, Brit with powederd wig and sword and the base's Chief Diplomat who was the polar opposite of rigid

Brian smiled at the man. Being sightless he could not see what he looked like and would have been to polite to laugh if he had been able too. "Could I help you?" he asked.

“Actualy Commander it is I how can help you. I am Lieutenant JG Sir Edward Lawrence XII Earl of Oaksley I run the Tactical and Strategic Operations department, so I think we will be working together a lot, so perhaps you bring me up to speed on the upcoming talks.” Lawrence replied

Brian gave him a blank look. "What talks would that be Lieutenant? As far as I know there are no talks. We have Captain Dobbs and the members of his crew here, but they are all Star Fleet. Do you know something that I don't?"

"Just whispers that some very impotant diplomatic talks were to take place here in the near future but snice you seem to know nothing about It likely that whispers is all that will become it." Lawrence replied.

"Well you're right, probably just whispers and after the last fiasco I think I'm rather glad we don't have anything coming up right away."

"Well if you here anything new please let me know, now I'm afaird I cut our meeting short so much to do so little time." Lawrence said as turned to exit.

Brian just shook his head slowly as he heard the man walk away

Lt. Commander Brian Windsong
cheif Diplomatic Officer
SB Protector

Lieuteant JG Sir Edward Lawrence XII duke of Oaksley
Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer
SB Protector


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