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We've Found....Something

Posted on Wed 15th Apr, 2020 @ 2:16am by Krell House of Mer'uk & T'Vala
Edited on on Sun 9th Aug, 2020 @ 10:57pm

972 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Thought to be near Oblivion, but it's a Pirate base
Timeline: MD: 9 2100 hours

The alarm sounded on Krell's arm panel causing him to look down after it broke his thoughts. A couple of ships passing very close to the d'k tahg on their to what was ahead. "That was pretty close." He said to Lieutenant Regos.

"A little close for my comfort," she answered from the tactical console she was manning while others were having a meal.

He activated the comm system "We're getting close, everyone to your stations."

T'Vala still didn't have a "station," but she wanted to be of help. She saved her work, locked her data pad, and headed back to the bridge.

Lissi sat at the station until it's rightful operator entered the bridge, and then she stood up and moved back to her station behind the Klingon ambassador, mentally noting that neither of them had taken a break or eaten. Hopefully, they'd be alive to enjoy both after whatever happened next. She nodded at the Vulcan woman as she re-entered the bridge.

T'Vala nodded back. She, too, waited to see what positions needed filling before sitting down. She glanced from Lissi to Krell. "Have either of you eaten?" she asked quietly.

Krell glanced her way, but ignored her question. Regos just shook her head.

The Bridge crew quickly took their stations as another ship overtook them and passed them by.

"Captain, the ships are heading into an Emission nebula, that's is where the massive grouping of ships is located." She turned in her seat, "This could be the fabled Oblivion."

"Take us in, slowly." Krell ordered.

"Sir, the cloaking device will not work in the nebula, they will see us." The tactical officer said.

"Then take us in close enough to conduct extensive scans. We have to find out what they are doing with Klingons." Krell said and the small cruiser entered the nebula. As predicted, the cloak was useless.

"We should be able to get some scans in about five minutes." The tactical officer said and for a little bit the Klingon ship was ignored. Were they being watched to see what they would do or were they simply thought of as just another pirate ship?

Five minutes... Not enough time for the Vulcan to get them food. She should have brought something with her when she returned to the bridge.

"Now that our cloak doesn't work, we will see if they let us take our scans and escape." Krell said.

About five minutes later they were close enough to get some scans of how the pirate base was constructed and where most of the labs and holding cells were, but that's all they had time for, because now they had company.

"I don't think it's Oblivion, Ambassador," Regos said. Everything I've heard about it makes it sound ancient or constructed from outdated ships. This is too new and modern. It actually looks like a space station of --"

"Sir, there are several heavily armed ships on an intercept course," the tactical officer interrupted as he watched his console.

Krell glanced over at the Vulcan Ambassador, T'Vala, and he remembered his promise not to put her in any unnecessary danger. "Get us out of here, maximum speed!"

The helmsman turned the small ship around and headed for the edge of the nebula as quickly as possible. Their best asset, the cloak, was useless at the moment, and they needed it if they were to survive.

The other ships began to fire their weapons to disable the small Klingon vessel, but the nebula interfered with their targeting sensors.

T'Vala took an unused science station and collected as much data as she could on the ships attacking them.

"Pilot, you had better get us out of here before that weapons fire connects. The Vulcan government will have your behind if anything happens to Ambassador T'Vala, and I would be very upset with you as well."

"Yes, Captain," the pilot said as the small ship darted around making it nearly impossible for the other ships to hit it with their weapons. "We're nearly out of the nebula. 30 seconds," he added.

The Vulcan in question thought it more likely they'd be displeased that she put herself in this position. It was most irregular for an ambassador. She glanced at Krell. Well, a Vulcan ambassador. She wasn't sure if she should be flattered by Krell's words or exacerbated that he used her as a reason to get them out of danger. In the end, she had to admit to herself that she found it humorous.

Lissi held her breath without realizing it. Several shots were close enough to cause small shock waves to hit the ship, because of all the particles in the nebula field. The pilot was either extremely lucky, or really, really good at his job ... and maybe both!

"We're clear of the nebula," the pilot said.

"Engage the cloak," Krell ordered then added, "Got to warp 7, heading 114 mark 10."

"Cloak engaged," the Tactical Officer said.

The pilot punched in the new heading and speed. "Warp 7, engaged," he replied, and the invisible ship was gone safely away.

"Captain, if I may speak?" the Science Officer asked.

Krell turned to her and nodded.

"That's not Oblivian, it's simply a strong pirate base that we have come upon."

"Are you certain of this?" Krell asked. He needed to be sure before he contacted SB109 and he trusted this Science Officer since he had known her for a long time.

"Yes, Captain, I am very certain," she replied.

Regos breathed a sigh of relief when she realized the science officer's knowledge, wherever it originated, would keep her from having to explain how she knew anything about Oblivion. Knowledge withheld was knowledge that could be used another time.

Krell nodded, "Very well, in my report, it will be explained as a pirate base."


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