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Wed 13th Feb, 2013 @ 1:20am

Lieutenant JG Sir Edward Lawrence XII Duke of Oaksley

Name Sir Edward Lawrence XII Duke of Oaksley

Position Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human{Brittish}
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 6ft 1in
Weight 200lbs
Hair Color Brown/white wig
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Height 6’ 1” Weight 200 lbs. He is tall; board shouldered, square chinned, neatly clean shaven, brown piercing eyes, face almost always in a scowl. He always carries a replicated naval sword like his ancestors and he keeps the real one on prominent display in his quarters. Brown hair but usually wears the traditional white wig. He always stands up straight his very presence commands respect.


Spouse N/A
Children none
Father Sir Edward Lawrence XI Duke of Oaksey{deceased}
Mother Lady Victoria Albrttion
Brother(s) James, John, and Richard {all Starfleet marines}
Sister(s) Lady Katie Massey

Personality & Traits

General Overview He can be mean and a harsh disciplinarian as well if you cross him, he is hard and a bit of taskmaster, but if you ask he will help. He holds tradition and customs in high regard. He was very disciplined and aspects the same for his underlings, and if you don’t meet his expectations you life will be hard and very uncomfortable until you do or you transfer to another post with has happened on more than a few Occasions. He is very disciplined and firm in harsh discipline for seeming minor infractions, he is also ridged and yet remarkably adaptable when need bee his tries balance out the needs of mission and his “men” but will sacrifice them for mission as a last resort to accomplish the mission.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Experience
+Dedication to duty
+Knowledge of Naval tactics
+Skill in swordplay and close quarter combat.
+Skilled tactician
+above average gunner

-Belief in British superiority
- Adherence the rules of war
- Stern
- Harsh

-will sacrifice “men” to complete the mission if needed
Ambitions Short term- command his own ship

Long term- To rise to rank of Admiral
Hobbies & Interests Fencing, target practice, hunting, classical music, British history, Naval history, tactics, old British navy holodeck programs from back when used wooden sailing ships.

Personal History officers he was a natural Warrior and sailor his ancestors were some of the most famous British officers in history including Charles Lawrence and captain James Lawrence and like his ancestors he was bound and devoted King and country, and British naval tradition at the age 17 seventeen he like countless generations of his family before him was accepted into the British Royal Navy as a Midshipman. During his stay in British royal Navy He made the rank of lieutenant commander before Starfleet caught his eye in his early 20’s he enrolled at Starfleet academy his stiffness and ridged routine and hard nosed discipline and devotion to tradition made him a out cast from most of his younger counter parts but his experience and knowledge of combat tactics was second to none. His sound year in the academy he was reprimanded for dueling with another cadet who had accused! his great great Grand father Captain Sir Edward Lawrence of cowardice at the battle of point macaw of the coast Cuba some 130 years ago Lawrence was armed with a replica of his ancestor’s naval sword and wounded the other cadet very badly. Subsequently he went on to before academy fencing champion in 3rd and 4th years. He graduated first in class from the command course and given his experience, he was the only cadet to be commissioned as a Lieutenant. He several low-level command assignments before he was given the post of executive officer. Because of skill in boarding tactics as other combat he was also sent through marine training where he did very well this means he cam serve as a marine officer or naval tactical officer. He also is very organized, and did extremity well in booth the strategic operations, and operations officer course, his dedication to the service, and command expertise among other traits make him an excellent choice for Executive or second officer.
Service Record 2346- Born in London, England

2359- Applied and accepted to the Royal Naval Academy

2362- Master degree in Management from Cambridge

2363- Graduated from the Royal Naval Academy and accepted as a midshipman on HMS Cornwallis

2365- Promoted to Ensign

2368- Promoted Lieutenant

2372- Promoted to Lieutenant Commander and given command of the HMS Hotspur

2377- Enrolled in Starfleet academy

2381- Gradated from Starfleet academy with a duel specialty in tactics and command first cadet to commission as Lieutenant JG instead of Ensign.

2381- Assigned as strategic operations officer USS Florida

2382- Reassigned as Mission Advisor USS Sarack

2383- Reassigned as Assistant chief Staergetic operations officer USS Sarack

2384- Reassigned as Chief Strategic operations Officer USS USS Wain

2388- Reassigned as Assistant Chief Tactical & Staergetic operations officer Starbase Protector